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- Vishnu prasad S
Manoj H P
Hemanth Krishna Kommu
• Soil Nail is a procedure to reinforce and strengthen ground adjacent
to an excavation by installing closely spaced steel bars called Nails, as
construction proceeds from top down

• It is an effective and economical method of

constructing retaining wall for excavation support,
support of hill cuts, bridge abutments and high ways
• Excavation
Excavation done to a depth which face excavation is a able
to remain unsupported for some time.
• Drilling Nail Holes
Holes of 100-300 mm are drilled to specific length and
• Nail Installation
Nails are inserted in predrilled holes and filled with cement
• Construction of Wall facing
Temporary wall facing to protect excavated face and to fill
voids and cracks in the face
Pull-out Failures

• Happens due to insufficient embedded

length into resistant zone to
resist the destabilizing force
*insert pic*
• To prevent failure properly grout
the entire nail length
Nail Tendon Failure

• Results from inadequate tensile

strength of nails to provide the
resistant force to stabilize slopes

• Governed by diameter and grade of steel

Face Failure

• Excessive Earth Pressure acting

causes face failure

• Provide adequate shotcrete thickness

• Installation is rapid and uses less construction materials
• Causes less environmental impact
• Soil nail walls are flexible and therefore perform well compared to
other techniques
• The equipment used are highly portable and can easily fit small
• Construction causes less noise and traffic obstruction on highways
• Less impact on nearby properties

• Requires specialized and experienced workers

• Not suited where large amount of groundwater seeps into excavation
• Soil must be able to stand unsupported while it is being nailed and
before shotcrete application

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