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Mail Merge: A Powerful Tool for Communicating Data to Families

Katie Newmark – DC Data Summit – July 14, 2016


1) Introductions
2) Why is it important to communicate student data to families?
3) Exemplar data letters
4) Mail merge: the basics
5) Mail merge: a little fancier
Why is it important to communicate student data to families?

• Objective basis for discussing students

• Inform families about student achievement, growth, goals, next steps
• Educate families about assessment, content, teaching strategies
• Increase parent engagement – how they can help at home
• Strengthens alignment between home and school – united front
• Opens dialogue
• Parents want to know!
Exemplar data letters: what features did you like?

• Narrow focus
• Limited jargon, explanations for key terms
• Ways to help at home
• Personalized
• Targeted
Mail merge: the basics

Mail merge is used to create a set of documents for many

people. Each document has the same information, but the
content is personalized.
Mail merge: the basics

STEP 1: Create Excel file

• One row for each student
• One column for each bit of data
• Label each column

You try!
In the sample Excel workbook,
1) Add data for another student.
2) Add data about the homework completion rate for all
students (ex: 82).
Mail merge: the basics

STEP 2: Create Word document

• Write and format letter as usual
• Put a placeholder word where you want the
personalized information to go (ex: “NAME”, “SCORE”)

You try!
In the sample Word document,
o Add a sentence below the table that will include
personalized information about each student’s
homework completion.
Mail merge: the basics

STEP 3: Mail merge

• Mailings > Start Mail Merge > Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard
Mail merge: the basics

Summary of mail merge steps (in Word)

1) Select document type: Letters
2) Select starting document: Use the current document
3) Select recipients: Use an existing list
a) Browse: select Excel file
b) May want to sort or filter
4) Write your letter: insert merge fields
5) Preview your letter
6) Complete the merge: Edit individual letters
Mail merge: a little fancier

FANCY TRICK #1: Use if/then logic in Excel to further

customize the data

Create new fields with formulas in this format:

=if(logical test, value if true, value if false)

Statement using =, <, or >

Mail merge: a little fancier

EXAMPLE: Add gender-specific pronouns

In Excel

In cell J2:
=if(logical test, value if true, value if false)
=if(d2=“M”, “his”, “her”)

Fill down by dragging or double-clicking bottom right corner

of the cell. Save!
Mail merge: a little fancier

EXAMPLE: Add gender-specific pronouns

In Word

1) Go back to selecting recipients – select again

2) Revise letter
3) Insert the new merge field
4) Complete mail merge again
Mail merge: a little fancier
ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Add student-specific descriptions or action steps
Mail merge: a little fancier
ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Add student-specific descriptions or action steps

In Excel

In cell K2:
=if(logical test, value if true, value if false)
=if(i2>90, “Keep up the good work!”, “Homework is an important
way to practice skills learned in class. Encourage your student to stay
after school for extra help with homework.”)

Fill down by dragging or double-clicking bottom right corner

of the cell. Save!
Mail merge: a little fancier
ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Add student-specific descriptions or action steps

In Word

1) Go back to selecting recipients – select again

2) Revise letter
3) Insert the new merge field
4) Complete mail merge again
Mail merge: a little fancier

FANCY TRICK #2: Add check marks or other symbols

Mail merge: a little fancier
Mail merge: a little fancier

FANCY TRICK #2: Add check marks or other symbols

In Excel

In cell L2:
=if(logical test, value if true, value if false)
=if(g2>90, “J”, “”)

Fill down by dragging or double-clicking bottom right corner

of the cell. Save!
Mail merge: a little fancier

FANCY TRICK #2: Add check marks or other symbols

In Word

1) Go back to selecting recipients – select again

2) Revise letter
3) Insert the new merge field in the correct font
4) Complete mail merge again
Mail merge: a little fancier

You try!
Pick one of our fancy tricks:
o Add gender-specific pronouns
o Add student-specific descriptions or action steps
o Add check marks or another symbol
• What did you find helpful from this presentation?
• What would you have changed?
• Any questions? (Include your contact info.)

Or contact me later:
Katie Newmark

Feedback & Questions

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