ConcreteDrawingProduction ProConcreteS7

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ProConcrete SS7: Concrete Drawing Production:

An Introduction/Quick-Start, with ‘Best Practices’ Recommendations

© 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory (4 min)

Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (11 min)
Part 3) Basic components of Dynamic Views (23 min)
Part 4) Dynamic Views and Drawing Composition (11 min)

Part 5) 2d Rebar: Bar Labeling and Symbolization (14 min)

Part 6) 3d Modeling Best Practices (to enhance drawing quality and ease-of-use) (11 min)
Part 7) Printing/Plotting and Publishing to mobile devices (10 min)
Part 8) Customization and Dynamic View Setup/project administrator (4 min)

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Approach: All drawing production (no modeling, no schedules).

Build used: PowerProStructures (SS7)
Seed file: \WorkSpace\ProStructures\Seeds\Imperial3d.dgn
Layout: This presentation is also available as a .ppt with embedded videos.

Simple model used:

Output: ProjectPackage.pdf

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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory (4 min)

Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (11 min)
Part 3) Basic components of Dynamic Views (23 min)
Part 4) Dynamic Views and Drawing Composition (11 min)

Part 5) 2d Rebar: Bar Labeling and Symbolization (14 min)

Part 6) 3d Modeling Best Practices (to enhance drawing quality and ease-of-use) (11 min)
Part 7) Printing/Plotting and Publishing to mobile devices (10 min)
Part 8) Customization and Dynamic View Setup/project administrator (4 min)

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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory

• Structural steel Design drawings

(general arrangements), steel
placing drawings, Shop drawings
(AISC shown – similar world-wide):

• Concrete Design drawings and

rebar placing drawings (CRSI
shown – similar world-wide):

“Reinforcing bar placing drawings… provide the details and placing instructions so
that the ironworkers can set the reinforcing bars into place in the formwork”.

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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory

• Some structural software products use the same workflow for structural steel
drawings and concrete drawings:
– Structural steel fabrication drawings are a combination of design drawings, single part
drawings + placing drawings.
– Concrete drawing production:
• Design drawings convey design intent of concrete and rebar
• Rebar typically fabricated from bar schedules and/or bar tags
• Rebar placing drawings are for placing rebar and often re-use the design drawings

• Bentley’s Rebar2PC project (2013-2014): Driver: Concrete Drawing Production

– Need to display, label, dimension concrete shapes like a user wants to.
– Need to display, label, dimension rebar like a user wants to.
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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory

• Structural steel: DetailCenter

• Concrete: Dynamic Views and


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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory

• Beginning with (Power) ProStructures SS7: Dynamic Views are the

recommended best-practice method for producing drawings for concrete and
rebar drawings.

• DetailCenter remains the recommended best practice to produce steel fabrication

drawings (and remains an option for concrete drawing production as well). Note:
for precast concrete panels and other similar concrete objects, DetailCenter may
be the best option.

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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory
ProConcrete SS7 provides two methods of displaying 3D rebar in drawings:
1) 2D views of the 3D rebar without any symbolization (drawing on left below)
2) 2D symbolic graphics (drawing on right below)

Drawing with 3D rebar shown Drawing with 2D symbolic rebar shown

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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory (4 min)

Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (11 min)
Part 3) Basic components of Dynamic Views (23 min)
Part 4) Dynamic Views and Drawing Composition (11 min)

Part 5) 2d Rebar: Bar Labeling and Symbolization (14 min)

Part 6) 3d Modeling Best Practices (to enhance drawing quality and ease-of-use) (11 min)
Part 7) Printing/Plotting and Publishing to mobile devices (10 min)
Part 8) Customization and Dynamic View Setup/project administrator (4 min)

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Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow
Definition of “Dynamic Views”: (source: MicroStation Help file):

Dynamic Views is a general name that encompasses several related technologies

which share a common goal of making model analysis and documentation more
interactive and intuitive.

Gone are the days when designs were just static [snapshot] views. They are
replaced by the ability to create live, intelligent sections of a design composition that
update automatically (through the use of detailing symbols with fields and links) as
the design evolves.

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Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (Terms)

Dynamic Views: Terms and Definitions

Design Drawing Sheet

Model Annotation

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Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (Terms)

Dynamic Views: Terms and Definitions

Design Drawing Sheet

Model Annotation

Design Model: The 3D BIM model (.dgn)

Drawing Model: A 2D model container in which a
Dynamic View is stored.
Sheet Model: A 2D or 3D model container that typically
includes a referenced sheet border.

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Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (Terms)

Dynamic Views: Terms and Definitions

Design Drawing Sheet

Model Annotation

Design Model:
Drawing Model:

Sheet Model:

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Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (Terms)

Dynamic Views: Terms and Definitions

Design Drawing Sheet

Model Annotation

Design Annotation: 3D labels, model annotation

Drawing Annotation: Labels, dimensions, notes, callouts
appropriate for a drawing (includes 2D
symbolic rebar labels and dimensions)
Sheet Annotation: Only the notes, labels, callouts appropriate for
a sheet (general notes, sheet name)
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Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (Terms)

Dynamic Views: Terms and Definitions

Design Drawing Sheet

Model Annotation

Design Annotation: 3D labels, model annotation

Drawing Annotation: Labels, dimensions, notes, callouts
appropriate for a drawing (includes 2D
symbolic rebar labels and dimensions)
Sheet Annotation: Only the notes, labels, callouts appropriate for
a sheet (general notes, sheet name)
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Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (Terms)

Dynamic Views: Terms and Definitions

Design Drawing Sheet

Model Annotation

Design Annotation: 3D labels, model annotation

Drawing Annotation: Labels, dimensions, notes, callouts
appropriate for a drawing (includes 2D
symbolic rebar labels and dimensions)
Sheet Annotation: Only the notes, labels, callouts appropriate for
a sheet (general notes, sheet name)
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ProConcrete Workflow (Modeling)

3D DGN File • All Rebar in ProConcrete must belong to a

concrete object - either a ProConcrete
parametric object or a promoted solid.
• In the SS7 release, the 3D Rebar and the
concrete object must be placed in the same
DGN file.
• Rebar may protrude outside the extents of it’s
owner concrete (including entirely outside), and
may extend over multiple other concrete objects.
• Concrete and Rebar objects both have their own
levels( ) colors, line weights, etc.

18 | WWW.BENTLEY.COM | © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated Parent Child (both reside in same DGN file)
Dynamic Views Workflow (ProConcrete)

3D DGN File • All Drawing models with 2D symbolic rebar

must be saved to the 3D DGN file
containing the concrete and rebar.

Leave this turned OFF

if you want 2D symbolic
rebar in DV’s.

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Dynamic Views Workflow (ProConcrete)

3D DGN File
• Drawing models with no 2D symbolic rebar
(3D only*) may be sent to another file

OK to use
Drawing Model DGN File

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* see speaker notes
Dynamic Views Workflow (ProConcrete)

Real-world Project Workflow: BIM Composite DGN

Project 2015:001 • Material lists/QTO
• Bar bending schedules
• Schedule simulation
DGN File 1 DGN File 2 DGN File 3 • Clash detection
• Printing/Plotting/
• Mobile app export

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Dynamic Views Workflow (ProConcrete)

Real-world Project Workflow: BIM Composite DGN

Project 2015:001 • Material lists/QTO
• Bar bending schedules
• Schedule simulation
DGN File 1 DGN File 2 DGN File 3 • Clash detection
• Printing/Plotting/
• Mobile app export

Sheet Composite DGN

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Dynamic Views Workflow (ProConcrete)

Real-world Project Workflow: BIM Composite DGN

Project 2015:001 • Material lists/QTO
• Bar bending schedules
• Schedule simulation
DGN File 1 DGN File 2 DGN File 3 • Clash detection
• Printing/Plotting/
• Mobile app export

Sheet Composite DGN

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Dynamic Views Workflow (ProConcrete)

Real-world Project Workflow: BIM Composite DGN

Project 2015:001
• Material lists/QTO
DGN File 1 DGN File 2 DGN File 3 • Bar bending schedules
• Schedule simulation
• Clash detection
• Printing/Plotting/
• Mobile app export

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Dynamic Views Workflow (ProConcrete)
Another real-world Project Workflow: BIM Composite DGN
Project 2015:002
• Material lists/QTO
DGN File 1 DGN File 2 DGN File 3 • Bar bending schedules
• Schedule simulation
• Clash detection
• Printing/Plotting/
• Mobile app export

DV’s with 2D symbolic rebar DV’s without 2D symbolic rebar (3d rebar only)

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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory (4 min)

Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (11 min)
Part 3) Basic components of Dynamic Views (23 min)
Part 4) Dynamic Views and Drawing Composition (11 min)

Part 5) 2d Rebar: Bar Labeling and Symbolization (14 min)

Part 6) 3d Modeling Best Practices (to enhance drawing quality and ease-of-use) (11 min)
Part 7) Printing/Plotting and Publishing to mobile devices (10 min)
Part 8) Customization and Dynamic View Setup/project administrator (4 min)

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Part 3) Basic Components of Dynamic Views:
3-1: Clip volumes and Fitted Sections:
• Clip Volume toolbox or window tool box (right click if not displayed)
• CV’s are construction elements and have levels, right-click Apply
• Handles, right-click/flip direction, stepped section clip volumes
3-2: Named Fences from Clip Volumes
• View attribute – Clip Volume on/off
3-3: Clip Volume View Attributes:
• Display styles for Forward, Back, Cut, Outside
3-4: Create Drawing from Clip Volume
3-5: Reference Files (learn Activate/Deactivate),
3-6: View groups, Models, Saved views (review)

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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory (4 min)

Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (11 min)
Part 3) Basic components of Dynamic Views (23 min)
Part 4) Dynamic Views and Drawing Composition (11 min)

Part 5) 2d Rebar: Bar Labeling and Symbolization (14 min)

Part 6) 3d Modeling Best Practices (to enhance drawing quality and ease-of-use) (11 min)
Part 7) Printing/Plotting and Publishing to mobile devices (10 min)
Part 8) Customization and Dynamic View Setup/project administrator (4 min)

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Part 4) Dynamic Views and Drawing Composition

4-1: Drawing composition commands

4-2: Drawing creation and Sheet creation
4-3: Dynamic Views and Project Explorer
4-4: Add a Drawing view to an existing sheet
4-5: Modifying the drawing scale

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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory (4 min)

Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (11 min)
Part 3) Basic components of Dynamic Views (23 min)
Part 4) Dynamic Views and Drawing Composition (11 min)

Part 5) 2d Rebar: Bar Labeling and Symbolization (14 min)

Part 6) 3d Modeling Best Practices (to enhance drawing quality and ease-of-use) (11 min)
Part 7) Printing/Plotting and Publishing to mobile devices (10 min)
Part 8) Customization and Dynamic View Setup/project administrator (4 min)

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Part 5) 2d Rebar: Bar labeling and symbolization

Pre 5.0: Bar Marking (Positioning)

5-1: Rebar graphics: 2d and 3d

5-2: 2d Rebar labeling and symbolization – (activate the drawing, work in the sheet)
5-3: Dimensions, annotations, notes:
• Drawing annotation: (activate the drawing, work in sheet)
• Sheet annotation: (general notes, etc)

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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory (4 min)

Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (11 min)
Part 3) Basic components of Dynamic Views (23 min)
Part 4) Dynamic Views and Drawing Composition (11 min)

Part 5) 2d Rebar: Bar Labeling and Symbolization (14 min)

Part 6) 3d Modeling Best Practices (to enhance drawing quality/ease-of-use) (11 min)
Part 7) Printing/Plotting and Publishing to mobile devices (10 min)
Part 8) Customization and Dynamic View Setup/project administrator (4 min)

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Part 6) 3d Modeling-Best Practices (for best Concrete Drawings)

6-1: S7 provides new rebar levels, new level filters, new colored rebar patterns
6-2: Item Browser (and publish iModel)
6-3: Isolate command
6-4: Display Sets & Named Groups
6-5: Hypermodeling

• Use: Levels, Level filters and Item Browser

• Do not use: ProStructures Display Classes or Area Classes with rebar:
– They do not allow different display settings in multiple Dynamic Views
– Do not work across MicroStation reference files
– File corruptions have been encountered in large models
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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory (4 min)

Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (11 min)
Part 3) Basic components of Dynamic Views (23 min)
Part 4) Dynamic Views and Drawing Composition (11 min)

Part 5) 2d Rebar: Bar Labeling and Symbolization (14 min)

Part 6) 3d Modeling Best Practices (to enhance drawing quality/ease-of-use) (11 min)
Part 7) Printing/Plotting and Publishing to mobile devices (10 min)
Part 8) Customization and Dynamic View Setup/project administrator (4 min)

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Part 7) Printing/Plotting and Publishing to Mobile Devices

7-1: Visible Edges: Dynamic vs. Cached

7-2: Printing/plotting
7-3: Batch printing/plotting with Print Organizer
7-4: Creating a PDF with drawings,
3d model, bar schedules
7-5: Publishing an iModel, publishing a
mobile iModel for viewing on iPad/iPhone
7-6: Automatically update output every time
I exit a model?

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Part 1) ProStructures SS7 Drawing Production Theory (4 min)

Part 2) Dynamic Views Workflow (11 min)
Part 3) Basic components of Dynamic Views (23 min)
Part 4) Dynamic Views and Drawing Composition (11 min)

Part 5) 2d Rebar: Bar Labeling and Symbolization (14 min)

Part 6) 3d Modeling Best Practices (to enhance drawing quality/ease-of-use) (11 min)
Part 7) Printing/Plotting and Publishing to mobile devices (10 min)
Part 8) Customization and Dynamic View Setup/project administrator (4 min)

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Part 8) Customization: Setup/Project Administrator

8-1: Customizing your own Drawing Seeds (.dgnlib)

8-2: Customizing your own Detailing Symbol Styles (.dgnlib)
8-3: Customizing your own Display Styles (.dgnlib)
8-4: Rebar: Default.def
8-5: Rebar: Display.sys
8-6: Rebar: Presets.sys

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