Christology: Doctrine of Christ

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Doctrine of Christ
{ The value and efficacy of the biblical teaching of
salvation are contingent upon the truth of who Christ is
Pre-existence and
eternality of Christ

 Direct Proof in the New Testament

 Jn 1:1 “Was” is imperfect tense
 Jn 8:58, “I am”

 Heb 1:8, speaking of the Son, “Thy

throne, O God, is forever”

 Col 1:7, “He is before all things”

Pre-existence and
eternality of Christ2

 Direct Proof in the Old Testament

 Micah 5:2, “…His goings forth are from long ago.
From the days of eternity.” A ref to Jesus’
 Isa 9:6, “Eternal Father”, a title that implies unity
and eternality.

Pre-existence and
eternality of Christ3
 Indirect Proof
 Heavenly origin: Jn 3:13, “descended from heaven”. Bethlehem
was not His beginning.
 Jn 1:3, He “created all things”—He could not be created Himself,
therefore, eternal
 Christ’s titles prove His eternal existence
 Yahweh, Jn 12:41=Isaiah saw His glory! (Isa 6:10)
 Adonai, Mt 22:44 (citing Ps 110:1), “The Lord said to my Lord…”
 Theophanies prove His eternality
 Gen 18 “Angel of the Lord” recognized as deity (Jud 6:11, 14)
 Is distinct from the Father since they speak to each other (Zech 1:11; 3:1-
 Could not be the Spirit nor the Father, since neither have appeared (Jn
 Angel of the Lord ceased to appear after the Incarnation
OT prophecies of Christ
 Virgin Birth: Gen 3:15 = protevangelium
 Line of Shem (Gen 9:26)

 Line of Abraham: Gen 12:2 (Mat 1:1 and Gal 3:16

interpret fulfillment in Christ)
 Line of Isaac: Gen 17:19

 Line of Jacob: Gen 25:23; 28:13. Ruler Messiah,

“scepter” through Jacob (Num 24:17)
 Line of Judah: Gen 49:10—”Shiloh” is title of
Messiah, “Man of rest or peace” (Psa 72:7)
 Line of David: 2 Sam 7:12-16. Heir on throne
forever = Messiah
Prophecies concerning
Christ’s birth
 The Manner: Isa 7:14 = A virgin
 “Virgin”, almah, never ref to a maiden who lost her
 Immediate fulfillment in Maher-shalal-hash-baz (Isa

 Distant fulfillment in virgin birth of Christ acc. to Mat
 The Place: Micah 5:2, see Mat 2:6


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