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Class Period Work

Libro de actividades pgs. 64 – 69 and 73 - 78

Continue (Skip pgs. 70 – 72)

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needed: ONLY for classwork purpose

Write down on Agenda: Test this Tuesday

January 31 (Verbs –ar, -er, -ir)
Hoy es __________.
Cita del dia
Para hacer ahora
Abre el libro de actividades pg. 75

Discussion of pgs. 75 -78

Write down on Agenda: Test this Tuesday

January 31 (Verbs –ar, -er, -ir)
Unit 2: ¿Quién soy yo? Who am I?

Unit Goal:
The student will be able to describe themselves and their family in the target

La familia (Cuaderno pg. 17)

Essential Question:
Who is your favorite relative and why?

Today’s Objective:
Compare and contrast family life in the United States and Hispanic
nations using the comparative structure.
How Hispanic Family be like
• The concept of family, is central in the Hispanic community
and extends beyond the nuclear family to include
grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. There are three
main aspects in Hispanic families: family obligations;
support and emotional closeness; and family as referent, or
the need to live up to family expectations.
• Elderly grandparents sometimes live with the family, and
there is frequent visiting among family members. All life
events are viewed as occasions to gather and celebrate.
Para hacer ahora
Libro de actividades pgs. 76 - 78

Write down on Agenda: Test this Tomorrow

January 31 (Verbs –ar, -er, -ir)
Who is related to who?
La Familia Video Clips
Arbol Familiar
1. ¿Quién es la madre de tu madre?
2. ¿Quién es el hijo de tu tía?
3. ¿Quién es la hija de tus padres?
4. ¿Quiénes son los hijos de tus abuelos?
5. ¿Quién es la madre de tu hermano?
6. ¿Quiénes son los padres de tus abuelos?
7. ¿Quién es la hija de la esposa de tu padre?
8. ¿Quiénes son los hijos de tus hermanos?
9. ¿Quiénes son las hijas de tus tíos?
10. ¿Quién son los hijos de tus bisabuelos?
Family Tree Project
Complete a family tree using construction paper and photos of your family members (display at least
10 family members.) Invent a family instead of describing your actual family members. If you don’t
have photos of all of the members of his family, draw their pictures instead.)
1. Hispanic families use 2 last names. Give everyone in your family two last names, following the
"rules" for last names in Spanish (father's last name followed by mother's maiden name; married
women add "de ______" when they take on their husband's names). If you do not know the maiden
names of all the members of your families, make it up. After all, I'm grading the arrangement of the
names, not the truthfulness of them.
2. Write sentences about how you are related to the people on the tree. For example, "Yo tengo un
hermano. Se llama Joel Soto Santiago." Or you might want to use possessive pronouns and write
sentences like, "Mi hermana se llama Veronica Martinez Garcia.“
3. Write sentences describing the appearance and personalities of all of your family members.
4. Write sentences about the ages of all of your family members.
5. . Write sentences about the bithdays of all of your family members.
6. Describe what each member of your family likes to do.
7. Describe the occupation of your family members (young children could just be "estudiantes").
¿Cómo se dice en español?
 My mother washes the dishes after dinner.
 My father never cooks.
 My older brothers are smart and attend the university.
 I clean up my room on the weekends.
 My family and I visit my grandparents on Sunday and eat
dinner with them.
 My brother walks the dog in the park.
 My friends and I go out on Fridays and see a movie in
the theater.
 My grandmother buys food at the supermarket and
spends a lot of money.
 In my free time, I talk on the phone, listen to the radio,
hang out with my friends and ride my bike.
 My cousin is lazy and doesn’t read or do homework for
English class.
 My sister-in-law is a teacher and teaches well.

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