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Computer applications in

industrial engineering

Dr. El-Awady ATALLA

PhD of industrial engineering
Mechanical engineering department
Shoubra faculty of engineering
Computer applications in industrial engineering

The transportation problem arises

frequently in planning for the
distribution of products and
services from several supply locations
to several demand locations.

Typically, the quantity of goods

available at each supply location
(origin) is limited, and the quantity of
goods needed at each of several
demand locations (destinations) is
known. The usual objective in a
transportation problem is to minimize
the cost of shipping goods from the
origins to the destinations.
Computer applications in industrial engineering

Destination Max.
Origin Center Center Center Center
1 2 3 4 capaci
Plant 1 3 2 7 6 5000
Plant 2 7 5 2 3 6000
Plant 3 2 5 4 5 2500
Dema 6000 4000 2000 1500
Computer applications in industrial engineering
Problem formulation
Destination Max.
Origin Center 1 Center 2 Center 3 Center 4 capacity

Plant 1 3 2 7 6 5000
Plant 2 7 5 2 3 6000
Plant 3 2 5 4 5 2500
Demand 6000 4000 2000 1500
Computer applications in industrial engineering
Problem formulation

Problem Variations
1. Total supply not equal to total demand
2. Maximization objective function
3. Route capacities or route minimums
4. Unacceptable routes
Computer applications in industrial engineering
Problem solving using Lingo software

Variables :
@GIN restricts a variable to being an integer value,
@BIN makes a variable binary (i.e., 0 or 1),
@FREE allows a variable to assume any real value, positive or negative,

Some functions
Source: Supply;
Destination: Demand;
Cost_matrix(Source , Destination): Cost, x;

!set members;
Source = Cleveland Bedford York;
Destination = Boston Chicago St_Louis Lexington;
Supply = 5000 6000 2500;
Demand = 6000 4000 2000 1500;

!attribute values;
Cost= 3 2 7 6 7 5 2 3 2 5 4 5;

min= @sum(Cost_matrix(I,J): Cost(I,J)*x(I,J));

@FOR(Source(I): @SUM(Destination(J): x(I, J)) = Supply (I));
@FOR(Destination (J): @SUM(Source (I): x(I, J)) = Demand (J));
@FOR(Cost_matrix(I,J):@GIN (x(I,J)));

Computer applications in industrial engineering
Another example
Care are shipped from three distribution centers to five dealers. The
shipment cost based on the distance between the sources and
destinations, and is independent of whether the truck makes the trip
with partial or full loads. The following table summarizes the distance in
kilometre between distribution centers and the dealers together with
the monthly supply and demand figures given in number of cars. A full
truck load includes 18 cars. The transportation cost per truck kilometre
is $ 25.
- Formulate the associated mathematical model of the problem
- Determine the optimal shipping schedule using Lingo Software.
Dealer Supply
Center 1 2 3 4 5
1 100 150 200 140 35 400
2 50 70 60 65 80 200
3 40 90 100 150 130 150
Demand 100 200 150 160 140
Computer applications in production and design
Lingo code
Centers: Supply;
Dealers: Demand;
Cost_matrix(Centers, Dealers): Cost, x;
!set members;
Centers = Center_1 Center_2 Center_3;
Dealers = Dealer_1 Dealer_2 Dealer_3 Dealer_4 Dealer_5;
Supply = 400 200 150;
Demand = 100 200 150 160 140;
!attribute values;
Cost= 2500 3750 5000 3500 875 1250 1750 1500 1625 2000 1000 2250 2500 3750 3250;
min= @sum(Cost_matrix(I,J): Cost(I,J)*@FLOOR(x(I,J)/18));
@FOR(Centers(I): @SUM(Dealers(J): x(I, J)) = Supply (I));
@FOR(Dealers (J): @SUM(Centers (I): x(I, J)) = Demand (J));
@FOR(Cost_matrix(I,J):@GIN (x(I,J)));
Computer applications in production and design
Workshop task
Four dealers place orders for new automobiles that are to be
shipped from three plants. Dealer A requires 6, dealer B requires
5, dealer C requires 4, and dealer D requires 4 automobiles. Plant
one has 7, plant 2 has 13, and plant 3 has 3 automobiles in stock.
The cost of shipping from ith plant to jth dealer is shown in the
table. Suggest computer software to solve the problem and satisfy
the requirement of dealers at optimal transportation cost, and then
write the suitable computer program.

Dealer Auto
Plant A B C D available
1 50 80 60 70 7
2 80 50 60 60 13
3 70 60 80 60 3
Requirements 6 5 4 4

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