Naxalism: Presented BY: Diwesh Kumar O J H A (0 8 0 2 1 8) KRIT PRAKASH (080224) Production Engg. 3 Year

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Origin Of Naxalism
Evolution In India
Supporting Factors
Places Most Affected
Government’s Attitude
Various Operations
Origin Of Naxalism
It was very much inspired by the Telangana movement as it is the most glorious chapter on
the Indian peasant movement

Communists first formed a government in Kerala in 1957 but soon it was overthrown, after
that the party split into CPI and CPI(Marxist)

CPI: It preached the theory of peaceful road to non capitalist development

CPI(M): It chose to embark on a more violent method of agitations

Though there were ideological differences between the parties, still they went ahead to form
a government in West Bengal

And in that period of time happened an incident in Naxalbari which changed the course of
left wing Extremism

Some peasants started opposition to the rich landlords, and started to get back their land

Although the rebellion was suppressed within 72 days , in the after days the All India
coordination committee of communist Revolutionaries(AICCCR) in 1968

AICCCR was the parent party which led to formation of many different parties
The Splits

Communist movement in India


All India Coordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries(AICCCR)
What made it so widespread?

Growth of Naxalite movement due the exploitation and

oppression of Dalits, Adivasis and other landless people by feudal
agrarian system with strong interface of caste and class

Mine owners, contractors and forest mafia are using the

Naxal muscle power to extort money from corporate
world, businessmen and government officials

Implementation of Forest Conservation Act 1980 took away

tribal’s only source of livelihood

Naxalites do not belong to any religion or community. They are

mainly Dalits, Adivasis or other marginalized sections of society
totally indoctrinated by the teachings of Mao and Marx.
Present Situation

At Present 220 districts of 20 states are partially or fully affected by naxal


This accounts for 40% of the total geographical area of India

In 2001 MCC and PWG merged and formed the CPI(Maoists)

Militarization of the armed forces is underway, so that a planned attack can

be made

Maoist incident account for over 60% of violence; killing, abduction,

extortion, IED blasts, destruction of property.
Present Situation….

In recent times links with terrorists , ULFA, LTTE have surfaced .

Very high manpower ; 20000UG, 500000OG, and 100000 in other


PWG and MCC extort 5000 and 7000 millions annually

There are zones of area which are practically liberated zones called as compact
revolutionary zone

Attacks in jails and other secure places ; jehanabad jail attack, dantewada attack
Operation Greenhunt

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