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histology lower gastrointestinal

Intestinum tenue

• Functions for shopping and absorption

• The structure needed to digest and absorb is:
1. Semicircular plastics
2. Villi intestinal
3. Mikrovili
• The structure needed for digestive function is:
1. Goblet cells
2. Gland
• Layers of the small intestine
1. Mucous tunica
• Epithelial layer  sel absorptive, goblet cell, paneth
cell, low cylindrical cell, argentafine cell
• Lamina propria
• Muscularis mucosa
2. Submucous tunica
• Bunner gland
• Meissner submucosal plexus
• Plexus heller
3. External muscularis tunica
• Inner layer: circular mukularis
• Outer layer: longitudinal muscularis
Between them there is an auerbach plexus
4. Tunica adventisia  mesotelium
1. Duodenum

• When there are lots and widths

• Wide villi like leaves
• Brunner glands and paler colors
2. Yeyunum

1. The border with the duodenum is unclear

2. Crypto lieberkuhn and goblet cells more than the
3. Illeum

• Kerkringi plica is increasingly rare

• Short villi
• Inside the lamina propria there is a peyer patch
crassum : colon
•More goblet cells
• Taenia Coli is a
distinctive feature
of the colon
•small lumen of angular shape
•crypta lieberkuhn:
owith irregular radier
directionlength is not the same
olittle trophy cell
•The surface is coated with a
cylindrical epithelium with a
small number of goblet cells, in
the cribta a paneth cell is found
•in the lamina propria there are
many lymphonodules in
•coated with
epithelium with
many goblet cells,
•mucosal mucosa is

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