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“Foundations of Individual

Made by:-
Need for Studying Individual
• Organizations have grown in size and complexity
• Need of employees to be proficient in various areas
such as human relations , core job skills etc.
• Increasingly diverse workforce in terms of social,
cultural and religious backgrounds.
• Huge expectations from the employers and are ready
to quit the job at the slightest provocation.


Individual Behavior
According to Kurt Levin:

B = f(P x E)
The behaviour of individuals changes due to a
variety of reasons broadly categorized as :
Individual differences
Environmental influences
Individual Differences
 Age, sex, education etc tell us why people behave
differently in different situations

People’s behavior is a function of three main


Genetic: being intelligent , being happy, being depressed.

Physiological : Brain abnormalities , differences in
Learning: Includes the factors that affect our ability to
think and decide how will we behave in a given situation.
Environmental Influences
 These are divided into two categories:

Physical : includes factors such as noise,

heating, nature of job, cleanliness ,
ventilation etc
Social : unwritten laws of behaviour
governing the conduct of employees
Individual Goals Vs
Organizational demands.
• Both the Individual and the Organization enter
into a kind of “Psychological Contract

• In the business environment there must be a

blending of the goals of each individual and those
of the organization.

• Unimaginable rewards accrue o both the

individual and the organization, when individual
goals are in sync with the organizational goals.
Individual Goals Vs
Organizational demands.
• Managers need to help their people define their
personal goals.

• Manager should try to achieve “Person-Job-fit”

 Rational Economic Man
 Social Man
 Organization Man
 Self-actualization Man
 Complex Man
Rational Economic Man
Defines a problem carefully and would have
a clear and specific goal.
Tries to gather complete information.
Criteria for evaluating alternatives are
The decision maker is rational and uses
logic to assign values, order preferences and
make the decision in order to maximize the
economic return to the organization.
Social Man
Work is basically a social experience and
therefore, most people find satisfaction in
being a member of social group.
Work group pressures and problem often
dictate the manner in which a person would
Willing to obey management rules till there
is no conflict with the interest of work group.
To organize work in a democratic manner.
Organization man
The group is the source of creativity.
Belongingness is the ultimate need of the
The application of science achieves the
goal of belongingness.
Self-actualizing Man
Self-actualizing is the final goal of any
Man moves from a state of immaturity to a
state of maturity to satisfy this particular need.
Man is essentially self-motivated and does not
require any external control or direction.
Conflicts between self-actualizing man and
the form of organization structure are
Complex Man
Man is motivated by a variety of factors
which are complex and unpredictable.
A person’s needs, aspiration, attitude etc. will
change as he begins to interact with his
colleagues, organization and the environment.
There are wide variation among same
organization. Such variation may be in terms
of their need pattern, behavior and hence the
need for direction and control.
“Left Or Right”
Rajendar Kumar was a production worker at Competent Motors
Limited(CML) which made components and accessories for the
automotive industry. He had worked at CML for almost seven
years as a welder, along with fifteen other man in the plant. All
had received training in welding both on the job and through
company-sponsored external programmes. They had friendly
relations and got along very well with one another. They played
volleyball in the playground regularly before retiring to the
quarters allotted by the company canteen, cutting jokes on each
other and making fun of everyone who dared to step into their
privacy during lunch hour. Most of the fellows had been there for
some length of time, except for two men who had joined the
ranks only two months back.
Rajendar was generally considered to be the leader of the group, so it was
no surprise that when the foreman of the new was transferred and his job
was posted, Rajendar applied for the job and got it.

There were only four other applicants for the job, two from mechanical
section and two from outside, when there was formal announcement of the
appointment on a Friday afternoon, everyone in the group congratulated
Rajinder. They literally carried him on their shoulders, and bought him
snacks and celebrated.

On Monday morning, Rajendar joined duty as Foreman, it was company

practice for all foreman to wear blue jacket and a white shirt. Each man’s
coat had his name badge sewn onto the left side pocket. The company had
given two pairs to Rajendar. He was proud to wear the coat to work on
People who saw him from a distance went upto him and admired the
new blue coat. There was a lot of kidding around calling Rajendar as
‘Hero’, ‘Raja Babu’ and ‘Officer’ etc. One of the guys went back to
his locker and returned with a long brush and acted as though he were
removing dust particles on the new coat. After about five minutes of
horseplay, all the men went back to work. Rajender went to his office
to familiarize himself with the new job and environment.

At noon, all the men broke for Lunch and went to the canteen to eat
and take a break as usual. Rajender was busy when they left but
followed after them a few minutes later. He bought the food coupon,
took the snacks and tea and turned to face the open canteen. On the
left-side corner of the room was his old work group; on the right-hand
side of the canteen sat all the other formen in the plant--- all in their
smart blue coats.
At that point of time, silence descended on the canteen. Both the groups
looked at Rajendar anxiously, waiting to see which group he would choose
to eat with.

At noon, all the men broke for Lunch and went to the canteen to eat and
take a break as usual. Rajender was busy when they left but followed after
them a few minutes later. He bought the food coupon, took the snacks and
tea and turned to face the open canteen. On the left-side corner of the room
was his old work group; on the right-hand side of the canteen sat all the
other formen in the plant--- all in their smart blue coats.

At that point of time, silence descended on the canteen. Both the groups
looked at Rajendar anxiously, waiting to see which group he would choose
to eat with.

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