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Cont ent s

1. Wildlife Managem ent

2. Case-St udy 01
3. Habit at Conservat ion
4. Case St udy 02
Conservation –
Save The Earth
General Requirements for
§Public participation
Public must realise importance of conservation and actively cooperate with laws and
regulations of conservation.
§Public awareness
Public should understand concepts of conservation so as to be able to understand and
to follow the correct methods to conserve.
Specialists and environmentalists must be taught sufficiently and thoroughly in order
not to harm the animals and plants, interact with them correctly. Public should also be
taught about the roles they can play in conservation.
The three levels in conservation are local, national and international measures. In order
to conserve, different countries must work together to create suitable protection for
various types of organisms, preserve habitats and also, save resources.
Wildlife Management
 Introduction
Ø Protecting wildlife through balancing wildlife needs with human
Ø Preventing current species from going extinct through the use of
different fields such as science and technology while still letting
the animals live in the same or similar living environments as
their native ones.
Ø Requires expert specialists and environmentalists to analyse and
protect the animals.

Types of Wildlife Management
 Custodial management
- Taking animals into custody to places such as ecological parks or
sanctuaries and provide them with essential needs (food,
water, etc.) to prevent their population from dwindling.
 Manipulative management
- Altering an animals’ living environment. Adding food supplies to
the animal’s habitat, removing predators, vaccinating the
animals to prevent diseases are all part of this.

Endangered Animals under Wildlife Management

Case-Study: Black Rhinos
Background Information
Black rhinos are near extinct species with a current small population of
only around 3500. In the 1960s, there were still about 100,000 black
rhinos but due to some factors, it soon became critically endangered.
Mating takes a very long time. Pregnancy also takes up to 15 months.
Hence, the decreasing species.

 Greatest threats to it
include poachers who
hunt their horns, which
has medicinal and
even cultural usage
and is very expensive,
for money.

Case-Study: Black Rhinos
Conservat ion Act ion
Cust odial m anagem ent – t ranslocat e rhinos t o safe sanct uaries,
prevent ing poachers from being t o hunt dow n t he black rhinos for
t heir horns.
Coordinat ion – effort s placed int ernat ionally t o prevent horn t rading
by placing harsher penalt ies.

Education – public taught and

persuaded not to exploit black
rhinos’ horn for medicinal or cultural
Public participation – local
communities utilise black rhinos as
a form of tourism , benefiting by
earning money from it and thus, are
provided with an incentive to protect
black rhinos.

Custodial Protection
Habitat Conservation
 Introduction
Ø Habitat is the type of environment where certain types of
organisms resides in.
Ø Almost anything can be a habitat.
Ø Some organisms are only indigenous to a type of habitat
and when destroyed, it will lead to the organisms dying
as well.
Ø More than 80% of animals and plants extinction comes
from habitat destruction.
Ø Conservation practices must be placed in order to prevent
such things from occurring.

Even a fallen leaf contains hundreds
to thousands of organisms
Global warming Overpopulation
Main Factors of Habitat
Deforestation Pollution (air, water, soil)
With the loss of habitats comes extinction of plants and animals and
imbalance of the ecosystem. If the global ecosystem collapsed, we
will be seriously affected as well and thus, we have a duty to prevent
it, or rather, to conserve and protect it.

v Land reserves – habitats where many critically endangered plants

or animals reside are banned from being deforested. Activities
which cause pollution are also kept a certain distance away
from such areas. Rule breakers are subjected to heavy fines
and severe punishments.
v Land use and development regulation – due to overpopulation,
forests are deforested to make way for urbanisation. Again,
habitats where endangered species dwell in are protected from
v Zone identification – an international level solution which
identifies all the habitats with endangered species before
taking action to protect them by disallowing any harmful
activities there.
v Decrease rates of global warming – climate change deals serious
damage to habitats. Although near impossible to stop global
warming altogether, everyone can take action to lighten it

Zone identification
Case-Study: Virgin River Watershed
Habitat Conservation Plan
 Background Information
 The Virgin River houses diverse
wildlife species, including
endangered ones.
 Rapid population growth created
a need for housing
 Habitat conservation must be
utilised to save the
endangered animals and
Case-Study: Virgin River Watershed
Habitat Conservation Plan
 Conservation Action
 Local zone identification – the people in-charge of this project
there used technology, primarily a computer program to detect
endangered species at different part of the Virgin River
Watershed. This allowed development in areas where the
habitats of those species would not be affected.
 Public awareness and education – locals were taught about how
agricultural affected the surrounding land and soil (pollution,
contamination) and allow them to understand it will harm the
endangered species there.
 Public participation – locals agreed to move their agricultural after
being provided with some incentives and knowledge about

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