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School Mathematics Reform,

Constructivism, and Literacy:

A Case for Literacy Instruction in the
Reform-Oriented Math Classroom
Author: Roni Jo Draper
Source: Journal of Adolescent and
Adult Literacy, Vol. 45, No. 6

• Incorporating literacy instruction with

mathematics lessons can improve students
ability to learn and understand.
• Secondary teachers have been reluctant to
take up literacy instruction.

• Traditional teaching practices (a transmission

model of teaching and learning)
Teaching and learning models supported by
literacy instruction.
New Wave of Reform
• From teaching by telling toward constructivist
teaching paradigm.
• A constructivist paradigm represents the best
value for open meaningful, and
comprehensible dialogue.
School Mathematics Reform
• Move instruction from traditional teaching in
which knowledge is viewed as discrete,
hierarchical, sequential and fixed toward a
classroom in which knowledge is viewed as an
individual construction created by the learner
as he or she interacts with people and things
in the environment.
• The philosophy, or belief, that learners create
their own knowledge base on interactions
with their environment.
• Teaching practices rich in conversation.
• To assist students as they create construction.
Literacy Instruction in the
Mathematics Classroom
• Necessary parts of mathematics instruction.
• Five forms of mental activity:
a) constructing relationship
b) extending and applying mathematical
c) reflecting about experiences
d) articulating what one knows
e)making mathematical knowledge one’s own
More than reading the textbook

• How to read, write, listen, speak and think

• Expand definitions of texts
• Help students engage in literacy
Content-are Literacy Strategies
in Mathematics
Before Reading
• Preview the text by looking at the title, the
picture and the print.
• Builds backgrounds by activating appropriate
prior knowledge
• Set purposes for reading by asking questions.
Content-are Literacy Strategies
in Mathematics
During reading, the strategic reader
• Check understanding of the text
• Monitor comprehension by using context
• Integrate new concept with existing
Content-are Literacy Strategies
in Mathematics
After reading
• Summarize what has been read
• Evaluate the ideas in the text
• Make applications of the ideas to unique
Examples of Literacy Instruction

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