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Edwing Gianfranco Nomberto orbegoso

if you visit cusco you must visit machu picchu. Is most important tourist place in cusco. Machu Picchu
was declared a Peruvian Historical Sanctuary in 1981 and is on the Unesco World Heritage List since
1983, as part of a cultural and ecological complex known as the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu.
On July 7, 2007 Machu Picchu was declared one of the new seven wonders of the modern world in a
ceremony held in Lisbon (Portugal), which had the participation of one hundred million voters
around the world. Machu Picchu was voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in a global
survey on the Internet.
Machu Picchu, which in Spanish means "old mountain", is the most famous Inca citadel in the world.
Located 110 kilometers northeast of Cusco, in the province of Urubamba, this architectural jewel is
surrounded by temples, platforms and water channels.
Its temperature ranges between 6.2 ° and 29.5 °, since it is located in a subtropical zone. Its rainiest
months are from November to March. Its majestic architecture comprises some 140 structures
throughout the citadel. The average altitude of the citadel is 2 450 m s.n.m. The mountains of
Huayna Picchu and Machu Picchu are ideal for panoramic photographs of the entire architectural
complex. Its discovery is due to the researcher Hiram Bingham III who was looking for the last capital
of the Vilcabamba Incas. Machu Picchu was declared "Historical Sanctuary of Peru" in 198.

It would be nice if you come to visit, do not forget to bring winter clothes and boots as there is a lot
of mud and temperatures are between 6 and 29 degrees, make sure you have had enough breakfast
since the tour is very tired and takes approximately 3 to 5 hours the tour, bear in mind that the rains
may occur at any time and sometimes it rains hail and I think you might like this place, I know you
and I know you have an adventurous spirit and love the stories about the Inca empire and to finish I
think it is a good idea that before you go through the main square of Cusco and buy some souvenirs
such as ceramics and clothes made of alpaca wool, in the foreigner it is very expensive and apart it
has very artistic will be an unforgettable trip.

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