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“ There is a single Romania: there is one body and one

soul, where all the nerves and all the sighs vibrate one to
another. “
“ Există o singură Românie : există un singur corp şi un
singur suflet, în care toţi nervii şi toate suspinele
vibrează unul către altul. “
-Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu
General aspects
*SURFACE: 238.391 km² *POPULATION: 19.515.138

*CAPITAL: Bucharest *CURRENCY: Romanian Leu (RON)

*ANTHEM: Deșteaptă-te, române! (Awaken thee, Romanian!)



Romania, an old heart surrounded by borders , that continues to beat dignified,
cheerful, fearless, despite all the challenges that it faced. This country surprises with the variety
of the relief, the untouched beauty and charm of landscapes, the mystery of towns and villages
whose architecture leaves you breathless, the diversity and the curiosity of traditions. Romania
has a dramatic air given by the tumultuous past, but always refreshed by the desire of the youth
for evolution and change.
But the strenght and the power of country are given by the national unity. The
Romanians, million souls gathered together, not only share territory, history and traditions, they
share the same desires and initiatives, they hoping for better, they believe in change.
Country's territory is divided into 9 regions, each with some peculiarities that make
them unique through the beauty and the story of places.
Dobrogea, a region located in S-E of Romania, is a piece of
land that captures the beauty and the harmony of nature. Dobrogea
is bounded on the east by the imposing and restless Black Sea,
crossed on the west by the old and eternal blue Danube, that,
feeling at home in the land of Romania, flows into the sea, creating
the impressive Danube Delta.
Danube Delta is part of UNESCO heritage and is a natural setting that captures the
biodiversity, hosting a varied flora and fauna. The place is an oasis of peace that fascinates you
fully, a place where you can connect with the nature.
The Black Sea is known for the beautiful resorts, but also for the entertaiment in
Constanta, a city full of life. The Danube Delta and the Black Sea are important symbols of
Romania which annually attract a lot of visitors.
In the past, this territory was occupied by the Greeks who founded the colonies
Histria, Tomis, Callatis. The heart of Constanta pounds in its eastern and old districts, which
penetrate like a feather in the Black Sea. In this area there is Ovidiu Square, named after the
great Roman poet who lived on these lands.
Dobrogians are adaptable people, very
hospitable, always eager for fun. Paparuda is
one of the most beautiful traditions of
Dobrogea. Women and girls, wearing wreaths of
green branches, sing and dance to invoke rain.
The rain is called for watering the earth to get a
rich agricultural harvest. The main food of
Dobrogea is fish. Here you can taste the most
delicious soups and fish dishes. They also cook
different tipes of pie and cakes.

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