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Train the Trainer

Laurence Yap
For ERT Team, Komag
 Objectives
 Equip your in preparation
training sessions
 End results
 Know adult learning process
 Learn to prepare before
 Know how to write lesson plan
 Facilitate discussion
 Demonstration effectively
 Interact well with audience
Outline: Part A:
 1. Preparation
 1.1 adult learning
 1.2 teacher vs instructor
 1.3 create a checklist
 1.4 sample outline
 1.5 motivate your audience
 1.6 create lesson plan
Outline Part B: Training
 2 Introduction
 2.1 Gain attention
 2.2 Aims
 2.3 Transition
 2.4 Overview
 3 Explain
 3.1 Delivery skills
 3.2 Use of multimedia
 4 Discussion and feedback
 4.1 facilitation Skills
 5 Demonstration
 5.1 Demo training
 6 Summary and closing
1.1 Adult learning
 Learn by doing
 Learn by solving practical problems
 Learn through the application of past
 Learn best in informal environment
 Through a variety of training method
1.2 Teacher vs Instructor
 Teacher:
 Tell them what you are going to tell them
 Tell them what you are telling them
 Tell them what you’ve told them
 Instructor
 Ask them what they’ve done
 Tell them what they are going to do
 Show them what they are going to do
 Let them do it
 Let them do it some more
 Ask them what they’ve just done
1.3 Create a check list

 Look at the example

 Work out in a group of 4
 Choose a leader
 Write it in a flipchart
1.4 Sample Outline

 Introduction
 Contents
 Conclusion
1.5 Motivate Your Audience
 Tell a story
 Use natural humor
 Unusual statisticsKnow their level of
 speak their language
 variety in a presentation
 Create a need - WIIFM
 Get yourself excited – eye contact and
available yourself before class, at breaks and
after class
 Establish a long range objectives – see bigger
pictures like the overall presentation
 Apply contents to life – role play and action
 Know their level of knowledge
 speak their language
 variety in a presentation – change every 8
minutes 90/20/8
 Learn from good instructors
1.6 Create lesson plan
2. Introduction
 General guidelines:
 write notes on index card
 eye contact
 drink water if you are thirsty. Not iced water
 vary your voice – pitch, volume, short
dramatic pauses, speed of delivery
 watch your language! – everyday language,
 mannerism – adjust your clothes, scratch
your ear or nose, brush back your hair
2.1 introduction: gain
 open with high energy, animation and
 don’t apologize
 give the audience an overview
 be aware of your appearance
 be aware of your voice – tone, enunciation,
pace and speed, word choice
Next Steps
 Quotation
 Challenging questions
 Description of incidents
 Poems
 Word games
 Visuals Props
 Activities
2.2 Aims
 Specific
 Measurable
 Achievable
 Relevant
 Time Table
2.3 Transition
 Physical movement
 Use of media
 Change of Media
 Mini-Summary
 Q&A
 Pause
2.4 Overview

 Tell them your big pictures

3.1 Delivery Skills
 Verbal
• pleasant
• natural
• dynamic
• expressive
• easily heard
 Nonverbal Delivery Skills
• posture – confidence, alert
• hand gesture
• body movement – step forward, a step
backward, lateral movement
• facial expression
• eye contact
 Delivery the content:
• step by step
• clear and concise
• tell them why
• stress key points
• avoid jargon and buzz words
• speak at moderate speed
3.2 Use of
 Flip Chart
 write big and well
 use color – red for underline, black/blue/green
for main text, pink/brown, purple and yellow:
least visible
 use exact words,
 face your audience,
 post them
 use symbol, box and bullet points
 reverse techniques
4.1 facilitation Skills

 Set ground rules

 Learn to wait before responding – count to 10
 Redirect questions to the group – Ping Pong
 Use the energy of the group – rest, humor,
stretch break
 Avoid making judgment statements – Which’s
not very funny? How can you believe that?
 Listen attentively – look into their eyes
 Paraphrase to clarify
 Use flipchart – keep track of ideas. KISS
 Synthesize – don’t just record. Get
comment and build on each other’s
 Summarize periodically
 Label sidetracks – use card or signals
 Park it – parking lot
 Give reinforcement – verbal and non verbal
– thank you and thumb up
 Keep air time under 40%
 Check for understanding
 Ask participants to summarize
 Ask others for opinion
 Summarize and move on
5.1 Demo training
 position the employee correctly
 explain the objective and steps
 demo first the overall process
 demo NEXT each step slowly, explain each
step elaborately and verify understanding
 practice and feedback
 summary
Verify the trainees
understand the task
 ask for questions
–What question to you has?
–Anything I need to clarify further?
–wait for questions
 have trainee repeat instructions
• tell them you are concern with your
communication skills
• praise them if they do it well
 .test verbally for understanding
• keep question short and to the point
• usually 2 –3 questions
• gain confidence and making progress
Summary and Closing
 Ask questions
 Check parking lot
 Summarize any follow up action items
required of you
 Summarize key points

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