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Anatomi dan Fisiologi

Internal Ear

 a series of cavities contained within the otic capsule of the petrous part of
the temporal bone
 Contains perilymph
 Cavities:
 Cochlea
 Vestibule of Bony Labyrinth
 semicircularis canals
Internal Ear

 The labyrinth contains endolymph, a watery fluid similar in composition to
intracellular fluid
 consists of more parts than does the bony labyrinth:
 Vestibular labyrinth: utricle and saccule, two small communicating sacs in the
vestibule of the bony labyrinth
 Three semicircular ducts: in the semicircular canals
 Cochlear labyrinth: cochlear duct in the cochlea.
 The cochlea
contains the
organ of Corti,
the sense organ
for hearing.
 The organ of Corti, contains auditory hair cells that are the receptors for
 Hair cells are mechanoreceptors; they generate neural signals when their
surface hairs are mechanically deformed in association with fluid
movements in the inner ear
 Th e pistonlike action of the stapes against the oval window sets up
pressure waves in the upper compartment  pressure is dissipated in two
ways as the stapes causes the oval window to bulge inward:
 (1) displacement of the round window  does not result in sound reception; it
just dissipates pressure.
 (2) deflection of the basilar membrane
 thin vestibular membrane  into the cochlear duct, through the basilar membrane
lower compartment round window to alternately bulge outward and inward.
Vestibulalar apparatus
Tortora GJ, Derrickson B, editors.
Principle of Anatomy & Physiology,

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