The Truth: God Sees But Waits.

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Presented by :

Aulia & Luisa

God Sees The Truth

But Waits.. | Leo Tolstoy
A young merchant( Ivan ) went for his spree while his wife had bad
dream of it. In his journey , he met another merchant and they
decide to take a rest a moment in an inn.

Ivan was interrogated and arrested by the cup and the soldiers
because they found that he was the murderer of a fellow- merchant.

He struggled
struggled to
to get
get the
the petition
petition from
from the
the tsar,
tsar, but
but got
got nothing.
nothing. There
There he
he had
had suffered
suffered aa lot.

After 26
26 six
six years,
years, aa person
person (( Makar
Makar )) came
came to
to him
him and
and confessed
confessed that
that he
he was
was the
the real
real murder
murder of
of the
the merchant.

When the
the order
order for
for his
his release
release came,
came, Aksionov
Aksionov was
was already
already dead.
Intrinsic Element
Introduction: Ivan Aksionov wanted to a spree but his wife
tried to block his way because of her dream. Ivan Aksionov
thought that it’s only a dream and decided to go.
Rising action: He was accused of a merchant murder, then

Climax: After 26 years, he met Makar, the real
murderer, who reveal the truth.
Resolution: Makar apologized for what he had done.
While the order for his release came, Aksionov was
already dead..
God knows his plan always best for us and
what we should do is to encounter and effort.

Character &
• Ivan Aksionov : Protagonist

– A wealthy merchant Paragraph 1 : He had two shops and a house

of his own.

– Stubborn : he didn’t response and obey to what his wife advice

Paragraph 7- 8 : Aksionov laughed. "That's a lucky sign," said he.
"See if I don't sell out all my goods, and bring you some presents
from the fair."
So he said good-bye to his family, and drove away.

– Responsible and hard worker ( not easily give up )

In prison Aksionov learnt to make boots, and earned a little money….
• Makar Semyonich : Antagonist and Protagonist
– A merchant who killed a fellow merchant. He is coward, selfish
but honest. He admitted that he is the true murderer

• Ivan Aksionov’s wife : Protagonist

– Caring
I do not know what I am afraid of; all I know is that I had a bad
dream……I saw that your hair was quite grey."
– Faithful and Obedient
she asked, "What can we do now?“……….
His wife told him that she had sent a petition to the Czar, but it
had not been accepted.
• Place : In Russia , Vladimir ( Ivan’s home and Inn )
In the town of Vladimir lived a young …. ( Parg. 1 )
.. they pu t up at the same inn for the night.

In Siberia ( Jail where Ivan was arrested )

For twenty-six years Aksionov lived as a convict in Siberia…
Po int o f V iew
• The third point of view (omniscient intrusive),
The narrator seems know all of the things happen there, even
what was thought / felt by the character :

 For twenty-six years Aksionov lived as a convict in

Siberia. His hair turned white as snow, and his beard
grew long, thin, and grey.

 These words made Aksionov wonder whether this

man knew who had killed the merchant…. (Page 5,
Parg. 1 )
• We just have to wait for the right time to realize what
God plans for us in the end. His plan is not to make us
hurt but he wants to teach us about values in life.

• Not being stubborn, we should listen what other had

advised us. Their advice may become something very

• Say honestly although it is hard fact

Moral Lesson
The Meaning of The Title
• God knows the truth but waits for people to do
the right thing.
• God always has best plan for us that we may not
know it, then we should have good prejudice on
it and we need to be patient.

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