Community Paediatrics

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Community Pediatrics

Selvi Destaria
4. Families and Home
• There is a strong relationship between ill
health and social deprivation and between
social deprivation and educational failure.
• Children in social classes IV and V  
morbidity and mortality
• Their parents are less likely to bring them for
available preventive and screening services.
• Their mothers  inadequate ante-natal care
Some Social Variables
• Housing
– There is an excess morbidity and mortality in children living in slums
and also in the high rise flats in estates that replace slums
• Inner cities
– Inner city life  added stress on families and their children
• Sanitation
– Inadequate sanitation and dilapidated buildings   spread of
infectious disease
• Safety
– A child in overcrowded house has less space to move and explore.
– Lack of personal space and privacy   aggressive behaviour.
• Immigrant families
– More likely to fall into disadvantaged group
– Lack of knowledge, differing religious and cultural beliefs may restrict
access to medical help
5. Health Education
• The essence of the work of child health
services is helping parents to care for their
young children adequately and to keep them
healthy, working in co-operating with parents
to detect signs of abnormality or illness early,
and co-operating with parents and children in
the management of chronic illness.
Basic Health Education – The Consultation

Improving the communication techniques to the

• Listening to the parents
• Explanations and advice
• Self assessment
Second Level Health Education – Bringing About

- Personal barriers to behavior change

- Social barriers to child health
• The Practical Context
• Health Visitors
• Health Education in Schools
• Supplement To The Consultation
• Helping Agencies
6. Growth and Development
• Physical Growth
– Measurement of length and height
– Length measurements
– Height
– Weight
– Velocity charts
– Head circumference
• Changes Associated with Puberty
– Girls
• Peak height velocity
• Menarche
• Breast Development
– Boys
• Peak height velocity
• Genital development
• Boy’s pubic hair
• General Development
– Assessment of reflexes
– Normal patterns of development
– Posture and gross motor development
– Fine motor skills
– Social development and play
• Emotional Development

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