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Yusuf Hendrawan, STP., M.App.Life Sc., Ph.D
 Sensor merupakan jenis transduser yang digunakan
untuk mengubah besaran mekanis, magnetis, panas,
sinar, dan kimia menjadi tegangan dan arus listrik.
Sensor merupakan alat dalam pendeteksian,
pengukuran, maupun pengendalian.
Berdasarkan Fungsi & Penggunaannya sensor
dikelompokkan menjadi 3 bagian yaitu :

 Sensor Thermal: Sensor thermal adalah sensor yang digunakan untuk

mendeteksi gejala perubahan panas/temperature/suhu yang ada pada
suatu dimensi benda atu dimensi ruang tertentu. Contoh : Bimetal, termistor,
termokopel, RTD ( Resistance Temperature Detector ), photo transistor, photo
dioda, photo multiplier, photovoltaik, infrared, pyrometer, hygrometer dsb.

 Sensor Mekanis: Sensor mekanis adalah sensor yang mendeteksi perubahan

gerak mekanis, seperti pemindahan atau pergeseran atau posisi, gerak
lurus dan melingkar, tekanan, aliran, level dsb. Contoh : Strain gage, linear
variable deferential transformer ( LVDT ), proximity, potensiometer,
loodcell. bourdontube, dsb.

 Sensor Optic: Sensor optic adalah sensor yang mendeteksi perubahan

cahaya dan sumber cahaya, pantulan cahaya ataupun bias cahaya yang
mengenai benda atau ruangan. Contoh : photo cell, photo transistor, photo
dioda, photo voltaic, photo multiplier, pyrometer optic, dsb.
External sensors for perception other than Vision

 Range Sensors  Ripeness Sensor for Fruits

 Ultrasonic Sensor  Photo Sensor
 Position-Sensitive Device  Sonic Sensor
 Gas Sensor
 Proximity Sensors
 Sensors for Robot
 Photosensing Type
 Pneumatic Type
 Fixed Path
 Tactile Sensors  Semifixed Path
 Touch Sensor  Free Path
 Pressure Sensor
 Slip Sensor
Ultrasonic Sensors
An ultrasonic wave is an elastic wave whose frequency is too high for the human ear
to detect. It propagates through air, liquid, and solid media.
-A fish detector
-Thickness meter
-Acoustic emission meter
-Flow meter
-Range finder
-Physical examination
-Robotic  to measure the distance from the robot to the object

An ultrasonic pulse is transmitted toward the

object from an ultrasonic transducer, and the
reflected wave from the object is detected by
another transducer. The distance to the object
is calculated from the time of flight (TOF)
Combination of Spectral Reflectance and Ultrasonic Sensing to monitor the Growth of Winter
I.M. Scotford, P.C.H. Miller
Biosystems Engineering
Volume 87, Issue 1, January 2004, Pages 27–38

A preliminary study is reported in which ultrasonic sensor were attached to a tractor mounted boom and used
to measure the height of three varieties of winter wheat (Claire, Consort and Riband). Each variety was planted
at three seed rates (50, 150 and 250 kg ha−1) in a replicated trial involving a total of 27 plots.
The ultrasonic sensor measurements were most suited for monitoring crop growth once it has reached GS 30
(early stem elongation). In addition, the ultrasonic data provided a measure of crop density particularly pre
GS 45 (mid-booting). This study has indicated the potential for using ultrasonic sensors, enabling the crop to be
assessed throughout the growing season.

Typical examples of ultrasonic sensor

measurement H versus distance travelled; all
examples are from Claire plot 9, high seed
rate where –•–, measured on 11 April 2002, –
■–, measured on 20 May 2002; and –▴–,
measured on 24 July 2002
Assessment of forage mass from grassland swards by height measurement using an
ultrasonic sensor
Thomas Fricke, , Felix Richter, Michael Wachendorf
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Volume 79, Issue 2, November 2011, Pages 142–152

The non-destructive assessment

of forage mass in legume–grass
mixtures as a tool for yield
mapping in precision farming
applications has been
investigated in two field
experiments. An ultrasonic sensor
was used to determine sward
Software development for real-time ultrasonic mapping of tree canopy size
A.W. Schumann, , Q.U. Zaman
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Volume 47, Issue 1, April 2005, Pages 25–40
Ultrasonic transducers have been used for
the digital control of agrochemical
application rates in sprayers and fertilizer
spreaders of tree crops for about 16
years. The early systems were developed
before the advent of commercial DGPS
receivers and relied on real-time tree
canopy sensing and agrochemical rate
adjustment according to the size of
canopy detected.
An Electronic Control System for Pesticide Application Proportional to the Canopy Width of
Tree Crops
F. Solanelles1, , , A. Escolà1, 2, , S. Planas3, , J.R. Rosell2, F. Camp2, F. Gràcia1
Biosystems Engineering
Volume 95, Issue 4, December 2006, Pages 473–481
Performance of an Ultrasonic Ranging Sensor in Apple Tree Canopies
Alexandre Escolà 1,* , Santiago Planas 1 , Joan Ramon Rosell 1 , Jesús Pomar 1 , Ferran
Camp 2 , Francesc Solanelles 2 , Felip Gracia 2 ,Jordi Llorens 3 and Emilio Gil 3
Sensors 2011, 11(3), 2459-2477
Determination of Mealiness in Apples using Ultrasonic Measurements
A. Bechar1, ,A. Mizrach1, P. Barreiro2, ,S. Landahl3,
Biosystems Engineering
Volume 91, Issue 3, July 2005, Pages 329–334

A system based on ultrasonic energy absorbance was developed, for non-destructive measurements
of three levels of texture degradation towards mealiness in Jonagold and Cox apples. The
ultrasonic system comprises a high-power generator and a pair of 80 kHz ultrasonic transducers.
One transducer, acting as a transmitter, sends a pulse through the apple tissue, which absorbs part
of its energy, depending on internal textural attributes, and the transmitted pulse is received as an
emerging signal by the other transducer. The detected ultrasound waves were analysed in parallel
with the determination of the mealiness level of the fruit in accordance with destructive
measurements in confined compression.
Preliminary studies of a novel air-coupled ultrasonic inspection system for food containers
T.H Gan, D.A Hutchins, , D.R Billson
Journal of Food Engineering
Volume 53, Issue 4, August 2002, Pages 315–323

Air-coupled ultrasound has been used to perform measurements on liquids and starch-
based materials, within containers similar to those used in the food industry. The technique
uses capacitance transducers with polymer membranes to generate ultrasonic signals in air
over a reasonable bandwidth. It will be demonstrated that various non-contact
measurements are possible, including the detection of variations in consistency within
starch-based liquids within a microwaveable food container, the detection of liquid level
in polymer-based soft drink bottles, and the tomographic imaging of such containers to
detect foreign objects.
Ultrasonic characterisation of flour–water systems: A new approach to investigate dough
J. Garcia-Alvarez, J.M. Alava, J.A. Chavez, A. Turo, M.J. Garcia, J. Salazar,
Volume 44, Supplement, 22 December 2006, Pages e1051–e1055

The viscoelastic properties of dough are of great interest in the baking industry as they affect the quality of
the final product. In this work, the viscoelastic properties of dough were investigated using ultrasonic
techniques and then compared with traditional methods. It has been shown that ultrasonics provides a non-
destructive, rapid and low cost technique for the measurement of physical food characteristics.
Non-invasive characterization of fluid foodstuffs based on ultrasonic measurements
Judith Ann Bamberger, , Margaret S Greenwood,
Food Research International
Volume 37, Issue 6, July 2004, Pages 621–625

The food industry can benefit from a highly sensitive, non-invasive, self-calibrating, on-line sensor for
characterizing liquid or slurry in process vessels during mixing, settling, stationary, or flowing conditions by
measuring the reflections at the fluid–sensor interface, sound speed, and attenuation of ultrasound to
determine the fluid density and solids concentration.
Manchego cheese texture evaluation by ultrasonics and surface probes
J. Beneditoa, , , S. Simalb, G. Clementea, A. Mulet

International Dairy Journal

Volume 16, Issue 5, May 2006, Pages 431–438

In this work, the use of ultrasonics and surface tests for cheese quality evaluation was studied. Manchego
cheese pieces matured from 29 to 296 d were used. The internal and external texture of Manchego cheese
determined from uniaxial compression, puncture test and surface probes, increased during maturation.
Ultrasonic waves were highly scattered in Manchego cheese due to porosity.
Standar SNI Yogurt (SNI 2981-2009 )
Metode karakterisasi yogurt konvensional

 Pengukuran pH


Metode karakterisasi yogurt konvensional

 Penghitungan jumlah bakteri starter



Karakterisasi Yogurt dengan Metode Akustik
 Pengukuran butter content dengan ultrasonik
(Shopov, 2009)


Karakterisasi Yogurt dengan Metode Akustik
 Pengukuran pH Yogurt dengan impedansi
ultrasonik (Meng, 2012)

Alat dan Bahan

with SG
Alat dan Bahan
Progress Kemajuan Penelitian:
Pembuatan Sistem Akustik
 Transducer Ultrasonik Jenis PF5C10L

Frekuensi tengah 5 MHz

Yusuf Hendrawan ; Dimas Firmanda Al Riza
Position Sensitive Device (PSD)
It is used to measure distances. The device is often used for the automatic focusing
systems of compact cameras.
A LED (emitter - TX) or laser
beams lights through a lens in a
straight line toward the target.
The target reflects the light
back to the receiver (RX) lens at
some angle. The distance
between the sensor and the
point of reflection (on target
side) determines the angle of
reflection back to the receiver.
The closer the target to the
sensor, the greater angle.
Applications of PSD
 Height, thickness and vibration measurements
 In cameras to provide the target distance for the autofocus
 Switching various domestic devices such as electric fans, air
conditioners, water taps and sanitary facilities on and off by
detecting the presence of a human body
Proximity Sensors
 Local position
 To recognize the presence of an object
 To avoid obstacles
 To measure an object’s shape
 Usually utilized in end-effector
Proximity Sensors:
1.Photosensing Type
2.Pneumatic Type
Proximity Sensor
 Prinsip kerja sensor proximity adalah memanfaatkan sifat cahaya yang
akan dipantulkan jika mengenai benda berwarna terang dan akan diserap
jika mengenai benda berwarna gelap. Sebagai sumber cahaya kita
gunakan LED (Light Emiting Diode) yang akan memancarkan cahaya merah.
Untuk menangkap pantulan cahaya LED, digunakan photodiode. Jika sensor
berada diatas garis hitam maka photodioda akan menerima sedikit sekali
cahaya pantulan. Tetapi jika sensor berada diatas garis putih maka
photodioda akan menerima banyak cahaya pantulan.
Photosensing Type
Illuminance on an object is determined by reflectance of the object, distance
between the light source and the object, direction of the light source, and the
spectrum of the light source.

Receiver Projector

Receiving area Projecting area

Photosensing Type (Photointerrupter)

Projectors Receivers

(OFF) A photointerrupter is often used for
detecting the presence of an object that
comes between the light projector and
receiver, because the output signal is
digital and is easy to install.

Pneumatic Type
Air blowing It is possible to detect the distance to an
Detection of air object by the measurement of air
pressure pressure or a change in air flow.
When an air nozzle blowing with
constant air pressure moves toward an
object, the air pressure in the
neighboring holes changes.

Sensor Cahaya
 Cahaya merupakan gelombang elektromagnetik yang mempunyai
jangkauan panjang gelombang antara (380-750 nm) dan dapat
dilihat oleh mata manusia.
 LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), ialah jenis resistor yang berubah
hambatannya karena pengaruh cahaya. Bila cahaya gelap nilai
tahanannya semakin besar, sedangkan cahayanya terang nilainya
menjadi semakin kecil. LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) adalah jenis
resistor yang biasa digunakan sebagai detector cahaya atau
pengukur besaran konversi cahaya. Light Dependent Resistor, terdiri
dari sebuah cakram semikonduktor yang mempunyai dua buah
elekrtroda pada permukaannya.
Kalibrasi Sensor Cahaya
Photosynthetically Active Radiation
(PAR) Sensor (μmol/m2s)
PAR sensor is the spectral range of solar light from 400 to 700 nanometers that is used by
plants in photosynthesis.
Sensor Suhu
 Thermocouple: pada pokoknya terdiri dari sepasang
penghantar yang berbeda disambung las dilebur
bersama satu sisi membentuk “hot” atau sambungan
pengukuran yang ada ujung-ujung bebasnya untuk
hubungan dengan sambungan referensi.
Evaporator vakum berbasis kontrol
suhu menggunakan Fuzzy
Sensor Suhu
 Sensor Suhu Rangkaian Terpadu (IC): Sensor suhu dengan
IC ini menggunakan chip silikon untuk elemen yang
merasakan (sensor). Memiliki konfigurasi output tegangan
dan arus. Meskipun terbatas dalam rentang suhu (dibawah
200 ³C), tetapi menghasilkan output yang sangat linear di
atas rentang kerja.
Kalibrasi Sensor Suhu
Sensor Tekanan

 Sensor tekanan diciptakan untuk mengukur tekanan

suatu zat yang memiliki tekanan sangat kecil
sehingga sulit untuk diukur apabila menggunakan
alat pengukur biasa.
Sensor Tekanan
 Strain Gage adalah komponen elektronika yang dipakai untuk
mengukur tekanan (deformasi atau strain). Alat ini berbentuk foil
logam atau kawat logam yang bersifat insulatif (isolasi) yang
ditempel pada benda yang akan diukur tekanannya, dan tekanan
berasal dari pembebanan. Prinsipnya adalah jika tekanan pada
benda berubah, maka foil atau kawat akan terdeformasi, dan
tahanan listrik alat ini akan berubah.
Pressure Gauge

Menggunakan prinsip
Sensor pH
 The pH (always written little p, big H) of a substance is an indication of how
many hydrogen ions it forms in a certain volume of water.
 Pada prinsipnya pengukuran suatu pH adalah didasarkan pada potensial
elektro kimia yang terjadi antara larutan yang terdapat di dalam
elektroda gelas yang telah diketahui dengan larutan yang terdapat di luar
elektroda gelas yang tidak diketahui.
Soil Moisture Sensor
Measure the water content in soil. The Soil Moisture Sensor uses capacitance to
measure the water content of soil (by measuring the dielectric permittivity of the
soil, which is a function of the water content). Simply insert this sensor into the soil
to be tested, and the volumetric water content of the soil is reported in percent.
Digital Humidity Sensor
Electronic Hygromenter: Typically, they measure the capacitance or resistance of a
sample of air and calculate the humidity from that. In a capacitive hygrometer, there
are two metal plates with air in between them. The more water there is in the air, the
more it affects the plates' capacitance (ability to store a static electric charge). By
measuring how much charge can be stored, it's possible to measure the humidity
quickly and accurately. In a resistive sensor, electricity flows through a piece of ceramic
material exposed to the air. The higher the humidity, the more water vapor condenses
inside the ceramic, changing its resistance. Measuring how much current flows through
the ceramic gives an accurate measurement of the humidity.

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