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By Rajesh Singh Kumabam, MIMS, MU
Content – Taylor’s SM
• Introduction - Evolution of management thoughts

 F.W. Taylor

 Henri Fayol

 Max Weber

Elton Mayo
• Management is studied in business
1 academics since earlier times

• Management is considered as an
2 integral part to understand business

• People have been changing and

3 redesigning organizations for centuries
Evolution of Management Theories
Scientific Management
Concept introduced by
Frederick Winslow
Taylor (1856-1915)
Emphasise on solving
managerial problems
in a scientific way
“Father of Scientific
Scientific Management is concerned with KNOWING exactly WHAT
YOU WANT MEN TO DO and then see in that THEY DO IT IN THE
Scientific Management
Applying Scientific Management in

Principles of Techniques of
Scientific Scientific Mental Revolution
Management Management
Scientific Management
Principles of Scientific Management

Four Principles

1. Science, Not Rule of Thumb S

2. Harmony, Not Discord H

3. Cooperation, Not Individualism C

4. Development of Each and Every Person D

Scientific Management
Principles of Scientific Management

1. Science, Not Rule of Thumb

Involves Scientific Method in place of Rule of Thumb

1. Investigation of Traditional Work

Methods – through WORK STUDY 1. Trial & Error
2. Unifying the BEST PRACTICES Methods OR Hit
3. Developing a STANDARD & Miss Method
METHOD – followed throughout 2. Very Costly Affair
the organization
Scientific Management
Principles of Scientific Management

2. Harmony, Not Discord

Involves maintaining HARMONY in place of

DISCORD/CONFLICT between Management and Workers

1. Management – pass on the benefits/gains of the

organization to workers
2. Workers – work hard with loyalty & ready to
embrace change for organization’s goodness
Scientific Management
Principles of Scientific Management
3. Cooperation, Not Individualism
1. Management – encourage & reward constructive
suggestions from the workers (substantial
reduction in Time & Costs)
2. Management – take workers into confidence in
taking important decisions affecting workers
3. Equal division of work and responsibility between
workers and management
4. Workers & Management should work side by side
(help each other)
Scientific Management
Principles of Scientific Management
4. Development of Each and Every Person
Involves DEVELOPOMENT of each and every person to

1. Scientific selection of workers

2. Work assigned – suit the physical, mental &
intellectual capabilities
3. Development of Workers – Proper training at
workplaces to keep them fully fit for new methods
of working (new jobs).
Scientific Management
Techniques of Scientific
Four Techniques

F 1. Functional Foremanship

2. Standardization and
S Simplification of Work

W 3. Work Study

D 4. Differential Piece Wage System

Scientific Management
Techniques of Scientific Management
1. Functional Foremanship

Proposed Functional Foremanship technique for Supervisors

supervision of each
worker by Eight
supervisors – 4
Planning aspects &
4 Supervisors
Production works
Scientific Management
Techniques of Scientific Management

2. Standardization & Simplification of Work

Standardization means maintaining standard among size, type,

weight, measure and quality of the product

Simplification means eliminating unnecessary diversity of

product, size and types
Scientific Management
Techniques of Scientific Management
3. Work Study
Systematic, objective, and critical evaluation of a work with the
aim of identifying how the work can be performed in the most
desirable way by standardizing and simplifying it
Work Study

Method Motion Time Fatigue

Study Study Study Study
Scientific Management
Complete change in the
mind-set of:
Resulting in Understanding of Each
1. Owner other
2. Managers, and
3. Workers

Neither a Principle of SM
nor a Technique of SM but
 An Approach to be
followed in
implementing scientific
Scientific Management
Proponents of Scientific Management

Frank & Lillian Gilbreth Henry Gantt

Scientific Management
Critical Analysis of Scientific Management
 Scientific Management – Created awareness about operational
efficiency at the shop floor level by adopting systematic methods
vs Rule of thumb
 Help workers to reach their full potential as Human beings
 Shortcomings
1. More concerned with the problems at the operating levels.
So, management of an organization not given due
importance from the manager’s point of view
2. Emphasis given on physiological variables affecting human
behaviour at workplace – in terms of work efficiency and
methods affecting motivating w the workers.
3. More relevant to mechanisation and automation – Technical
aspects of efficiency – than the broader aspects of
management of organization
4. Faulty proposition of Differential Piece Wage System.
Workers, Unions opposed – New Method of Exploiting
workers by the Industrialists
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