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Activity: Guessing Game
 Interpersonal
conflict refers
to a conflict
between two
 Intrapersonal
conflict occurs within
an individual. The
experience takes
place in the person’s
Intragroup conflict is a type of conflict that happens within a team.
Intergroup conflict takes place when a misunderstanding
arises among different teams within an organization
Conflict Management Strategies


Acknowledge that there are different

conflict management styles
Discuss the different conflict
management styles
Apply conflict management styles
given in some situation
Activity: Draw and Tell
A one million pesos is given to a family
of 5. The wife is a plain housewife. The
husband works as a carpenter. The eldest son
only has a part-time job because he couldn’t
finished his studies. The rest of the siblings
barely goes to school because they had to
help their parents earn extra money for them to
survive daily. The family does not own a
house. If you are that family, what will you do
with that one million pesos?
In any situation
involving more than one
person, conflict can arise. The
causes of conflict range from
philosophical differences and
divergent goals to power
imbalances. Unmanaged or
poorly managed conflicts
generate a breakdown in trust
and lost productivity.
Conflict Management Strategies
 It is a victory achieved due to
force superior skills or
dominated by one party.
 Highly assertive personalities
often fall back on competition
as a conflict management
 The competitive strategy
works best in a limited
number of conflicts, such as
emergency situations.
 The accommodating strategy
essentially entails giving the
opposing side what it wants.
 Accommodating strategy is one of
sacrifice. You are willing to give up
about everything in order to
preserve the relationship with the
other party.
 Employees who use
accommodation as a primary
conflict management strategy,
however, may keep track and
develop resentment.
 The avoidance strategy seeks
to put off conflict indefinitely.
 By delaying or ignoring the
conflict, the avoider hopes the
problem resolves itself without
a confrontation.
 Those who actively avoid
conflict frequently have low
esteem or hold a position of
low power.
 The compromising strategy
typically calls for both sides of a
conflict to give up elements of
their position in order to
establish an acceptable, if not
agreeable, solution.
 This strategy prevails most often
in conflicts where the parties
hold approximately equivalent
Collaboration works by
integrating ideas set out by
multiple people.
The object is to find a
creative solution acceptable
to everyone. Collaboration,
though useful, calls for a
significant time
commitment not
appropriate to all conflicts.
Activity: Act it Out
• You belong to a school with only eight (8)
teachers. Your co-teacher who occupies the
room next to you is frequent absentee. As a
consequence you always assume the
responsibility of handling her classes in addition
to your duties. In effect, you felt the situation
already unfair on your part. How will you handle
this situation.
• A new building is constructed in the school that
can house one (1) grade level with six (6)
teachers. Grade 5 and 6 have equal number of
teachers which is six (6). The school head let
the two groups to decide what grade to occupy
the new building. If you are a teacher of their
school handling either, how will you manage
the situation?
You are a teacher who does not want to attend
seminar during summer. Instead, you want to
spend it bonding with your family but your school
head included you on the list. How will you handle
the situation?
Thank you!!!

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