Partitive Nouns

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Partitive Nouns

Partitive nouns or quantifiers are

used to make these noncount nouns
singular or plural.
Advice- pieces of advice Fish- schools of fish
Applause- rounds of applause Flour- teaspoons of flour
Baggage- pieces of baggage Food-food items
Butter- cubes of butter Furniture-pieces of furniture
Cheese- slices of cheese Hair- strands of hair
Corn- ears of corn, kernels Information- bits of
Dust- specks of dust information
Equipment-pieces of Ink- bottles of ink
equipment Jewelry- pieces/sets of jewelry
Evidence- pieces of evidence Lettuce- heads of lettuce
Lightning-bolts of lightning Soda- bottles of soda
Milk- bottles/glasses of milk Tea- cups of tea
Music- musical pieces/ scores Thunder-peals of thunder
Oil- bottles/drops of oil Wine-bottles
Rice- grains/ sacks of rice
Salt- teaspoonfuls of salt
Sand- grains/ sacks of sand
Sheep- flocks of sheep
Smoke-wisps of smoke
Soap- bars of soap
Common Usage Problems

1. A lot- This informally means “means”

Alot- This is a nonstandard spelling.
e.g. I have a lot of work to do.

2. Accept (v)- to receive; to believe

Except (prep)- but or other than
e.g. Please accept my invitation.
All went to the concert except Malou.
3. accuse(v.) – to lay blame on someone
allege- (v. – to state something as a fact even if it is still
e.g.- Don’t accuse me of stealing your necklace.
They allege that the real culprit is the delivery man.
4. Adapt (v.- to modify or to adjust
adopt (v.- to take on or to assume; to take as one’s own

e.g. It is difficult to adapt to this cold weather.

She has to adopt the British accent.
5. Advice (n.- an opinion or a suggestion
Advise (v.- to give an opinion or a suggestion

e.g.- He did not follow my advice.

They advise me to travel light when I go abroad.
6. Affect (v.- to influence
Effect (n.- a change or a result
(v- to make something happen or to bring about
e.g. Television affects people in many ways.
Watching television has positive effects. (n.
It took days to effect discipline in the class (v.
7. ain’t- This is nonstandard English so avoid this in speaking or
e.g. NONSTANDARD- He ain’t my teacher.
Standard- He is not my teacher.
8.All ready (adj- prepared or set
already (adv.- by now
e.g. We are all ready to eat dinner.
We already ate dinner.
9. All right- (adj- well or satisfactory; yes
alright- This is a nonstandard spelling.
e.g. Do I look all right?
10. All together (adj- with each other
Altogether- (adv- completely or entirely

e.g.- We were all together when we left the house.

We were altogether surprised when she became
11. Among (prep- This speaks of three or more things.
Between (prep- This speaks of two things.
e.g. Alexis is the smartest among the group.
She is the smarter between the two lawyers.
12. Amount (n- This is used for noncount nouns.
Number (n.- This is used to count separate units.

e.g. I would need a small amount of sugar for the recipe.

I would buy a number of packs of sugar for my pantry.
13. And etc.- Etc. is an abbreviation of the Latin et cetera which
means “and other things”. Therefore, and etc means “
and and other things.” This is nonstandard.

e.g. NONSTANDARD- For my son’s birthday, we would be

having spaghetti, fried chicken, cake, ice cream, and etc.

STANDARD- For my son’s birthday, we would be having

spaghetti, fried chicken, cake, ice cream, etc.
14. Annual (adj- happens once every year
biannual/semiannual (adj- happens twice a year
biennial (adj- happens every two years
perennial (adj- happens throughout the year, every year.
15. anyone(pron- This refers to any person.
everyone (pron- This refers to all people.
any one, every one- These refer to any single person or thing
and are followed by the preposition of.
e.g.- Anyone can attend tomorrow’s lecture.
Everyone has a responsibility.
Any one of the chairs may be used.
Every one of students passed the test.
16. Any way (pron - This refers to any person.
anyway (adv- nevertheless or in any case
anyways- This is a nonstandard spelling.
17. As (conj- This is used to introduce a dependent or a
subordinate clause.
Like (prep- This means “similar to” and is followed by a noun,
pronoun, or a noun phrase.

e.g. He sings as his father does.

He sings like his father.
18. At about- Do not use them together.
At points to an exact location or time.
About means “near”. It shows approximation.
e.g. NONSTANDARD – See me at about 8 o’clock.
STANDARD- See me at 8 o’clock.
STANDARD- It will be about 8 o’clock by the time we arrive.
19. Awful (adj- This is informally to mean “extremely bad.”
awfully (adv- This is used informally to mean “very.”
e.g. INFORMAL- The food was awful.
Formal- The food was very bad.
INFORMAL- He is awfully tired.
FORMAL- He is very tired.
20. awhile- (adv- in a short time (tHis form is found after verbs
a while (n- a short time (This form has the preposition for
before it.
21. Base (n.- the lower part or the foundation of something.
bass (n- a low sound or tone; an instrument; a male in a
choir who sings in a low tone.
(n.- a kind of fish
22. Beside (prep- by the side of; near
Besides (prep- in addition to or aside from
23.Borrow (v- to receive for temporary use
lend (v- to give for temporary use.

24. Breath (n- a mouthful of air

breathe (v.- to inhale a mouthful of air

25. Bring(v.- to carry from a far place to somewhere near

Take (v.- to carry from a near place to somewhere distant
26. can’t help but- This is a nonstandard expression.
Use “can’t help” and a gerund instead.
e.g. I can’t help wondering why he acted that way.
27. Clipped words- These are shortened words from originally
longer ones. Avoid them in formal writing.
28. Clothes (n- attire or covering for the body.
cloths (n.- woven fabric
29. Compare to- This compares two dissimilar things.
Compare with- This compares two similar things
30. Compliment (n.- an admiring comment or praise
Complement n.- an accompaniment to balance something
31. Condemn (v.- to blame or to criticize someone for a
wrongdoing; to bring guilt to
Condone (v.- to ignore or to disregard a wrongdoing.
32. Connote (v.- to serve as a symbol; to signify
denote (v.- to indicate the actual meaning
33. Continual (adj- occurring again and again with intervals
continuous (adj- non-stop
34. Convince ( v.- to overcome the doubts
persuade (v.- to move someone to follow what is said to him.
e.g. We are not convinced of his sincerity.
Do you think you can persuade Mariz to join us?
35. Cope up with- This is incorrect. Omit up.

36. Corps (n.- a group or a company usually in an army.

Corpse (n.- a dead body
37. Council (n.- an assembly
Counsel (n.- guidance or direction; consultation
(v. – to give advice
38. Desert (n.- a barren region
Dessert (n.- sweet food taken after the main meal

39. Different than- This is substandard. USE DIFFERENT FROM.

40. Disinterested (adj- fair or unbiased

Uninterested (adj- unconcerned about or bored by.

41. Due to- This means “caused by.” This may be used if” caused
by” may be correctly substituted in the sentence.
NONSTANDARD The party was cancelled due to heavy rain.

STANDARD The cancellation of the party was due to the heavy


42. due/owing to the fact that- This is wordy. Use because or

since instead

e.g.- The family fortune was not passed on to the eldest son
because he is disobedient.

43. Each other, one another- These two can be used

interchangeably in the international media
e.g. My parents love each other very much.
My parents love one another very much.

44. Emigrate (v.- This means “to leave one’s own country or
region in order to settle to another.” This is
followed by the preposition from.
Immigrate (v.- This means “ to establish oneself into another
country or region.” This is followed by the
e.g. Many people are emigrating from their countries.
Many people are immigrating to other countries.
45. Every day (adv.- This is an adverb of time which indicates
how often an action is done.
Everyday (adj- This means “daily”

46. Farther (adj/adv- afar ( This refers to physical distance.

Further (adj./adv- additional (This refers to a greater extent.

47. Fewer (adj- This is used with count nouns.

Less (adj- This is used with noncount nouns.

48. former, latter- These are considered pronouns because they

refer to the two nouns that are mentioned. Former refers to the
first noun mentioned., while latter, the last.
49. get, got, gotten (v.- These are the different forms of the verb
e.g. INFORMAL If AC gets a piece of land here, he will build a
house on it.
FORMAL If AC purchases a piece of land here, he will
build a house.
INFORMAL I got better at golf with practice.
FORMAL I became better at golf with practice.
INFORMAL Sarah has gotten financial support for the
company she works for.
FORMAL Sarah acquired financial support from the
50. Good, lovely, nice (adj- These adjectives too general. In
formal writing, replace them with more specific ones.

e.g. VAGUE Our weekend trip was good!

I’ve had an enjoyable day at the park.
Isaac is nice.
SPECIFIC Our weekend trip was exciting!
I’ve had an enjoyable day at the park.
Isaac is friendly.
51. Good (adj- fine or above reproach
well (adj. –healthy
(adv - pleasingly or favorably

e.g . NONSTANDARD Lala did good on her Math test.

STANDARD Lala did well on her Math test.

52. Hanged (v./adj – killed (as in in the gallows

Hung (v./adj- suspended or put up
e.g. The man was hanged after he was found guilty.
The clothes were hung at the back of the house.
53. Healthful (adj- This describes things or activities that are
useful in making the body healthy.
Healthy (adj- This describes those that have bodies such as
people, animals, and plants.
e.g. Music is very healthful to the mind.
Our plants grew healthy because of fertilizer.
54. If, Whether- These are subordinate conjunctions which have
a similar usage and can be used interchangeable.
However, whether does not necessarily need to have “or
not” after it and can be used alone.
e.g. What her student asked was Whether it was all right to submit the
report next week.
What her student asked was if it was all right to submit the
report next week.
55. In (prep- This refers to location.
Into (prep- This refers to movement.
e.g. The guests are in the house already.
Run into the house now!
56. In regard to, with regard to, as regards
e.g. -In regard to your request for a salary increase, the
company decided to grant it next month.
-The teacher asked questions with regard to last week’s
- As regards her father’s last will, she must pursue
medicine, and not art, in college.
57. Irregardless- This is incorrect. Use REGARDLESS.
e.g.- She will pursue art in college regardless of what they
58. Judicial (adj- legal or official
Judicious (adj- sensible or wise
59. Just, Only (adv- These mean “simply” or “no more than” and
should be placed beside the word they modify.
e.g. She just wanted ice cream for dessert.
(It answers the question “What did she only do on one
She wanted just ice cream for dessert.
(It answers the question “What was the only thing she
wanted for dessert?
60. Lay, Lie-

VERB Simple Past Present Participle Past Participle

Lay (to put down Laid Laying Laid

Lie (to rest Lay Lying Lain

Lie (to be lied Lying lied

61. Learn (v.- to acquire or to receive information
Teach (v.- to give information
62. leave(v.- to go away; to allow something to stay behind
let (v.- to allow or to permit
63. Loose (adj- untied, free, or unrestricted
Lose (v.- to fail to find or control; to misplace
Loss (n.- disappearance; something that was lost
64. Mad (adj- Mad formally means “insane”. Informally, it means
“angry”. Better use angry to mean “mad.”
65. Maybe (adv- This means “perhaps”
May be- This is a verb phrase which expresses a possibility.
e.g. Maybe she will call later.
She may be outside the house.
66. Morale (n. - spirit or confidence of a group or a person
Moral (n. - a message
67. OK, O.K., Okay- All these are informal. Do not use these in
formal writing.
e.g. Informal Your voice is okay.
Formal- Your voice is pleasant.
68. Persecute (v.- to harass or to maltreat
Prosecute (v.- to take legal action against
69. Personal (adj- private
Personnel (n.- the people working at a specific job.
70. Precede (v.- to come first
Proceed (v.- to advance or to continue
Homophones have the same sound but have different spellings
and meaning.

1. Brakes 5. cell (n.

breaks sell (v.
2. Billed 6. cent (n.
Build sent
3. Board (v scent
Bored (adj.
4. Buy (v.
by (prep
bye- contraction of the word “goodbye”
7.Chord(n.- an emotion; a 11. For (conj- because
combination of musical tones (prep – intended or in
Cord (n.- a string or a rope favor of
Four (n./adj.- the number after
8. Coarse (adj.- unrefined or three
rough Fore (n.- front
Course- (n.- a route or a 12. Hair (n.- part of the human
direction; meal head
9. Deceased (adj. – dead Hare- rabbit
diseased- unhealthy; 13. Heal (v.- to cure or to make
contaminated someone or something
10. Die (v.- to stop living well
dye (v.- to change the color Heel (n.- the under surface of a
of something foot
He’ll- contracted form of “he will”
hill- (n.- a heap or a mound
14. Heard (v./adj- to be 18. Knew (v.)- acquainted or to
perceived be familiar with
by the ear New (adj.)- latest; not old
Herd (n.)- a group of large 19. mail(n.)- refers to letters or
animals (as in cows packages; an armor
15. Hole (n.)- a hollow place or Male (n.)
a cavity 20. Pair (n.)
Whole (adj.)- complete Pear (n.)
16. Hoarse (adj )rough Pare (v.)- to peel or to skin
Horse (n.)-a hoofed animal
17. Knead (v.)- to squeeze and 21. Peace (n.)
press with the hands Piece (n.)
Need (n.)- a requirement
(n.)- to have to

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