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our Presentation
Green Entrepreneurship In Bangladesh:
Prospects And Challenges
Green entrepreneurship is the activity of consciously addressing an
environmental/social problem/need through the realization of entrepreneurial
ideas with a high level of risk, which has a net positive effect on the natural
environment and at the same time is financially sustainable.Green
entrepreneurship is a world- wide phenomenon which embodies a new set of
knowledge and measures to not only provide solutions to increasing
environmental issues, global warming and resource crunch but also sets new
standards for capacity building and capacity enhancement. It opens venues for
innovation, technology adaptation, employment generation and in the process
solve problems of unemployment faced by many developing nations and host of
connected issues at local and community level. Green entrepreneurship can be
one of the practices to control environmental issues such as climate change,
global warming or preventing the use of products, which damage the
Objectives of the study
 To know the perception of the business student regarding Green

 To know the barriers which creates problem in doing green

business or improving green entrepreneurship.

 To find out the way how the problem be solved?


Research Design

The study adopts quantitative data technique from the business students of two
universities who has the knowledge about the green entrepreneurship. Most
popular questionnaire method is used for the analysis focusing on the response
of the respondent.
Research problem

While conducting the research, some problem may arise which creates
hinders in doing the specific work. Lack of proper knowledge, difficult to
obtain all data, time limit and also lacking of proper use of data can create
problem in doing research.
Sampling and data collection

Typically, the sample of this study was made up of the business student of the
Patuakhali Science and Technology University and Barishal University. The
data were mainly collected from the primary sources. These data were
obtained from the 60 responded who are responding to the questions.
Variable Description
Variables Description
Awareness Growing awareness and demand for organic products amongst consumers.

Responsibility Business ought to be socially and ecologically responsible.

Green Business should focus on green entrepreneurship

Solution Providing a sustainable solution to ecological dangers and prevention of further
Absence The absence of green society cooperation
Knowledge Knowledge of local entrepreneurs on green entrepreneurship
Cost Availability of low- cost technological solutions to optimize cost in green ventures.

Demand Low demand for green products

Under this variables, some green entrepreneurship related questions were set to collect
the data from the respondent.
Gender Obs. Percentage
Male 46 75.4
Female 15 24.6
15-20 18 29.5

20-25 32 52.5
Above 25 11 18
Education Qualification
Undergraduate 21 34.4

Graduate 21 34.4
Post Graduate 19 31.1
Patuakhali Science and Technology 37 60.7
University 24 39.3
Barishal University
Below 2.50 2 3.3

2.50-3.00 21 34.4

3.00-3.50 29 47.5
Above 3.50 9 14.8
Total 100
Awareness of Environmental Degredation





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Global Warming and Ozone Destruction


TRUE 95.1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Column1 Series 1
Descriptive Statistics of Motivational Factors

Mean Std. Deviation Analysis N

Knowledge about green entrepreneurship 1.1967 .40082 61

Awareness of environmental degradation 1.1475 .35759 61
Lack of environmental degradation 1.0984 .30027 61
Conscious and socially responsible 3.5246 1.07404 61
Global Warming and ozone destruction 4.1148 1.11203 61
Green product are the need of time 1.0164 .12804 61
Green entrepreneurs are need of the earth 4.0328 .91227 61
Green Entrepreneurship is challenging 3.8689 .84608 61
Strict prevention of environmental degradation 4.000 .85635 61
Ecological awareness and 4.0164 .80606 61
environmental protection
Government subsidies and financial awareness 3.7869 .89656 61
Descriptive statistics of Barriers of Green entrepreneurship

Barriers of Green Entrepreneurship Mean Std. Deviation Analysis N

Absence of green society cooperation 3.5574 1.11840 61
Absence of green funds 3.6230 1.01921 61
Limited knowledge of green entrepreneurship 3.7705 1.08618 61
Limited knowledge of green technology 3.9180 .84252 61
Limited existing green infrastructure 3.6885 1.02536 61
High investment costs 3.2623 1.27674 61
High product cost 1.8689 1.08743 61
Low demand for green products 3.0164 1.23142 61
Not preferring green product 2.5082 1.36165 61

From this study it is found that, most of the respondent know about the green
entrepreneurship in Bangladesh, as well as they are aware of the global
warming and ozone destruction. After analyzing the mean, it is also found that,
most of the respondent think that, global warming and ozone destruction are the
major variable which influence the business of green entrepreneurship.
According to the response of the respondent, it is find out that, limited
knowledge of green technology can be the main problem of green
entrepreneurship development and improvement.

The study was conducted to the 61 business students of only two public
universities. So, the finding may not be generalized in a broader

Some of the respondents did not read the questionnaire carefully and as
a result, they may have been marked some answer incorrectly.

The study is restricted to only the two Public Universities of Barishal

division. In making more generalize, reliable and significant
conclusions, a study employing larger samples from all the districts are
From the findings of this study, we make the following
1.By enhancing Green Skills, the green business can be
2.Incubators of Innovation
3.Public- Private – Community – Partnership
4.Policy- Designing
5.Greater Awareness and Attitude Building for Purchasing:
6.By improving Entrepreneurial Education
7.By Creating awareness about green marketing
A green entrepreneurship is one which is environmentally friendly in all aspects.
This entrepreneurship is not harmful to the environment as traditional industries. A
green entrepreneurship does not put entrepreneur production above and all at the
expense of the natural environment and human health. A green entrepreneurship aims
to build an entrepreneurship that intertwines environmental and social consideration
with economic considerations. A green entrepreneurship is one that sustainably uses
any inputs, where production process requires less use of water, energy, and
materials, where solid waste is reused and recycled, any emission of harmful gases
are reduced, and production process is free from harmful human toxins. A green
entrepreneurship takes an approach towards any form of growth by reducing its
impact on the environment while taking into account of environmental criteria that
may or may not directly relate to the development at hand, but to the ecosystem of
the world at large. A green entrepreneurship can help them to reduce costs, fight
climate change, re-think long-held business practices and open doors to a myriad of

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