What Are Some Services Found On The ?: Internet

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The Internet

What are some services found on the Internet?

p. 68-69 Fig. 2-1 Next

History of the Internet
How did the Internet originate?

Networking project by
Pentagon’s Advanced
Research Projects
Goal: Agency (ARPA) Goal:
To allow scientists To function if
at different part of network
locations to share were disabled
September 1969

p. 69 Next
History of the Internet
Who controls the Internet?
 No one — it is a public, cooperative, and
c c

independent network
 Several organizations set standards

World Wide Web Internet2 (I2)

Consortium (W3C)  Internet-related research and
development project
 Oversees research, sets
standards and guidelines  Develops and tests advanced
Internet technologies
 Tim Berners-Lee, director

p. 70 Next
How the Internet Works
How can you connect to the Internet?

Slow-speed High-speed
technology connection
Dial-up access Digital subscriber line (DSL),
modem in your cable telephone Internet
computer uses a services (CATV), cable modem,
standard telephone line fixed wireless, and satellite modems
to connect to the Internet

Connection must be established Connection is always on—

each time you log on. whenever the computer
Slow but inexpensive is running

p. 70 Next
How the Internet Works
What is a domain name?
 Text version of Internet protocol (IP) address
 Number that uniquely identifies
each computer or device
connected to Internet

p. 73 - 74 Figs. 2-4 – 2-5 Next

The World Wide Web
What is the World Wide Web (WWW)?

A worldwide collection of electronic documents

Also called the Web

Each electronic document is called a Web page

Can contain text, graphics, sound, video, and built-in connections

A Web site is a collection of related Web pages

p. 75 Next
The World Wide Web
What is a Web browser?
 Program that allows you to view Web pages

Internet Mozilla

Firefox chrome Safari

p. 75 Next
The World Wide Web
What is a home page?
 The first page that a Web site presents
 Often provides connections to other Web pages

p. 76 Fig.2-1a Next
The World Wide Web
What is downloading?
 The process of a computer receiving information
 Depending upon connection speed, downloading can
take from a few seconds to several minutes

p. 76 Next
The World Wide Web
What is a URL?
Unique address for a
Web page
A web server delivers the
Web page to your

p. 76 Fig. 2-8 Next

The World Wide Web
What is a search engine?
 Program used to find
Web sites and Web
pages by entering
words or phrases
called search text
 Also called a keyword

p. 78 – 80 Fig. 2-10 Next

The World Wide Web
What are the eleven basic types of Web sites?
 Portal
 News
 Informational
 Business/Marketing
 Educational
 Entertainment
 Wiki
 Blog
 Personal

p. 82 – 84 Fig. 2-14 Next

The World Wide Web
What is a news Web site?
 Contains newsworthy material
 Stories and articles relating to current events, life,
money, sports, and the weather

p. 82 Fig. 2-14b Next

The World Wide Web
What is an informational Web site?
 Contains factual information
 Created by organizations and government agencies

p. 82 Fig. 2-14c Next

The World Wide Web
What is a business/marketing Web site?
 Contains content that promotes products or services
 Allows you to purchase products or services online

p. 82 Fig. 2-14d Next

The World Wide Web
What is an educational Web site?
 Offers avenues for formal and informal teaching
and learning
 Some companies
offer online training
for employees
 Some colleges offer
online classes and

p. 82 Fig. 2-14e Next

The World Wide Web
What is an entertainment Web site?
 Offers an interactive and engaging environment
featuring music, video, sports, games, and more

p. 84 Fig. 2-14f Next

The World Wide Web
What is a blog?
 Uses a regularly updated journal format to reflect the
interests, opinions, and personalities of the author and
sometimes site visitors

p. 84 Fig. 2-14h Next

The World Wide Web
What is a wiki?
 Collaborative Web site that allows users to add to,
modify, or delete the Web site content via their Web

p. 84 Fig. 2-14i Next

The World Wide Web
What is multimedia?
 Application integrating text with other media elements
 Graphics
 Animation
 Audio
 Video
 Virtual reality
 Plug-Ins

p. 85 Fig. 2-16 Next

The World Wide Web
What is a thumbnail?
 Small version of a larger
graphic —used to

improve Web page display

 Usually click
on thumbnail to
display larger

p. 86 Fig. 2-18 Next

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