4 CITWHuman Aspectsof Computing

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Computing and IT in the Workplace


Human Aspects of Computing

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this section, YOU

should be able to explain:
• Importance of the human computer interface
aspects in IT
• Concepts of Ergonomics
• Computer related health issues and the
prevention methods
• Discuss usable interface

CT024 PDT Introduction 2

Topics we will cover

• Human Computer Interface (HCI)

• The importance of HCI
• Human Factors
• Health concerns of Computer use
• Ergonomics

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Overview of Human Computer Interface

Definition of HCI
HCI is concerned with the design,
evaluation and implementation
of the interaction of computing systems
for human use and with the study
of the major phenomena
surrounding them
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Human Computer Interface
• Human
– Individual user or group of users that
work together
– A sequence of users in an organization
each dealing with some part of the task
or process
– They use technology

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Human Computer Interface

• Computer
Any technology ranging from the
general desktop to a large scale
computer system, a process control
or an embedded system

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What is Technology

Technology - process of transforming basic

knowledge into a useful application
Emerging Technology are those where:
1) knowledge base is expanding
2) applications in existing industries are
undergoing innovation
3) new industries/markets are being tapped or
created. Example: Brain-controlled Computers,
Genome Editing, Desalination
CT024 PDT Introduction 7
Human Computer Interface
• Interaction
Communication between user and

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Human Computer Interface

• Designing computer systems that support

people so that they can carry out their
activities productively and safely

• HCI is used to describe the interaction

between a user and a computer

• ‘Computer’ is not just the PC, but also

machines like photocopiers, microwave and
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Importance of HCI

The importance of HCI

1. Concerned with the user performance
(Human Factors and Ergonomics)
2. Produce usable and safe system as
well as functional system

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Benefits of HCI

To improve
2.Utility (functionality)
3.Effectiveness (do the right thing)
4.Efficiency (do things right)
5.Usability (ease of use and learnability of a
human-made object.
Learnability – how a system supports the
user's efforts to learn how a system works)
6. Simplicity
CT024 PDT Introduction 11
Effectiveness Vs Efficiency

Effectiveness and Efficiency are two broad categories of

performance indicators
1. Effectiveness measures how targets are reached.
They relate actual to expected values e.g. actual to
expected sales for the month, year
• Effectiveness indicators require a plan: you cannot
measure effectiveness unless you have a target e.g.
customer satisfaction
2. Efficiency measure how "well" the resources
(people/machine/money) are used to produce products,
services, profit
CT024 PDT Introduction 12
Importance of HCI

• System failure & HCI

 16% of projects are successful
 31% are partially successful
 53% of projects fail
 Failure is overwhelming due to human
rather than technical factors

CT024 PDT Introduction 13

Importance of HCI
Why systems fail?
1. Inadequate requirements 13%
2. Lack of user participation 12%
3. Inadequate resources 11%
4. Unrealistic expectation 10%
5. Lack of support at senior level 9%
6. Changing specifications 8%
7. Lack of planning 8%
CT024 PDT Introduction 14
Importance of HCI
The disciplines that relates to HCI
1. Psychology and cognitive science (give the
knowledge of user’s perception, cognitive and problem
solving skills, ergonomics for the user’s physical
Cognitive science - scientific understanding of how
human cognition works e.g. memory and perception,
structure and use of human language, the evolution of
the mind, animal cognition, artificial intelligence
Cognitive psychology - how people acquire, process
and store information. There are numerous practical
applications for cognitive research e.g. improving
memory, increasing decision-making accuracy
CT024 PDT Introduction 15
Importance of HCI - disciplines that relates
to HCI

2. Sociology and organization psychology

(understand the wider context of the interaction)
3. Computer science and engineering (build
the necessary technology)
4. Business (marketing)
5. Graphics (effective interface presentation)
6. Technical (produce user manual)

CT024 PDT Introduction 16

Health Concerns of Computer Use

• What are some health concerns of computer use?

Computer vision Carpal tunnel syndrome
syndrome (CVS)—eye and (CTS)—inflammation
vision problems of nerve that connects
forearm to palm
Repetitive strain injury
inflammation of the
Computer addiction— tendon due to
when computer consumes repeated motion
entire social life
Tendon - a flexible but inelastic cord of strong
fibrous collagen tissue attaching a muscle to a
CT024 PDT Introduction 17
Health Concerns of Computer Use

1. Eye Strain

How can you ease

when working
at the computer?

CT024 PDT Introduction 18

Health Concerns of Computer Use
2. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
• Wrist, hand, arm, and neck injuries as a
result of forced muscle groups through fast,
repetitive motions
 Typing on a keyboard-based device (computer,
musical instrument)
 Moving groceries items over a scanner
• Preventive measure: change technique of
operating the instruments, take a rest

CT024 PDT Introduction 19

Health Concerns of Computer Use
3. Tendonitis or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
What precautions can prevent tendonitis or
carpal tunnel syndrome?
1. Take frequent breaks
2. during computer session
3. Use wrist rest
4. Exercise hands
and arms
5. Minimize number of
times you switch
between mouse and
CT024 PDT Introduction 20
Health Concerns of Computer Use

4. Back & Neck Pains

Possible cause:
• Improper use of chairs
• Improper ways of positioning keyboard
and/or display screen
Preventive measure: use adjustable,
special-purpose furniture

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Health Concerns of Computer Use
6. Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
• Waves of electrical and magnetic energies
generated by electrical devices
• Strongest fields are emitted from the sides
and backs of terminals and CRT display
7. Noise
• Generated by power supply fan, impact

CT024 PDT Introduction 22

What is Ergonomics
Applied science devoted to comfort, efficiency
and safety in workplace
The goal of Ergonomics is to provide
maximum productivity
elbows at 90°
with minimal cost; keyboard and arms and
height: 23” hands parallel
to 28”
in this context to floor

cost is adjustable
expressed as
the physiological
or health cost to seat

the worker adjustable

height chair
with 5 legs
for stability

feet flat on floor

CT024 PDT Introduction 23

• Ergonomics: originates from two Greek words:

ergon (work) & nomoi (natural laws)
• It means the science of work and a person’s
relationship to that work
• In application, ergonomics is a discipline
focused on making products and tasks
comfortable and efficient for the user
• Ergonomics is sometimes defined as the
science of fitting the work to the user instead of
forcing the user to fit the work
CT024 PDT Introduction 24
Green Computing
Reducing electricity and environmental waste
while using

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Why study Human Use of Computer systems?

The system view:

1. complex human
2. complex computer
3. complex interface between the two
The human factors’ view:
1. humans have limitations
2. errors are costly in terms of
• loss of time & loss of money
• loss of lives in critical systems
• loss of morale
design can cope with such limitations!
CT024 PDT Introduction 26
You know now

• The HCI discipline includes the study of:

– the use and context of computers
– human characteristics
– computer system and interface architecture
– the development process
• HCI is worth studying because it aligns both
human interests and economic interests

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Review Questions
 How could health related disorders and
injuries due to computer use be
 Explain and discuss an appropriate
workplace design

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Question and Answer Session


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What we will cover next

Topic for next session

Ethical and Legal Issues Part 1

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