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John 15:13

“Greater love has no

one than this, that
one lay down his life
for his friends”
(John 15:13).
I. Four Different Loves
1. Eros includes passion or
infatuation as well as sexual or
romantic love.
2. Storge refers to the natural
affection between a parent
and child.
3. Phileo refers to the intimacy
that good friends share.
4. Agape is sacrificial love--a
commitment that motivates us to
deny ourselves on behalf of
another. This is the type of love
the Lord had in mind when He
commanded His followers to love
one another.
II. Jesus’ Command to Love
A. This was a new commandment
B. Jesus told us to love our
enemies(Matt. 21:12-13)
(Matt. 23:37-38)
C. The distinguishing characteristic of a
believer should be love (John 13:34-35).
First (Corinthians 13:1) says that if we
don’t have love, we are like a noisy gong-
-loud, unpleasant, and meaningless.
II. Jesus’ Command to Love
D. We are to walk in sacrificial
love. (Eph. 5:2) and walk in the way
of love, just as Christ loved us and
gave himself up for us as a fragrant
offering and sacrifice to God.
III. Loving as Jesus Did
A. Selflessly – (Matt. 20:28)
Jesus “did not come to be
served, but to serve”
B. Understandingly
C. Forgivingly
III. Loving as Jesus Did
D. Sacrificially – (Mark 8:43)
“If anyone wishes to come
after Me, he must deny
himself, and take up his cross
and follow Me.”
All Glory to God!!!

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