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Analysis of Occurance of malaria under the

elements of climate in pesisir selatan

Dr. Masrizal, SKM, M. Biomed
Angga Febryan, SKM
Randa Ilham, SKM

Public Health Faculty, Andalas University

Universitas Andalas



• Malaria is still one of the infectious diseases that concern the world.

• Global Health Policy until 2010, there are 229 million cases of
malaria worldwide and 660,000 of them are deaths.

• There are 10 countries in Southeast Asia and South with high malaria
transmission after Arika, among them are India, Indonesia, Myanmar,
Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand

• In 2013 the incidence of malaria in Indonesia's population was 1.9%,

a decline compared to that of 2007 of 2.9%. The prevalence of
malaria in 2013 is 6.0%.
• West Sumatra province has a higher incidence
with an incidence rate of 0.3%. Compared to
other areas such as Riau, South Sumatra, Riau
Islands, Lampung, Jakarta and West Java.

• Malaria is also influenced by climatic elements

and geographical conditions of the region.
Malaria is one of the most common diseases in
tropical climates
• Pesisir selatan is an area with a high incidence of malaria in West Sumatra
Province with morbidity of 0.4 per 1000 population.

• the highest malaria incidence occurred in January 2009 with 214 cases
• Pesisir Selatan has a tropical climate with temperatures varying between
233 C to 323 C during the day and 203 C to 2 83 C at night.

• tropical climatic conditions of pesisir selatan Regency can also be

illustrated with average rainfall of 224.63 mm beginnersn
• Ecological Studies

• Sample = Case of malaria recorded in Pesisir Selatan health office

• Secondary data on the number of malaria incidents per month measured by

means of document observation and observation systematically recording.

• Secondary data in the form of temperature data, air humidity and wind speed
obtained from monthly data recording of BMKG of Teluk Bayur. Meanwhile,
rainfall data was obtained from the BMKG of Sicincin
• The measuring instrument is the result of recording and recapitulation of
climate data from BMKG.

• Characteristics of Malaria and Climate Elements in Pesisir

Selatan Regency

Variabel Mean Min Max

the average incidence of malaria in the
Inciden Malaria 78,07 19,00 214,00 pesisir selatan District is 78 cases.

Temperature 27,46 24,57 31,70 While the average temperature is 27.46 ° C,

rainfall 204,48 31,53 779,00 the average rainfall is 204.48 mm,

the average air humidity is 75.13% and

humadity 75,13 67,19 87,78
Wind speed 3,23 1,97 5,40 the average wind speed is 3.23 knots.
The Relationship Between Climate Elements and Malaria
Incidence in Pesisir Selatan Regency
correlation analysis which shows that rainfall has a significant
Variabel p relationship with the incidence of malaria(p = 0.024), but with
Independen value the strength of weak ties and trending negative (r = - 0.140).
Temperature 0,017 While the temperature was not significantly associated with
the incidence of malaria(p = 0.787) the strength of a weak
rainfall 0,14 correlation (r = - 0.017).

0,743 Humidity also did not have a significant relationship with the
humidity 0,03
incidence of malaria(p = 0.743) with a negative direction (r =
Wind speed 0,231 -0.03).
0,076 So is the wind speed, do not have a significant relationship
with the incidence of malaria (p = 0.231) with the strength of
a weak correlation (r = - 0.76).

• Humadity
• almost all sub-districts in Pesisir Selatan Regency
fall into the category of areas with malaria
morbidity. This is obtained by comparison with
the Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI) indicator.
Temperature is one important element in the
climate, where temperature affects some other
climatic elements and temperature
measurements are made for various purposes.
• Rainfall
• The presence of rain or high rainfall will
increase the number of puddles or even
create a puddle that is not available during
the dry season. However, on the other hand
high rainfall can also cause floods that will
ravage the Anopheles mosquito breeding
grounds and will also affect the number or
population of these vectors.
• Humidity of air

• air humidity can affect the life or life cycle of

mosquitoes. Low humidity can shorten the life of
mosquitoes. Air humidity of 60% moisture is the
lowest limit that allows mosquitoes to survive. In
high humidity air, mosquitoes will be more active
and often bite. The mosquito-like breathing system
will open wide at low humidity, causing large fluid
evaporation from the mosquito's body
• Wind speed

• High air velocity, will result in the evaporation of good

water also in the mosquito body so that the mosquito body
temperature will be 1 ° C than the environment. This of
course will be very good for the survival of mosquitoes.
• High wind speeds will also affect the ability to fly
mosquitoes to alight in an ideal place to breed.
• the average wind speed in the pesisir selatan District is
only 3.71 knots or about 4.26 miles per hour, which is far
from the ideal wind speed

• There is a relationship of rainfall with the

incidence of malaria in pesisir selatan
• the strength of the weak relationship and the
negative direction, meaning the higher the rainfall
the lower the incidence of malaria. It is suggested
to the Public Health Office of Pesisir selatan
District to increase awareness during the dry season
because it shows an increase in malaria cases

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