Management Advisory Services: Ferdinand E. Ventura, CPA, MBA Teacher

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Advisory Services

Ferdinand E. Ventura, CPA, MBA

Standard Costing

Ferdinand E. Ventura, CPA, MBA

Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are

Calculate and interpret
Standard Costs
variances for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret
variances for direct labor.
The term standard cost refers
4. Calculate and interpret to the cost that management
variances for manufacturing believes should be incurred
overhead. to produce a good or service
5. Discuss how the management under anticipated conditions.
by exception approach is The primary benefit of a
applied to investigation of
standard cost variances. standard cost system is that
it allows for comparison of
standard versus actual costs.
Differences are referred to as
standard cost variances and
should be investigated if
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
Standard Costs
2. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct material. & Budgets
3. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct labor. At the outset, it is important
4. Calculate and interpret variances to understand the subtle
for manufacturing overhead.
differences in definitions of
5. Discuss how the management by
exception approach is applied to
standard cost and budgeted
investigation of standard cost cost.

Standard cost: the standard

cost of a single unit.

Budgeted cost: the cost, at

standard, of the total number
of budgeted units.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard Development of
costs are developed.
2. Calculate and interpret variances Standard Costs
for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret variances Standard costs are
for direct labor. developed in a variety of
4. Calculate and interpret variances ways. They are
for manufacturing overhead.
5. Discuss how the management by 1. specified in engineering
exception approach is applied to plans.
investigation of standard cost
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard Development of
costs are developed.
2. Calculate and interpret variances Standard Costs
for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret variances Standard costs are
for direct labor. developed in a variety of
4. Calculate and interpret variances ways. They are
for manufacturing overhead.
5. Discuss how the management by 1. specified in engineering
exception approach is applied to plans.
investigation of standard cost 2. developed from price lists
provided by suppliers.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard Development of
costs are developed.
2. Calculate and interpret variances Standard Costs
for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret variances Standard costs are
for direct labor. developed in a variety of
4. Calculate and interpret variances ways. They are
for manufacturing overhead.
5. Discuss how the management by 1. specified in engineering
exception approach is applied to plans.
investigation of standard cost 2. developed from price lists
provided by suppliers.
3. determined time and
motion studies
conducted by industrial
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard Development of
costs are developed.
2. Calculate and interpret variances Standard Costs
for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret variances Standard costs are
for direct labor. developed in a variety of
4. Calculate and interpret variances ways. They are
for manufacturing overhead.
5. Discuss how the management by 1. specified in engineering
exception approach is applied to plans.
investigation of standard cost 2. developed from price lists
provided by suppliers.
3. determined time and
motion studies
conducted by industrial
4. developed from analyses
of past data.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard Ideal vs Attainable
costs are developed.
2. Calculate and interpret variances Standards
for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret variances In developing standard costs,
for direct labor. there are two schools of thought.
4. Calculate and interpret variances Ideal standards: developed under
for manufacturing overhead. the assumption that no obstacles
5. Discuss how the management by to the production process will be
exception approach is applied to
encountered. They are
investigation of standard cost
variances. sometimes referred to as
perfection standards.
Attainable Standards: developed
under the assumption that there
will be occasional problems in
the production process such as
equipment failure, labor turnover,
and materials defects.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
General Approach to
2. Calculate and interpret Variance Analysis
variances for direct
material. An analysis of the difference
3. Calculate and interpret between a standard cost and
variances for direct labor. actual cost is called variance
4. Calculate and interpret analysis. The process
variances for manufacturing decomposes the difference in two
5. Discuss how the management by
For direct material: materials price
exception approach is applied to and materials quantity variance.
investigation of standard cost For direct labor: labor rate (price)
variances. and labor efficiency (quantity)
For overhead: overhead volume
variance and controllable
overhead variance.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
Materials Price
2. Calculate and interpret
variances for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret variances
The material price variance is
for direct labor.
expressed as (AP – SP)AQp where:
4. Calculate and interpret variances
for manufacturing overhead. (AP) = actual price per unit of
5. Discuss how the management by material.
exception approach is applied to (SP) = standard price per unit of
investigation of standard cost
direct material.
(AQp) = actual quantity of material
If actual price > standard price,
then the variance is unfavorable.
If actual price < standard price,
then the variance is favorable.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
Materials Quantity
2. Calculate and interpret
variances for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct labor. The material quantity variance is
4. Calculate and interpret variances
expressed as (AQu – SQ)SP
for manufacturing overhead. where:
5. Discuss how the management by (AQu) = actual quantity of
exception approach is applied to material used.
investigation of standard cost (SQ) = standard quantity of
material allowed.
(SP) = standard price of material.
If actual quantity > standard
quantity, then the variance is
If actual quantity < standard
quantity, then the variance is
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
Labor Rate
2. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret
variances for direct labor.
The labor rate (price) variance is
4. Calculate and interpret variances expressed as (AR – SR)AH
for manufacturing overhead. where:
5. Discuss how the management by (AR) = actual wage rate (price).
exception approach is applied to
investigation of standard cost (SR) = standard wage rate (price).
variances. (AH) = actual number(quantity) of
labor hours.
If actual rate > standard rate, then
the variance is unfavorable.
If actual rate < standard rate, then
the variance is favorable.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
Labor Rate
2. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret
variances for direct labor.
The labor rate (price) variance is
4. Calculate and interpret variances expressed as (AR – SR)AH
for manufacturing overhead. where:
5. Discuss how the management by (AR) = actual wage rate (price).
exception approach is applied to
investigation of standard cost (SR) = standard wage rate (price).
variances. (AH) = actual number(quantity) of
labor hours.
If actual rate > standard rate, then
the variance is unfavorable.
If actual rate < standard rate, then
the variance is favorable.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
Labor Efficiency
2. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret
variances for direct labor.
The labor efficiency (quantity)
4. Calculate and interpret variances variance is expressed as (AH –
for manufacturing overhead. SH)SR where:
5. Discuss how the management by (AH) = actual number of hours
exception approach is applied to worked.
investigation of standard cost
variances. (SH) = standard number of hours
(SR) = standard labor wage rate.
If actual hours > standard hours,
then the variance is unfavorable.
If actual hours < standard hours,
then the variance is favorable.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
2. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct material.
Overhead Variance
3. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct labor.
The controllable overhead
4. Calculate and interpret variance is expressed as (actual
variances for manufacturing overhead - flexible budget level
overhead. of overhead) for actual level of
5. Discuss how the management by production. It is referred to as
exception approach is applied to controllable because managers
investigation of standard cost
variances. are expected to control costs so
they are not substantially
different from budget.
If actual > budget, then the
variance is unfavorable.
If actual < budget, then the
variance is favorable.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
Overhead Volume
2. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct labor.
The overhead volume variance is
4. Calculate and interpret expressed as (flexible budget
variances for manufacturing level of overhead for actual level
overhead. of production - overhead applied
5. Discuss how the management by to production using standard
exception approach is applied to overhead rate).
investigation of standard cost
variances. This variance is solely the
product of more or less units
being produced than planned in
the static budget.
Its usefulness is limited.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
developed. Investigation of
2. Calculate and interpret
variances for direct material. Standard Cost
3. Calculate and interpret
variances for direct labor.
4. Calculate and interpret
variances for manufacturing
It is important to note that
5. Discuss how the management by standard cost variances are not a
exception approach is applied to definitive sign of good or bad
investigation of standard cost performance.
These variances are merely
indicators of potential problems
which must be investigated.
And there are many plausible
explanations for them.
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
Management by
2. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct material.
3. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct labor. Because investigation of
4. Calculate and interpret variances standard cost variances is itself a
for manufacturing overhead. costly activity, management must
5. Discuss how the management decide which variances to
by exception approach is
applied to investigation of
standard cost variances. Most managers practice
management by exception.
What is “exceptional?”
Usually an absolute dollar
amount or a percentage dollar
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
“Favorable” Variances
2. Calculate and interpret variances
for direct material.
May Be Unfavorable
3. Calculate and interpret variances
The fact that a variance is
for direct labor.
“favorable” does not mean that it
4. Calculate and interpret variances
for manufacturing overhead. should not be investigated. Raw
5. Discuss how the management materials are good examples of
by exception approach is this phenomenon, especially
applied to investigation of considering the competitive
standard cost variances. pricing environment for most
commodities. Suppose inferior,
low-priced materials are ordered.
On one hand, a favorable price
variance will arise. On the other
hand, most likely there will be
substantially more scrap and
rework, and thus a higher quantity
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how standard costs are
2. Calculate and interpret
variances for direct material.
Accounting &
3. Calculate and interpret
variances for direct labor.
4. Calculate and interpret
variances for manufacturing As noted previously, managers
overhead. should be held responsible only
5. Discuss how the management for costs they can control. This is
by exception approach is
applied to investigation of
true in the area of variance
standard cost variances. analysis. For example, a
purchasing agent may be held
responsible for direct material
price variances, but certainly not
direct material quantity (usage)
Related Learning Objectives:
1. Record standard costs in the
account of a manufacturing
Recording of
Standard Costs in
In a standard costing system, the
costs added to the Raw Materials
Inventory, Work in Process
Inventory, Finished Goods
Inventory, and Cost of Goods
Sold accounts are all recorded at
standard rather than actual cost.
Variances are also calculated and
recorded for management’s use
in performance evaluation.
Recording of Material Costs
Purchase of raw materials inventory:
Account dr. cr.
Raw Material Inventory (std.) x
Material Price Variance x
Accounts Payable (actual) x
(This is an unfavorable price variance)
Usage of raw materials inventory:
Account dr. cr.
Work in Process Inventory x
Material Quantity Variance x
Raw Material Inventory x
(This is an unfavorable quantity variance)
Recording of Labor Costs
Account dr. cr.
Work in Process Inventory (std.) x
Labor Rate Variance x
Labor Efficiency Variance x
Salaries Payable (actual) x
(Note: both the labor rate variance and efficiency
variance are unfavorable)
Recording of Manufacturing Overhead
Account dr. cr.
Recording manufacturing overhead in a standard
costing system is a three-step process:

1. Actual overhead is recorded in the

manufacturing overhead account.
2. Overhead is applied to Work in Process
Inventory at the standard cost.
3. The difference between actual overhead and
overhead applied at standard is closed and
overhead variances are identified.
Recording of Manufacturing Overhead
(Step 1)
To record actual overhead cost:

Account dr. cr.

Manufacturing Overhead x
*Various Accounts x

*Various accounts include indirect wages payable,

utilities payable and accumulated depreciation.
Recording of Manufacturing Overhead
(Step 2)
To apply overhead cost to work in process inventory
at cost:

Account dr. cr.

Work in Process Inventory x
Manufacturing Overhead x
Recording of Manufacturing Overhead
(Step 3)
To close out manufacturing overhead cost to work in
process inventory at cost:

Account dr. cr.

Manufacturing Overhead x
Overhead Volume
Variance x
Controllable Overhead
Variance x
Recording of Cost of Goods Sold
To apply overhead cost to work in process inventory
at cost:

Account dr. cr.

Cost of Goods Sold x
Finished Goods
Inventory x
Work in Process
Inventory x
Closing Variance Accounts
At the end of the accounting period, the temporary
variance accounts must be closed. As a practical
matter this is usually accomplished by debiting or
crediting the variances to cost of goods sold.
Account dr. cr.
Cost of Goods Sold x
Overhead Volume Variance x
Controllable Overhead Variance x
Material Price Variance x
Material Quantity Variance x
Labor Rate Variance x
Labor Efficiency Variance x

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