Curriculum Model Presentation Tuesday 6-27-17

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By Dante Williams, Kyla Kenyon, & Taylor Herring

Why Teach Personal and Social Responsibility?

- What place does personal and social responsibility have

in Physical Education
- Common Arguments:
1.This should be taught at home, not at school.
2. People believe it is a naturally developed skill and does not need to be

- Goal: To ensure that responsibility is taught, practiced

and learned.
- Affective domain
Defining Responsibility

- Personal acceptance of being answerable for our conduct

concerning others, our surroundings and ourselves.
- Fulfilling obligations
- Keeping commitments
- Striving to do our personal and moral best
- Teaching compassion, cooperation, etc..
- Setting realistic goals
- Accepting consequences for success or failure
Approaches to Empowerment

Including ALL students

Inviting and making use of student input

Providing choices

Letting students practice making choices

Allowing for Self-Respect

Being student centered

Which standards are used in this model

- Obvious choice Standard #4

- ALL standards can be related to the Personal and Social

Hellison’s Levels

- Identifies personal and social responsibility in terms of

principles or goals.
- Respect and helping others are social responsibilities
- Self-direction and effort are personal responsibilities.
- Hellison’s levels
- Level 1: Respect
- Level 2: Effort
- Level 3: Self Direction
- Level 4: Contributing the well being of others
- Level 5: Transferring this outside the gym
Five Finger Contract

- 5 goals are presented that include:

- Personal
- Social
- Environmentally Responsible
- Examples:
- Thumb: Create value for yourself
- Pointer: No putdowns
- Middle: Respect
- Ring: Commitment
- Pinky: Look out for the little guy

- Positive, goal-directed activities

- Vital to students success and fulfillment
- Safe atmosphere for decision making
- Belongingness
- Healthy climate

- No “ quick fix”
- Very demanding
- Willing to promote new possibilities
- New ways of teaching
Core Principles

- Relational
- Congruency
- Choice
- Climate
- Relinquish control

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