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Exercise 1: Who (page 62)

….. adverb , preposition , adjective

away from a place
off / ɒf $ ɒːf / adverb , preposition ,
away from a place :
He got into his car and drove off.
Suddenly they turned off and parked in a
side road.
They were off to Italy (= leaving to go to
Italy ) and wanted to make an early start
….. verb ( past tense and past
participle left / left / )
[ intransitive and transitive ] to go
away from a place or a person
leave / li:v / verb ( past tense and past
participle left / left / )
[ intransitive and transitive ] to go
away from a place or a person :
My baby gets upset when I leave the
leave at
The plane leaves at 12.30.
….. noun
[ uncountable ] the position of having
control or responsibility for a group
of people or an activity
charge/ tʃɑːdʒ $ tʃɑːrdʒ / noun
[ uncountable ] the position of having
control or responsibility for a group of
people or an activity
in charge (of something)
take charge of = took control of
He asked to speak to the person in charge.
Owens came in and took charge of (= took
control of ) the situation.
….. noun [ countable ]
a carefully planned piece of work to
get information about something, to
build something, to improve
something etc
project/ ‘prɒdʒekt $ ‘prɑ:- / noun [
countable ]
a carefully planned piece of work to
get information about something, to
build something, to improve
something etc :
a three-year research project
….. adjective
something that is necessary is what
you need to have or need to do →
necessary/ ‘nesəs ə ri, ‘nesɪs ə ri $ -
seri / adjective
something that is necessary is what
you need to have or need to do →
The booklet provides all the necessary
information about the college.
….. verb
[ intransitive and transitive ] spoken
to be able to do something or carry
something without help
manage/ ‘mænɪdʒ / verb
[ intransitive and transitive ] spoken
to be able to do something or carry
something without help :
Can you manage all right, Mum?
You’ll never manage that suitcase; let
me take it.
….. verb [ transitive not in
progressive ]
to like someone or something more
than someone or something else, so
that you would choose it if you could
→ preference
prefer/ prɪˈfɜ: $ -’fɜːr / verb [ transitive
not in progressive ]
to like someone or something more than
someone or something else, so that you
would choose it if you could →
preference :
This type of owl prefers a desert habitat.
prefer somebody/something to
prefer to do something
prefer doing something
….. noun [ countable ]
a competition in which players
compete against each other in a
series of games until there is one
tournament / ‘tʊənəmənt, ‘tɔ:- $
‘tɜːr-, ‘tʊr- / noun [ countable ]
a competition in which players
compete against each other in a
series of games until there is one
winner :
I feel I can win this tournament.
tennis/chess/badminton etc
….. noun [ countable ]
a business or company, especially a
small one
firm/ fɜːm $ fɜːrm / noun [ countable
a business or company, especially a
small one
electronics/advertising/law etc firm
She works for an electronics firm.
a firm of
accountants/solicitors/builders etc
Kevin is with a firm of accountants in
….. verb [ transitive ] to ask someone
if they would like to have something,
or to hold something out to them so
that they can take it
offer / ‘ɒfə $ ‘ɒːfər, ‘ɑ:- / verb [
transitive ] to ask someone if they
would like to have something, or to
hold something out to them so that
they can take it
offer somebody something
Can I offer you something to drink?
offer something to somebody
Maureen lit a cigarette and offered
one to Lucy.
….. adjective
relating to France, its people, or its
French / frentʃ / adjective
relating to France, its people, or its
language :
an excellent French wine
….. noun [ countable ] a long and
carefully organized journey,
especially to a dangerous or
unfamiliar place, or the people that
make this journey
expedition / ekspə’dɪʃ ə n, ekspɪˈdɪʃ ə n /
noun [ countable ] a long and carefully
organized journey, especially to a
dangerous or unfamiliar place, or the
people that make this journey :
an expedition to the North Pole
on an expedition
He went on an expedition to Borneo
….. noun
the most southern point on the
surface of the Earth → magnetic pole
, north pole
South Pole noun
the South Pole the most southern
point on the surface of the Earth →
magnetic pole , north pole
….. noun [ countable ]
a member of your family SYN
relative/ ‘relətɪv / noun [ countable ]
a member of your family SYN
relation :
a gathering of friends and relatives
a close/distant relative
Her boyfriend is a distant relative of
….. verb [ transitive ]
to make a process or action happen
more quickly SYN speed up :
expedite / ‘ekspədaɪt, ‘ekspɪdaɪt / verb
[ transitive ]
to make a process or action happen
more quickly SYN speed up :
strategies to expedite the decision-
making process
….. noun [ uncountable and
countable ]
a load of goods sent by sea, road, or
air, or the act of sending them
shipment / ‘ʃɪpmənt / noun [
uncountable and countable ]
a load of goods sent by sea, road, or
air, or the act of sending them
shipment of
a shipment of grain
arms/oil/drug etc shipment
an illegal arms shipment
….. noun [ countable ]
someone who travels through an
unknown area to find out about it
explorer / ɪk’splɔːrə $ -ər / noun [
countable ]
someone who travels through an
unknown area to find out about it
….. verb
deliver a speech/lecture/address etc
to make a speech etc to a lot of people
deliver / dɪˈlɪvə $ -ər / verb
deliver a speech/lecture/address etc
to make a speech etc to a lot of people
The king delivered a televised speech
to the nation on November 5.
….. noun
[ countable ] a formal speech that
someone makes to a group of people
address / ə’dres $ ə’dres, ‘ædres /
noun [ countable ] a formal speech
that someone makes to a group of
address to
an address to the European
presidential/inaugural etc address
The new President delivered his
inaugural address in Creole.
….. noun [ countable ]
a shop where you can take clothes etc
to be dry-cleaned
dry cleaner’s noun ( plural dry
cleaner’s ) [ countable ]
a shop where you can take clothes etc
to be dry-cleaned
….. noun [ countable ]
someone who makes a formal speech
to a group of people
speaker / ‘spi:kə $ -ər / noun [
countable ]
someone who makes a formal speech
to a group of people
speaker at
the guest speaker at the conference
….. verb
[ intransitive and transitive ] to
include or show something as a
special or important part of
something, or to be included as an
important part
feature verb
[ intransitive and transitive ] to
include or show something as a
special or important part of
something, or to be included as an
important part :
The exhibition features paintings by
….. noun [ countable ]
a large road vehicle used to carry
goods SYN lorry British English
truck/ trʌk / noun [ countable ]
a large road vehicle used to carry
goods SYN lorry British English :
a truck driver
His car was taken away on the back of
a breakdown truck.
Samuel / ‘sæmjuəl /

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