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Site Planning Process

Design and Site
Harshit S. Lakra
AR 212 Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture and Planning
Indian Institute of Technology
Site planning is the art of arranging the external physical environment to support
human behaviour. Site

It lies along the boundaries of architecture , engineering , landscape architecture and

city planning , and it is practised by members of all these professions.
Site plan locates structure and activities in three dimensional space and when
appropriate in time
Lynch (1971,pp 3-4)

Landscape Design and Site Development

Context specific site planning is a multiphase process for making choices about where to build and
where not to build . It involves location –specific problem solving based on a through understanding
of the site’s cultural, legal , physical and ecological milieus.

Site inventory

Conceptual Design Construction Project
Site inventory Site analysis Development
Design Documentation implementation
Site selection

Site inventory
• Projects with no building: parks , greenways, recreational areas
• Projects with one building:
• Projects with two or more buildings

Landscape Design and Site Development

Project initiation
Growth and development of the built environment occur incrementally and may be initiated by client in the private or
public sector .

Government agencies : expression of interest / request for qualification

Contract include scope of services , a schedule for delivering the services and budget and payment schedule
Site inventory

Conceptual Design Construction Project
Site inventory Site analysis Development
Design Documentation implementation
Site selection

Site inventory
• Site selection and programming
• Site is known or site is chosen

Landscape Design and Site Development

Site inventory
Understanding of relevant contextual factors or attributes .
Deciding which attributes to assess and which attributes to ignore depends on at least four factors
• Proposed site uses
•Existing on site and off site conditions
•Requirements for permits and approvals
• costs of data collection and analysis
Site inventory

Conceptual Design Construction Project
Site inventory Site analysis Development
Design Documentation implementation
Site selection

Site inventory
• Site analysis
• Site inventory must be integrated and synthesized to assess the site
suitability for specific program objectives
• Thematic mapping and analysis
Landscape Design and Site Development
Conceptual Design
Adapting the program to the unique features of the site .
Concept plan spatially organise the project’s uses on site
Major program elements and important exisiting conditions are shown diagrammatically on the concept plan.
Circulation pathways are often portrayed as arrows and major uses or activities zones are prtrayed as polygons or
Creating 2 or more options is helpful in exploring design options
Site inventory

Conceptual Design Construction Project
Site inventory Site analysis Development
Design Documentation implementation
Site selection

Site inventory
• Design development
• Refines the concept plan
• Site plan, plan, section and elevation , perspective view

Landscape Design and Site Development

Construction documentation
•Layout plan: ( horizontal control ): locates buildings , streets and parking areas, walkways , utility lines , and other site
elements in relations to the site boundaries and other existing built and natural elements
•Grading plan: ( vertical control): locates existing contours ( dashed lines ), proposed contours ( solid lines ), and
proposed spot elevations at high and low points , and locates pavement corners in relation to a local elevation
benchmarks. Drainage swales and storm drain system are also included.

Site inventory

Conceptual Design Construction Project
Site inventory Site analysis Development
Design Documentation implementation
Site selection • Utilities plan: ( subsurface and surface utilities ) locates sanitary
Site inventory
sewer systems, on-site wastewater disposal and treatment systems ,
(cultural) drinking water distribution lines , electrical supply lines , lighting and
telecommunication cables . Utility plan specifies type and size or
• Planting plan: ( trees, shrubs , vines and groundcover ) locates
existing and new vegetation , including the desired spacing between
new plantings. Plant quantities , sizes , and root conditions are
Landscape Design and Site Development
included in a table or schedule
Demolition plan : ( site preparation ) for infill sites especially ,identifies the buildings , utility
structure , and other site elements that will be either removed , protected or retrofitted.

Irrigation plan: locates the site irrigation system, although sustainable site design minimizes the
need for supplementary irrigation by specifying well adopted native and naturalised plant

Erosion and sediment control plan: needed in some places

Landscape Design and Site Development

Construction specification
Bidding requirement
Technical specification
Contract administration
Permitting and approvals

Site inventory

Conceptual Design Construction Project
Site inventory Site analysis Development
Design Documentation implementation
Site selection

Site inventory

Landscape Design and Site Development

Examples : site programming
Clients objectives vary
• communicate the proposed process to all involved
• does not lock in preconceived solutions
• Reconciles subcomponent needs with overall organizational goals and resources
• frequently tests and reviews design concepts as functional and space models are explored

Goal Desired outcome ( examples

Habitat restoration Wetland , prairies, forest ,
Natural resources conservation Public open space , farmland
Public and quasi- Public facility construction Affordable housing , school, jail, prison , park or
waterfront promenade
Infrastructure ( highways, airports )
Business expansion , relocation and establishment Manufacturing facility, restaurant , bank , corporate head
Real estate development Housing ( single family detached houses , condominiums ,
mixed use ( office, retail housing )

Landscape Design and Site Development

Goals and Objective

Programming entails
Initiate the project
Site reconnaissance
Develop the project ‘s mission and objectives
Historic and current aerial
Determine the projects operational and physical requirements
Document and present the program to the client
Zoning maps
Road maps
Soil maps
Methods of gathering information
Flood hazard maps
Tax assessment maps
Document analysis
These information are
Behavioural observation
available from local and state
Visiting a state of the art project
Literature search
Other ( interactive group techniques such as charrettes, workshops and discussions )

Landscape Design and Site Development

Goals and Objective: process

Identification of key players

Elected officials
Site selection process
Appointed officials
Greater convenience for the site’s users
Facility operators
Funding managers and analysts
Enhanced aesthetics
Public works and building maintenance staff
Citizen group
Fewer negative environmental impacts

Reduced cost for permitting ,

Factors for site selection
construction, operation and
Proximity to the workplace
Quality of nearby schools
Neighbourhood safety
Proximity to restaurant , shops and services
Quality of nearby recreational facilties

Landscape Design and Site Development

Thank you

Landscape Design and Site Development

Visual preference survey

VPS are useful way to take stakeholder s opinion concerning future development,
redevelopment or restoration

It determines how community would like their community/ neighborhood to look

Site planning and design decisions that impacts the built environment visual quality
include the following
Building scale and massing ( height , width , and shape )
Building articulation (for example , façade , signs , roof )
Building placement ( with respect to street and site entrance )
Open space ( lighting and landscape )
Vehicle parking ( screening and relationship to street)


Landscape Design and Site Development

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