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How many hours do government

employees render in a week?

How do we record daily attendance?
Bundy Clock
Section 02 of Rule XVII of the CSC Rules Implementing EO No. 292
• Names and signatures (w/arrival time and departure time)
are indicated

• Responsible officer shall monitor the arrival and departure

of officials and employees
Who are those officers don't need to punch in
the Bundy clock?
Those appointed by the President

Higher than Other

Chiefs and
Chiefs and Presidential
Assistant Chiefs
assistant chiefs Appointees
But these officers’
attendance and all absences must be recorded.
Falsification or irregularities in the keeping
of time records
Falsification or irregularities in the keeping
of time records

•Falsification of daily time records is an act

of dishonesty.
•Punching another employee’s timecard
Falsification or irregularities in the
keeping of time records

1. Administratively liable without prejudice

2. Criminal prosecution
3. Grave offense – punishable by dismissal from
the service

• failure to arrive at a time set

• lack of punctuality
• not arriving on time
• simply “LATE”

• Time In: 8:31 am = LATE (Monday only)

• Time In: 9:01 am = LATE (Tue to Fri)
• Time In: 1:01 pm = LATE (Mon to Fri)
Reasons why employees are late at
Lack of Sleep
Bad Weather
Getting kids to school
Last but not least…
Filipino Time
Is it possible to incur 10
tardiness in just 5 days?
YES. In one(1) working day, employee can incur
tardiness twice. (am and pm).
Hence, 5 days x 2 = 10 tardiness
Habitual Tardiness
Ten (10) times a month for at least
two (2) months in a semester or at
least two (2) consecutive months
during the year.
Tardiness, even if not habitual, still causes
inefficiency and is still prejudicial to public service
as habitual
Habitual Tardiness: either grave offense or
light offense under the Revised Rules on
Administrative Cases in the Civil Service

- Depends on its effects to the government

Grave Offense: tardiness in reporting for duty

1st OFFENSE – 6 months & 1 day to 1 year

2nd OFFENSE– Dismissal from the service
Light Offense: Habitual Tardiness

1st OFFFENSE – Reprimand

2nd OFFENSE – Suspension of 1 to 30 days
3rd OFFENSE – Dismissal from the service
•Less than the time allotted for the fixed
working hours (8hrs)

•Ten (10) times a month for at least two (2)

months in a semester or two (2)
consecutive months during the year,
liable for Simple Misconduct and/or
Conduct Prejudicial
deducted against vacation leave
Can’t Off-set of tardiness or
ABSENTEEISM is a habitual
pattern of absence from a duty
Employee has unauthorized absences
allowable 2.5 days* monthly leave credit

* 1.25 VL + 1.25 SL in a month

Habitually absent if incurs unauthorized
absences exceeding 2.5 monthly at least
three (3) months in a semester or at least
three (3) consecutive months during the
1st OFFENSE – Suspension of 6 months and 1
day to 1 year
2nd OFFENSE – Dismissal from the service
Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL)
•At least 30 working days
•Less than 30 working days
•Substantial absences – less than 30 working
days, 3 times in a semester
Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL)
•If continuously absent without approved leave
for at least 30 days.

Separated from the service or dropped from the

rolls without prior notice
Half-Day Absence
• Absent in the morning is TARDY; subject to the
provisions on Habitual Tardiness;
• Absent in the afternoon is UNDERTIME; subject
to the provisions on Undertime.
• Section 01: Rule XVII of the CSC Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 (prescribed OFFICE HOURS)

• CSC Resolution No. 91-677, circularized in MC No.21, s.1991

Policy on Government Working Hours for Government Officials and Employees (40 hours per week exclusive lunchtime)

• Section 02: Rule XVII of the CSC Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 (Record of Daily Attendance with Bundy Clock)


Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EO No. 292 (Officers don’t need to punch in the Bundy Clock)

• Sec. 4, Rule XVII, Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of E.O. 292 (Falsification or irregularities in the keeping of time records)

• Memorandum Circular No. 04, s. 1991– POLICY ON ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS

• Rule 10 Schedule of Penalties B. 5 of RRACCS: Grave Offense tardiness in reporting for duty

• Rule 10 Schedule of Penalties F. 4 of RRACCS: Light Offense Frequent unauthorized tardiness (Habitual Tardiness)

• CSC Resolution No. 101357 dated July 6, 2010; circularized in Memorandum Circular No. 16, s. 2010 (Policy on Undertime)

• Sec. 34. Omnibus on Leave (Tardiness and UNDERTIME are deducted against vacation leave credits)

• SEC.9 Rule XVII of the CSC Rules Implementing EO No. 292 ( No off-setting of tardiness or absences)

• Sec. 63. Effect of absences without approved leave


CSC MC No. 15, s. 1999, Rule 19 Revised Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (Nov. 8, 2011) (section 9)

• MC 17, s. 2010 (Policy on Half-Day Absence)

• Compensatory Time-OFF
(Joint Circular No. 2, s. 2004)

• BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. 10, March 29,1996 (Overtime pay in Government personnel)

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