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Final Examination of Undergraduate Thesis

By: Muhamad Umar Chatab

NIM: 2070 26000 605
English Letters Department (Non- Regular)
 1. Interpreting deals with spoken/oral words.
Meanwhile, translation deals with written/recorded

 2. Interpreting is combination of listening, thinking,

and speaking activity to enable communication within
three parties. (SL speaker, interpreter, and
audiences). From SL into TL.

 3. Interpreting is conducted here and now, live, and

on the spot.

 4. Interpreting denotes to someone who can explain

the meaning verbally from SL, and making clearly
sense to TL of what others have difficulty for
understanding it.
 1. Interpreter is someone whose job is to change
what someone else is saying from SL into TL orally.

 2. Interpreter’s job is listening of SL speaker message

(A), then speaking it to TL listeners (B). Meanwhile,
translator’s job is reading SL text message (A), and
writing it into another of TL/ text message (B).

 3. An interpreter is required to have public speaking

skill ability and competency on bilingualism.
Meanwhile, to be a translator needs good editing skill
and well writing ability.
 1. Consecutive Interpreting is a sub-type/a special mode
of Interpreting.

 2. Consecutive Interpreting is conduction of listening,

understanding, and speaking activity to grasp utterances a
SL speaker, and re-speech message into TL listeners with
a different language.

 3. Practically for example, a SL Speaker speaks at least

with an understandable passage for 1 or 2 minutes, then,
an interpreter interprets it into TL listeners with a different

 4.What have to be interpreted are not just words.

Moreover, main ideas, messages, and informational
contents have to be interpreted to achieve total accuracy.
 1. As a memorizer for interpreter when she/he loss of
informational content that is speeches by SL speaker.

 2. As the second helpful tool for interpreter to render

message beside his/her memory as the primary tool

 3. Note taking improve concentration, prevent

distraction, facilitating the reception and analysis of
the speech.

 4. Note taking relieve the interpreter’s memory for

remembering every point in the speech of SL speaker.
 5. Note taking is useful for activating the
memory of interpreter with cues or signals
that information raises in the speech by SL

 6. Last, note taking can also be used to

rememorize highlight missing details,
inconsistencies and implausibility of SL
speech that needs attention by interpreter to
be revised verbally later.
 Tablighi Jama’at (TJ) is one of trans-national Islamic
sect ideology who born in India, in early 20th century.

 The Tablighi Jama’at founding father was Sheik

Maulana Ilyas Al-Kandahlawi.

 The mission of this community to spread da’wah or

Islamic preaching to entire world. Especially, for
Moslems only.

 Their main mission is to send many Moslems

jama’at/community whether in local, national and
international areas through its program: 3 days, 40
days, and 4 months or more.
 In the matter of fact, Tablighi Jama’at from
overseas gives Islamic preaching with their own
understanding language in Indonesian people by
using: English (with various dialects), Urdu, Hindi,
Arab, Bengali, etc. Therefore, the service of
interpreters are very needed to help them for
communicating with laymen local audiences who
do not understand foreign languages and vice

 The sub-type interpreter service that usually

needs for succeeding Tablighi Jama’at’s mission
is Consecutive Interpreter.
 1. Some of Tablighi Jama’at’s interpreters are not
fluently speaking English, and
unpracticed/untrained to be a consecutive
interpreter. Even they do not know what
interpreting and interpreter mean. However,
many Tablighi Jama’at SL speakers speak some
words and sentences with Arabic, Hindi or Urdu
mixed with English as the main speech. This
seems to be a complicated problem for
interpreter to render message into audiences.
Especially , newbie interpreters who do not
understand Arabic words and nor recite Qur’an
 2. No one of Tablighi Jama’at’s interpreter uses note
taking as far as my observation toward them. This fact

◦ A. Tablighi Jama’at’s interpreters exclude the important

tool of note taking.

◦ B. Using note taking is sign a weakness of Tablighi

Jama’at’s interpreters toward audiences/listeners.

◦ C. Using note taking is an act of low self confidence and

distrust to God’s power during interpreting process.

◦ D. Note taking technique is not common and bizarre on

Tablighi Jama’at’s interpreting.
 1. Mosque of Kebon Jeruk in Jakarta, as the main
headquarter of Tablighi Jama’at in Indonesia,
needs to provide qualified interpreters who just
not mastering English fluently, but they need
either to be trained for mastering Arabic words
for general, because the mission of interpreting
on Tablighi Jama’at’s preaching is always
concerned about da’wah and Islamic matters.

 2. The usage of note taking for Tablighi Jama’at

interpreters need to be enlivened for helping
them in consecutive interpreting process.

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