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Stissing Mountain Jr./Sr.

High School

Brooke Hapeman, Maura Conlon, Joe Velez
Teacher Biographies

Ms. Conlon Mr. Velez Ms. Hapeman

8th Grade PE Teacher 8th Grade PE Teacher 8th Grade PE Teacher
Graduate of SUNY Cortland Graduate of SUNY Cortland Graduate of SUNY Cortland
Basketball Coach Swim Coach Softball Coach
● Intro to Tchoukball
● Psychomotor Domain
● Cognitive Domain
● Affective Domain
● Reflection
● Questions

● Invasion game
● No contact
● Typically 7 players per side
● Maximum of three passes before a shot
Psychomotor Assessment

Objective - By the end of class, students will be able to perform the overhand pass
seven out of ten times, with proper form.

Standards - New York State Standard 1A, National Standard 1.

Data Collection - Peer Assessment

Score Criteria for Standing Students

4= Uses the overhand pass frequently demonstrating proper form. Passes lead teammates, can pass on the move.
Excellent Catches all/most passes from teammates. Takes no more than 3 steps with ball.

3 = Good Uses the overhand passes some of the time demonstrating good form. Passes lead teammates. Catches most
passes from teammates. Takes no more than 3 steps with ball.

2 = Fair Demonstrates improper form of the overhand pass. Catches some passes from teammates, with some dropped
passes. Takes more than 3 steps with ball.

1 = Poor Does not attempt the overhand pass. Does not move with ball or moves more than 3 steps with ball.

Score Criteria for Students in Wheelchairs

4= Uses the overhand pass frequently, gives good leading passes, can pass on the move. Catches all/most passes
Excellent from teammates. Takes no more than 3 rolls with ball.

3 = Good Uses the overhand passes some of the time, gives leading passes. Catches most passes from teammates. Takes
no more than 3 rolls with ball.

2 = Fair Uses the over hand pass once or twice. Catches some passes from teammates, with some dropped passes. Takes
more than 3 rolls with ball.

1 = Poor Causes turnovers when passing or catching, frequently. Does not move with ball or takes more than 3 rolls with ball.
Psychomotor Assessment Chart




Affective Assessment
Objective: Throughout the lesson,students should demonstrate fair
play, motivation and attitude throughout game play.

Standard: New York State Standard 2A and National Standard 4

Data Collection: Teacher Assessment

Fair Play Attitude Motivation

Does the student demonstrate fair Does the student demonstrate a Does the student show motivation?
play? i.e. only takes 3 steps before positive attitude throughout the I.e. willing to play, desire to score and pass to
passing, passes a minimum of 3 lesson? students
times before trying to score, calls I.e. no trash talking (shows good
out other teammates/opposing sportsmanship), Encourages others
team for being unfair

4= Always demonstrates fair play. 4= Always demonstrates a positive

Criteria listed above attitude. Criteria listed above 4= Participates in the game for the entire time and
is willing to play
3= Demonstrates fair play 80% of 3= Demonstrates a positive attitude
the time (takes more than 3 steps) 80% of the time (trash talks the 3= Participates in the game 80% of the time
other team once) (walks down the court to other end)
2= Demonstrates fair play 50% of
the time (takes more 3 steps, does 2= Demonstrates a positive attitude 2= Participates in the game 50% of the time
not call out other 50% of the time (trash talks the (walks down to the other end of the court, hustle is
teammates/players for unfair play) other team constantly, does not at a minimum)
encourage others)
1= Does not demonstrate fair play
(takes as many steps as wanted, 1= Does not demonstrate a positive 1= Does not participate in the game and is not
never calls out unfair play and does attitude (trash talk opposing team, willing to play
not pass a minimum of 3 times) shows no sportsmanship and never
encourages others)
Affective Assessment Chart




Cognitive Assessment
Objective: Students will be able to answer questions about the rules
related to Tchoukball.

Standard: NYS Standard 1A. National Standard 2

Data Collection: Written Assessment

Name:____________________ Step Count:_______

_____ 1. Each player may only take ____ steps while in possession of the ball.
a. 1
b. 5
c. 3
d. 6

_____ 2. How many passes do you need to be able to take a shot?

a. 2
b. 5
c. 1
d. 3

_____ 3. Players must dribble the ball to advance down the court.
a. True
b. False

_____ 4. Players can go inside the crease while shooting.

a. True
b. False

_____ 5. If your team drops the ball during a possession it is a turn over.
a. True
b. False





Change in Psychomotor Assessment Criteria

More observable Affective Assessment Criteria

Thank you!

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