The Future of Peer To Peer Giving

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The Future of Peer to Peer Giving

In the beginning…

Founder, Kevin Price, was inspired to

launch HTH after becoming friends with
the the only homeless person living in
his small town, Artesia, NM. Kevin
journeyed with Ricky D. through his
transformation out of homelessness.
Little did he know, that he would be
transformed as well. Ricky D. now has a
home and lives off the money he makes
creating art.

His passion began with one man and

will go on to impact the masses…

One human at at a time.

Kevin Price- Founder/Executive Director
• Kevin graduated Summa Cum Laude from TTU and has a strong background in nonprofit development and motivational speaking.
Kipp Bennett-Chew- Associate Director
• Kipp is a very experienced photographer and is currently studying digital marketing and communication at Texas Tech.
Hannah Wilhite, MPH, LCDC-I- Director of Operations
• Hannah holds her masters in Public Health and is very experienced in developing and directing programs.
Steve Ehrenreich- Director of Strategy
• Steve has launched multiple startups, acted as CEO of numerous large companies, and has a lot of experience working with nonprofits.
Victor Vasquez- Director of Photography
• Victor is the CEO of Lumen Productions and is a very experienced videographer who has won multiple film festivals around the world.
Amy Wood- Director of Marketing
• Amy is the CEO of Flint Avenue Marketing and has built a team of dynamic creative professionals across the world.
Julia Sewing- Creative Director
• Julia is currently studying Creative Media Industries at TTU and works as the lead Producer at the KTXT radio station.
Erik Mahal- Webmaster
• Erik currently works at GriffinWink Advertising and is a specialist in brand development, content creation, and SEO.
Sarah Farrell- Public Relations Team Lead
• Sarah is a UT student studying PR and is the HTH team lead for the Texas Tower PR Program.
Board of Advisors

Rafe Beeson- CEO of Austin Business Coaching

Darrel Raynor- CEO of Data Analysis & Results Inc.
Alan Graham- CEO of Mobile Loaves and Fishes
Stephen Warren- President of Community Foundation of West Texas
Richard Price- Executive Director of the Chase Foundation
Kerry O’Connor- Chief Innovation Officer for the City of Austin
Alicia Knight- Assistant Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Dr. George Comiskey- Associate Director for External Relations, CCRC
Chad Wheeler- Executive Director of Open Door
Rob Duesing- Ex-homeless Advisor/Musician/Videographer
Jason Benjamin- Currently Homeless Advisor/App Developer
Problem Solution
A social giving platform that uses
technology to facilitate peer to peer
support in a safe, secure, effective way.

There is no effective way to directly help the homeless.

Customer Segment

Stats on Homelessness
• 2,147 homeless in ATX
• 23,000 in Texas
• 553,742 in the US

The Rise of Homelessness in America

According to the National Alliance to End
Homelessness, the overall number of people
experiencing homelessness in the US increased
nationally by 0.7 percent between 2016 and 2017,
with no signs of slowing.
Value Proposition

HTH offers immediate assistance for people

who have nowhere else to turn. While
current homeless services meet certain
needs, many needs are not provided for.
Hearing the Homeless seeks to create a
supportive community for those needing
additional assistance, accomplished
through the willing cooperation and altruism
of conscientious individuals without
suffering a cost to taxpayers.
How we deliver our solution?
Relationship with our Members
• HTH Ambassadors will perform weekly check ins with
members and member’s case manager to ensure
members are on track to meet goals.

Relationship with our Supporters

• HTH will provide donors with feedback on how their
funds are used as well as updates on the progress of
the member they are supporting.

Relationship between Supporters and Members

• Supporters will be able to send members encouraging
messages and will receive monthly updates on the
member they are supporting.

How will customers find our solution?

1. Social Media
2. Community events
3. Viral Marketing campaigns
4. Word of mouth
Customer Relations
How do we talk about our solution?
• HTH offers the public a secure avenue to have a direct impact on homeless individuals in their communities. We will build a
platform to foster development among homeless individuals whose lives supporters are directly impacting.
• Our motto is: One human at a time.
• Our mission is to empower the homeless and foster community engagement.
• Our goals are to:
1. Break down the stigma and enormity of homelessness.
2. Form communities of support for each homeless individual.
3. Give the homeless the tools they need to thrive and become sustainable.

How do we gain more supporters?

1. Community events
2. Brand ambassadors
3. Friends of current supports
4. Viral inspiring content
5. Street outreach
• We have already pivoted multiple times and have learned a lot in a
years time. As technology advances so will we. We strive to maintain
a culture of innovation and are always looking for ways we can adapt
to more effectively meet the needs of our members and supporters.
• The success of HTH is dependent on maintaining a culture of
collaboration. We seek to add as much value as possible to any
community that we operate in and we will pivot as much as needed
to form the partnerships that are vital to our development.
Projected Revenue Streams

Community Donations
Corporate Sponsors

20% 20%
Private donors
Social Media Monitization

Key Activities
1. Build a scalable platform
• Building a streamlined platform that facilitates peer to peer donations, expenses funds intelligently, and collects and
distribute content and art is vital to our success.

2. Form partnerships with nonprofits

• Forming secure partnerships with nonprofits to handle case management and the screening process of members is
crucial to our ability to grow and expand.

3. Develop a collective of creatives

• Forming an ecosystem of videographers, photographers, and artists will enable us to capture and collect mass
quantities of quality content and art to distribute to supports and build member profiles.

4. Establish a crowdfunding community

• Establishing and growing our community of supporters will allow us to increase our member base and scale into
other markets.

5. Accrue a team of ambassadors

• Our ambassadors will allow us to spread our message effectively, grow our supporter base, and will provide updates
on the success of our members through communicating with case managers.
• Quality content and art
• Printing/shipping services
• Technological solutions
• Ambassadors
Key Resources • Nonprofit partners
• Educational partners
• Local business partners
Penny Inc.
• Penny Inc. is our financial technology partner that provides an expense management
platform that will allow us to securely and efficiently distribute funds to our members.
Spare Change
• Spare Change is our newest Austin based partner that will provide a crowdfunding plug
in allowing us to go to market with an MVP.
Mobile Loaves and Fishes
• MLF is an Austin based nonprofit that provides valuable resources, connections, and
client base for us to launch in Austin after running our BETA test in Lubbock.
Art from the Streets
Key Partners • Art from the Streets is an Austin based nonprofit that will help provide a steady supply
of art for the microenterprise side of our program.
Open Door
• Open Door will be the first program to use our platform in a BETA test to provide
additional funding to their clients.
TTU Innovation HUB
• The HUB will forever be where the movement began, providing valuable insight,
resources, and mentorship for us to launch a successful scalable program.
Grace Campus
• Grace Campus helps homeless individuals receive help and access shelter in Lubbock,
Texas that provides temporary housing and access to basic resources.
HTH provides Our Mission:
immediate assistance To empower and
Platform Development for people with nowhere inspire…one human at at 425 homeless in Lubbock
Nonprofit Partners else to turn, time. 23,000 in Texas
Collective of Creatives accomplished through 553,742 in the US
Penny Inc. Crowdfund
Spare Change the willing cooperation Our Vision
Train Ambassadors and altruism of To build communities of 0.7 percent increase
MLF between 2016 and 2017,
Art from the Streets conscientious support for people in need.
individuals. with no signs of slowing
Open Door per the National Alliance
The Hub to End Homelessness.
Grace Campus How we deliver?
UT Quality content and art Our Values Through a integrative
Transparency 43% Single men
TTU Printing/shipping services platform and drop
Community 33% Families w/ Children
Technological solutions shipping.
Love 17% Single Women
Dignity 3% Minors
Nonprofit partners How customer finds us?
Respect 4% Unknown
Educational partners Social Media
Local business partners Innovation Word of mouth
Viral Marketing

Community Donations- 10%

Grants- 10%
Corporate Sponsors- 20%
Private Donors- 20%
Merchandise/Subscription- 20%
Social Media Monetization- 20%
Next Steps

Raise Startup Develop the Build the

Funds platform Community
Broader Impact
HTH will impact homelessness on a global scale. It will not only
change the way society views homelessness, but it will alter the
way we relate entirely. This is the beginning of a movement
that will disrupt homelessness to its core.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed,

citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that
ever has.”
-Margaret Mead

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