The First Law of Thermodynamics: and The Hydrostatic Approximation

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The First Law of

and the Hydrostatic Approximation
The Hydrostatic Approximation
Meteorologists often assume that on
average the upward directed pressure
gradient force is balanced by the
downward directed gravitational force.

This relationship is called the hydrostatic

Hydrostatic Approximation (Cont.)
The acceleration caused by the upward
directed pressure gradient force is

- 1 dp
ρ dz
Hydrostatic Approximation (Cont.)
The acceleration caused by the downward
directed gravitational force is

Hydrostatic Approximation
Thus, the hydrostatic approximation is

- 1 dp = g
ρ dz
Looking at a typical column of air

- 1 dp
ρ dz

zT pT

dp = pT - pB
dz = zT - zB

zB pB

Hydrostatic Approximation (Cont.)
If we multiply both sides of the hydrostatic
approximation by ρ, then we get

dp = -ρg
Hydrostatic Approximation (Cont.)
The ideal gas law for dry air was

ρ = p/RdT
If we substitute for ρ in the hydrostatic
approximation, then we get

dp = - gp
dz RdT
Hydrostatic Approximation
This equation allows us to compute the rate
of change of pressure with height, if we
know the pressure, p, and the
temperature, T.
Thermodynamic Processes
Thermodynamic processes can be classified as:
(1) diabatic – energy (heat) is gained or lost
by an air parcel
(2) adiabatic – no energy is gained or lost
by an air parcel
In an adiabatic process the temperature
changes because of compression or expansion.
Temperature Changes in a Solid
The change in temperature in a solid can be
related to the gain or loss of energy by

dQ = C m (Tf – Ti) = C m dT
dQ is the energy gained or lost
C is the specific heat of the substance
m is the mass of the solid
Tf is the final temperature of the solid
Ti is the initial temperature of the solid
Specific Heat
The specific heat of the solid is the energy
required to raise the temperature of one
kilogram of the solid 1°C.
Division by Mass
In meteorology we often divide by the mass
of an object in order to remove the effect
of size of an object on calculations.
Division by Mass (Cont.)
If we divide our thermodynamic equation by
the mass of the solid, we get

dQ/m = C (Tf – Ti) = C dT

If we let dq = dQ/m, then this becomes

dq = C (Tf – Ti) = C dT
Addition of Energy to Dry Air
When energy is added to dry air, two things
can happen:
(1) The energy is stored inside the
molecules as internal energy;
(2) the dry air expands and uses energy
to do work when it pushes away the
surrounding molecules.
First Law of Thermodynamics
These two processes are combined into the
First Law of Thermodynamics which
states that the energy gained/lost by dry
air is equal to the sum of the change in
internal energy plus the work during
First Law of Thermodynamics
One equation for the First Law of
Thermodynamics is
dq = cvdT + pdα
energy gained/lost = internal energy change + work done

cv is the specific heat at constant volume

cv = 718 J kg-1 K-1 for dry air
α is the specific volume (α = 1/ρ)
Alternate Form of the First Law of
An alternate form of the First law of
Thermodynamics used by meteorologists
to predict temperature changes is
dq = cpdT – αdp
cp is the specific heat at constant pressure
cp = 1005 J kg-1 K-1 for dry air

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