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What is water demand management?
 Any action which reduces the demand of fresh water
through the more efficient usage of water
 It helps to:-
 Reduce loss and misuse
 Optimize water use by assuring a reasonable
 Facilitate major financial and infrastructure savings
Effective Water Demand Management Measures
in different sectors
Agricultural (irrigation) sector
 Using surge in which water is pushed in a small
number of gushes into irrigation beds thereby
reducing evaporation
 Using casing /sleeve irrigation/ method channels
water by way of casings or sleeves down to the root
zones of crops where the water is actually needed and
absorbed by plants.
 Contouring
Industrial sector
 Recycling and re-use of water
 Water tariff
Power generation sector
 Alternative renewable energy sources(i.e wind, solar, biomass)
 Retrofitting electrical devices in homes
Municipal sector
 Water meters and the detection of water leaks
 Water-wise gardening
 low flow showerheads
 Awareness
Environmental sector
 Eradication of unwanted water-thirsty vegetation
 Contouring and landscaping
 Improving the network of measuring devices
 Etc
In addition to the above, general WDMM include:-
 Educating consumers to limit their consumption
 Imposing legal penalty
 Reducing the underlying need for the service
 Changing the way in which community needs
 Pricing mechanisms
 Revising service delivery levels

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