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4.4 and 4.2 Knowing thatthe couple shown acts in a vertical plane, de- termine the stress at (@) point A, (2) point B. 15 in M=25 hip in, (os)? 2tus)® v2 * te = 28-85 ia! 4.3. The wide-flange beam shown is made of a high-strength, low-alloy steel for whieh a = 345 MPa and a, ~ 450 MPa, Using a factor of safety oF 3.0, determine the largest couple that can be applied to the beam when it is bent about the < axis. Neglect the effect of fillets 0 1S um ‘] a 360m z = 250mm lis hn 4.4 Solve Prob. 4.3, assuming that the beam is bent about the y axis, 4.3. The wide-flange beam shown is made of a high-strength, low-alloy steel for which oy = 345 MPa and a7, = 450 MPa. Using a factor of safety of 3.0, determine the largest couple that can be applied to the beam when it is bem about the z axis, Neglect the effeet of fillets 4 8m L yt soe 350 m0 10 mm t le 250 mim las hn

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