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2 c.m

3 c.m
Area of the Rectangle
=length x breadth
= 3x2
= 6 c.m
2 c.m

3 c.m 2 c.m
The enlarged area is
= 5x2
=10 c.m
So the increase is
= 10 - 6
= 4 c.m
3 c.m

1 c.m

2 c.m 2 c.m

3 c.m 2 c.m
The increase in area is
= 6+3+4
=13 c.m
3 c.m

5 c.m
3 c.m 2 c.m

1 c.m
1 c.m

2 c.m
2 c.m

3 c.m 2 c.m
15 = 6 + 3 + 4 + 2

(5x3) = (3x2)+(3x1)+(2x2)+(2x1)

(3+2)x(2+1) = (3x2)+(3x1)+(2x2)+(2x1)
To multiply a sum of positive numbers by
a sum of positive numbers, multiply each
number in the second sum by each
number in the first sum and add.
(x+y)(u+v) = xu+xv+yu+yv
For any four positive numbers x,y,u,v
Find the value of 103x205 ?


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