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Global Seminar
By: Fatima Navarro
What is Recognizing Perspectives?
Recognizing Perspectives is very important socially and academically. By
recognizing perspectives we learn to have an understanding on why people do
things and why people behave a certain way. Recognizing Perspectives means
acknowledging others’ differences and not judging them for it.
Why is it important?

It is important because in school, we use it in different academic subjects. In real

life, we use it when interacting with other people.

In history and foreign language classes we learn that in order to understand the
material, we gave to recognize the perspective of the subject.

In real life we always meet people similar or much different from us. To remain
open minded we learn to recognize perspectives of others to get along
What Have I done to Recognize Perspectives?
Where did it happen? How?
It has happened here in school and in
I learned to recognize perspectives in school
everyday life. Living in L.A has shown me that
because all my life I hace seen people of
everyone is different. From a young age, I was
different ethnicities and cultures go to school
taught by my family to recognize perspective
alongside me.
and to respect others’ differences.
With my family, I was always on the go and
thus met a lot of different people along the
way. I, being the little kid I was, questioned
many things and people I encountered but
always did so respectively.

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