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Systems Analysis

and Design

Maryam S.Kom, M.Eng.

Prodi Informatika
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi dan Informatika
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
2 Course Description

 Students will get the provision to become a professional information system

designer, because in it will learn things related to the design of information
 This is very important for prospective system analysts because one of the
main tasks of an analyst is designing an information system, so that it needs
to know things related to the design of information systems.

Magal and Word | Integrated Business Processes with ERP Systems | © 2011
How to get the most of the course

 Read ahead and use lectures to ask questions

 Take notes

 Do the coursework well. Straightforward - schedule smartly

 Exam questions are a mix of simple conceptual and challenging

applied ones

 If you are struggling, ask earlier rather than later

 If you don’t understand – ask!
Course Structure
1. System Analysis and Design Methods
2. Information System Building Blocks
3. Information System Development
4. System Analysis and Finding Needs
5. Feasibility Analysis and System Proposal
6. System planning
1. Application of Architecture and Modeling
2. Database Design
3. Designing Outputs and Prototyping
4. Designing the User Interface (user interface)
5. Object-Oriented Design and Modeling using UML
6. System Construction and Implementation

 5% precision
 30% assignment
 30% mid exam
 35% EXAM
77 ≤ 𝑁 ≤ 100 = A
70 ≤ 𝑁 ≤ 76.99 = AB
63 ≤ 𝑁 ≤ 69.99 = B
56 ≤ 𝑁 ≤ 62.99 = BC
50 ≤ 𝑁 ≤ 55.99 = C
35 ≤ 𝑁 ≤ 49.99 = D
0 ≤ 𝑁 ≤ 34.99 = E

1. Andri Kristanto, Perancangan Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasinya, Penerbit Gava

Media, 2003
2. Daniel Siahaan, Analisa Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Penerbit Andi, 2012
3. Hanif al Fatta, Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi untuk Keunggulan
Bersaing Perusahaan dan Organisasi Modern, Penerbit andi, 2007
4. Jeffrey L. Whitten dan Lonnie D. Bently, System Analysis and Design Methods,
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, 2007
5. Jogiyanto, Analisis & Desain Sistem Informasi: Pendekatan terstruktur teori dan
praktik aplikasi bisnis, Penerbit Andi, 2005
6. Tata Sutabri, Analisis Sistem Informasi, Penerbit Andi, 2012
7. Kridanto Surendro, Pengembangan Rencana Induk Sistem Informasi, Penerbit
Informatika, 2009
Contract’s course

 Students who do not attend more than 4 times cannot

join exam
 Students who do not attend one of them exam or
exam with a valid permit may still pass by taking a
repair examination with a maximum value of AB.
 Students who have score an E or D are MUST take a
repair test with a maximum score of AB.
 15 minutes of delay tolerance.
Chapter 1
System Analysis and Design
System (2)
System Characteristics

1. Boundary (boundary): Description of an element or element

which is included in the system and which is outside the system.
2. Environment (everything): Everything outside the system, an
environment that provides assumptions, constraints and inputs to
a system
3. Input (input): Resources (data, raw materials, equipment, energy)
from the environment consumed and manipulated by a system.
4. Output (output): Resources or products (information, reports,
documents, display layer computers, finished goods) provided for
the system environment by activities in a system.
Karakteristik Sistem (Cont.)

5. Component (component): Activities or processes in a

system that transform inputs into semi-finished (output)
forms. This component can be a subsystem of a system.
6. Interface: A place where components or systems and their
environment meet or interact.
7. Storage: An area that is controlled and used for temporary
and permanent storage of information, energy, raw
materials and so on.

Stair (1992) computer-based information system (CBIS) component:

 Hardware, which is hardware component to complete the activity
of entering data, processing data and output data.
 Software, namely programs and instructions given to computers.
 Database, which is a collection of data and information organized
in such a way that is easily accessible to users of information
 Telecommunications, namely communication that connects system
users with computer systems together into an effective network.
 Humans, namely personnel from information systems, including
managers, analysts, programmers, operators and are responsible for
system maintenance.

 Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

 Management Information Systems (MIS)
 Decision Support Systems (DSS)
 Expert System and Artificial Intelligence (ES & AI)
System Analyst
System Analyst Activities
Required Skills of System Analyst
System Analyst Expertise

Technical: must understand the technology

Business: must know the business processes
Analytical: must be able to solve problems
Communications: technical & non-technical
Interpersonal: leadership & management
Ethics: deal fairly and protect confidential information
System Analyst ROLE

System Analyst Salary Rate

Sumber: Glassdoor, 2018

Systems Development
Life Cycle (SDLC)

Implementation Analysis

The SDLC Process

The process consists of four phases

Each phase consists of a series of steps
Each phase is documented
Phases are executed sequentially,
incrementally, iteratively or in some
other pattern
Questions to be Answered

Planning phase
Why should we build this system?
What value does it provide?
How long will it take to build?
Analysis phase
Who will use it?
What should the system do for us?
Where & when will it be used?
Design phase
How should we build it?
SDLC: The Planning Phase

1. Project Initiation
 Develop/receive a system request
 Conduct a feasibility analysis
 Technical feasibility
 Economic feasibility
 Organizational feasibility

2. Project Management
 Develop the work plan
 Staff the project
 Monitor & control the project
SDLC: The Analysis Phase
1. Develop an analysis strategy
 Model the current system
 Formulate the new system
2. Gather the requirements
 Develop a system concept
 Create a business model to
 Business data
 Business processes
3. Develop a system proposal
SDLC: The Design Phase

1. Develop a design strategy

2. Design architecture and interfaces
3. Develop databases and file
4. Develop the program design to specify:
 What programs to write
 What each program will do
SDLC: The Implementation Phase

1. Construct the system

 Build it (write the programming code)
 Test it
2. Install system
Train the users
3. Support the system
SDLC: Methodologies
 Methodology: a formalized approach
to implementing the SDLC
 Categories
Process oriented
Data centered
Rapid action development
Agile development
Classes of Methodologies

Structured Development
 Waterfall Development
 Parallel Development

Rapid Application
 Phased
 Prototyping

Agile Development
 eXtreme Programming
Which Methodology to Use?
The Systems Analyst: Skills
 Agents of change
 Identify ways to improve the organization
 Motivate & train others

 Skills needed:
 Technical: must understand the technology
 Business: must know the business processes
 Analytical: must be able to solve problems
 Communications: technical & non-technical
 Interpersonal: leadership & management
 Ethics: deal fairly and protect confidential
The Systems Analyst: Roles

 Explain the understanding of system analysts and mention some of the

activities carried out!
Test Yourself

1. In order to best support user’s IT needs, IT professionals need to

understand the company’s business operations. What process might a
system analyst use to accomplish this?
Test Yourself

1. In order to best support user’s IT needs, IT professionals need to

understand the company’s business operations. What process might a
system analyst use to accomplish this?
 Business process modeling is used to represent a company’s operations and
information needs
Test Yourself

2. What are the five key components of information systems?

Test Yourself

2. What are the five key components of information systems?

Test Yourself

4. Top management is typically responsible for ________ planning, while middle

management focuses on __________ planning.
Test Yourself

4. Top management is typically responsible for strategic planning, while middle

management focuses on tactical planning.
Test Yourself

5. CASE tools are:

a) an object oriented methodology
b) techniques or tools to help plan and design information systems
c) team-based fact finding techniques
Test Yourself

5. CASE tools are:

a) an object oriented methodology
b) techniques or tools to help plan and design information systems
c) team-based fact finding techniques
Test Yourself

6. What are the phases of the systems development life cycle?

Test Yourself

6. What are the phases of the systems development life cycle?

 Systems planning
 Systems analysis
 Systems design
 Systems implementation
Test Yourself

7. List at least three of the six functions of a typical IT department

Test Yourself

7. List at least three of the six functions of a typical IT department

1. Application development
2. Systems support
3. User support
4. Database administration
5. Network administration
6. Web support
Test Yourself

8. T/F Certification is a professional credential that is valued by little (if any)

Test Yourself

8. T/F Certification is a professional credential that is valued by little (if any)



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