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Economic Regulation of Business

Faye Jones
Research Examples
• Issue #1: Government Regu- • Issue #2: Impact of Sports on
lation of Schooling in the U.S. Local Communities
and Abroad • Research Goals:
• Research Goals: • Define what impact means –
• If foreign countries have Economic impact of building
switched to vouchers as a new sports stadiums? More
means of school regulation, find general economic impact
economic studies from those (benefit or not) to having
countries major sports franchises in the
• If not, find other systems that community? Focus on the
may have reduced government impact of a particular sport or
control over schools compare the impact of sports
on a community (NFL football
• Challenges: (1) Requires mainly vs. pro soccer)?
economics, not legal, research • Challenges: Similar to Issue
(2) Need to develop research
vocabulary – “vouchers” may
not be used internationally.
More Research Examples
• Issue #3: Wine Regulation • Issue #4: Ethanol Regulation
Systems in the U.S. and (in the context of regulating
Abroad gasoline)
• Research Goals: • Research Goals:
• Discover what motivates • Examine both economic and
regulation of wine distribution scientific literature on ethanol
• Find both legal and economic regulation.
analysis of wine regulation in • Find relevant sources on
the U.S. and internationally ethanol regulation in the
• Challenges: (1) Large topic: context of gasoline
Wine is a highly competitive regulation.
worldwide industry with a • Challenges: (1) Hot topic:
global distribution system Some resources may be
(2) Hot topic: Current advocacy. Critically evaluate
research is vital. the resources found. (2)
Current research is vital.
Research Challenge: Unfamiliarity with
economics research
• Research Strategy in General:
• (1) Search known sources first
• (2) Search for a variety of sources
• Journal articles, news stories, books,
dissertations, newly available unpublished
scholarly papers, blogs, etc.
• (3) Schedule a research consultation with a
• For help in developing research strategy,
creating research vocabulary, and finding
resources that you may have missed.
Searching Known Sources (and beyond)
• Strategy:
• 1. Make a quick first pass in familiar research
• 2. Find potentially useful material
• 3. Evaluate relevance, review sources used then
discard material that is not helpful
• Through the process of steps 1-3 develop research
• By discovering the terms used by experts develop your
own expertise
• 4. Keep a research log of where you have searched
and print out successful searches
• 5. Find a “flashlight” to help you look in the dark,
wild places
Searching Strategy: Finding the Flashlights
• (1) Search Law & Economics sources at the
FSU University Library
• You can do this research Off-campus!
• (2) Search using FSU’s Economics on the Web research guide
• (3) Review and compare FSU Law Research Center
Law & Economics links
• (4) Search other databases and gray literature
• (5) Search Google Scholar and Book Search
• (6) Search FSU Libraries Online Catalog for print and e-books
• (7) Look for influential or scholarly blogs
• (8) For the broadest web search use a variety of search engines --
They don’t all cover the same web pages!
• Altavista
• alltheweb
• Yahoo!
• Yahoo! News!

• Good starting points: Journal of Economic
Literature and Journal of Economic
• Available only up to 2005 on JSTOR
• Sciencedirect
• Includes journals not in JSTOR; often up to
the current issue
• Also books and books in series
Research Tip: Check Coverage in the
Compare Lexis coverage with JSTOR
Lexis search in combined past 2 years news
and magazine articles:
atleast25(wine) /5 regulat! /5 economic 
• American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2005
• Would not find this article. Why?
• Alphabetical Browse by Journal Title
Lexis News & Magazine Story Search
News Articles
• Tip: Check coverage!
• Lexis – Superior to WL for news and magazine stories
• WSJ: Full-text from January 02, 1984 through current. Same
day; Stories are available by 4 am est.
• Specific industry magazines covered: Ethanol & Biodiesel
• WL:
• All News contains newspapers, magazines, journals,
newsletters, government press releases, transcripts of
television and radio shows and congressional testimony. --
Coverage varies by publication.
• WSJ Abstracts only
• Newspaper and magazine web sites (NYT, Washington
Post (policy), LA Times (sports, entertainment),
The Economist, BBC News)
Westlaw News Sources
Working papers & More
• Research Papers in Economics: (also
has links to published journal articles)
• Social Science Research Network
• National Bureau of Economic Research
• Resources for Economists
• Internet Resources for Economists

• Check the credential of the blogger
• Look for blogs by scholars
• For empirical research, see Legal Scholarship Blog
• Use Google to search blogs
• The Sports
• About Us
• Essays
• Sign up for RSS feeds to catch news and
• Handbooks in Economics
• Most are available at the FSU University Library.
• General Resources for Writing in Economics
• Thomas L. Wyrick, The economist's handbook : a research
and writing guide, STROZIER LIBRARY Reference,
HB74.5 .W97 1994 -- In-Library Use Only
• William Thomson, A Guide for the Young Economist, 2001.
(Ebook -- most helpful for writing tips.)
• On Order:
• Steven A. Greenlaw Doing Economics: A Guide to
Understanding and Carrying Out Economic Research. 2006.
• Deirdre N. McCloskey Economical Writing. 2d. Ed., 1999.
• Robert H. Neugeboren The Student’s Guide to Writing
Economics. 2005.
• Online Catalog

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