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Motivating Employee’s

Motivation refers to the process by which a person’s efforts are energized, directed
and sustained towards attaining a goal.

This definition has three key elements

• Energy (how hard you work or intensity)

• Direction ( Towards a beneficial goal)
• Persistence (How long a person tries)

4) McClelland-Three needs theory

Maslow Need Hierarchy Theory

• Maslow explained – Need drives motivation

• As each need is substantially satisfied, the next need become dominant
• A satisfied need no more motivates an individual
• Needs never get satisfied as well
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Douglas MacGregor proposed this theory while working at
MIT Sloan school of management in 1950’s.
Herzberg Two Factors Theory:

• Proposed by Fredrick Herzberg

• Also called a motivation Hygiene theory
• He asked a simple question
“what do people want from there job?”

• He asked people to explain when in job they felt good and when they
felt bad
• The responses were collected and categorized into two category
• Motivational Factor and Hygiene factors
Key Findings:
• Satisfied people attribute towards
Intrinsic/Motivation Factors- advancement
,recognition ,responsibility ,achievement
• Unsatisfied people attribute towards
Extrinsic/Hygiene Factors-supervision, pay
,company policy, working condition ,relationship with subordinates
• The factor related to dissatisfaction is different from satisfaction
• Eliminating dissatisfaction would not bring motivation to people
McClelland's Three Need theory
There are three types of needs
1)Need for Achievement
2)Need for Power
3)Need for Affiliation
Need for Ach: Need for Pow: Need for Aff:
• Drive to excel • Desire to impact • Wants
• Like advancement • Like Control and belongingness
• Like competition influence others • Want to be liked
• Like personal • Always concerned • Favors
responsibilities about status and collaboration over
prestige competition

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