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Destination Management
Week 4

Stakeholder Theory and

Application to Destination
Outline of Lecture
• Summarise the week 3 content
• Define stakeholder management/engagement
• Current tourism research
• QLD Stakeholders
• Video of stakeholder management
• Stakeholder analysis
• Check on Situational Analysis
From Week 3
Your Task
Answer the following questions based on the report below.
Note the pages where the relevant information is for each question

Links to the report:

1. Access from L@G in week 3 folder
2. Access from the web:-

Note: the abbreviations in the presentation are as follows:

AU–Australia; Me–Melbourne; Sy–Sydney; Pe-Perth; Br-Brisbane; Ad-Adelaide; NSW-New
South Wales, Qu-Queensland; Wa-Western Australia; SOA-South Australia; Vi-Victoria.
Q1 How was the benchmark created?
See page 3-4 Methodology

Who was surveyed to determine the benchmarks?

(The reason for this question is to determine how

credible the benchmarking standard is)
Q2 Examine the quality of the
destination sites at the “before
holiday/inspire” stage
Specifically, what technological aspects of
websites - “before holiday/inspire” stage -
need to improve in Australia?

• See page 6
• Note: Red shaded areas are low score and
indicated areas of improvement.
Q3 What aspects of the before
holiday/inform aspects of the websites
need to improve?

• Is there really much to improve? It might not

be the red shaded area only which informs
your answer
• See pages 7-8
Q4 What are some examples of how
Australian websites can be improved in the
area of - “during holiday/facilitation” ?

• See pages 9-10

Q5 How is the after holiday component
addressed in destination websites in
Answer for after holiday components:
• Remember,
• Share and engage

(There is not too much red but plenty of pink

– indicating slightly low. Read the text to get
the summary and answer)
• See pages 11-12
Wix Website Construction
• Create a site for the assignment

• Feedback from students

Define stakeholder
How can stakeholders and their involvement in an
organisation be understood?
• Descriptive – Can describe how stakeholders engage with corporation
and vice versa (transactional)
• Instrumental – Link business aims and stakeholder management
• Normative – Examines the legitimate claim of stakeholders whether
business needs them or not
• Managerial – process of management – organisation is not the locus of
control (governance)
Highest cited stakeholder theory paper
Donaldson, T., & Preston, L. E. (1995). The Stakeholder Theory of the
Corporation: Concepts, Evidence, and Implications. The Academy of
Management Review, 20(1), 65-91. doi: 10.2307/258887
Why is Stakeholder Collaboration
in Tourism Important?

Bramwell, B., & Lane, B. (2000). Tourism collaboration and partnerships: Politics,
practice and sustainability: Channel View Publications.
Important journal articles in stakeholder management
• Jamal, T. B., & Getz, D. (1995). Collaboration theory and community tourism
planning. Annals of tourism research, 22(1), 186-204.
• Byrd, E. T. (2007). Stakeholders in sustainable tourism development and their
roles: applying stakeholder theory to sustainable tourism development.
Tourism Review, 62(2), 6-13.
• Waligo, V. M., Clarke, J., & Hawkins, R. (2013). Implementing sustainable
tourism: a multi-stakeholder involvement management framework. Tourism
Management, 36, 342-353.
• Timothy, D. J., Church, A., & Coles, T. (2007). Empowerment and stakeholder
participation in tourism destination communities. Tourism, power and space,
• d'Angella, F., & Go, F. M. (2009). Tale of two cities’ collaborative tourism
marketing: Towards a theory of destination stakeholder assessment. Tourism
Management, 30(3), 429-440.
• Australian Example: Waayers, D., Lee, D., & Newsome, D. (2011). Exploring the
nature of stakeholder collaboration: a case study of marine turtle tourism in
the Ningaloo region, Western Australia. Current Issues in Tourism, 15(7), 673-
692. doi: 10.1080/13683500.2011.631697
Destination marketing and management: theories and
applications (2011) / Wang and Pizam. CABI, Oxfordshire
Background Reading on Collaboration
The following text is the background text for the course. If you
want a single text that gives you a basic overview of the subject of
destination management this text is a good place to start.

Destination marketing and management: theories and applications

(2011) / edited by Youcheng Wang and Abraham Pizam. CABI,

Chapter 16 is about collaboration. This chapter will also be relevant

to the planning lecture
Stakeholders In Tourism
Destination Management
Regional/local Tourism Organisation Transport Associations

Local Government Airport / Port Authority (if applicable)

State Government Departments Accommodation Associations

Park Managers Tour Guide Associations
Water Resource Managers Relevant Non-Governmental
Academic Institutions Local Chamber of Commerce
Police / Security Department Employee Associations and / or
Sporting Associations Key Community Groups
Indigenous Groups Federal Government Departments
QLD Stakeholders
• Tourism and Events QLD Tourism Industry Council
• The Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and
the Commonwealth Games
• Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing
• Qld Councils – Find your council
• Water - Department of Natural Resources and Mines
• Australian Universities
• Police Regions in QLD
• Qsport Australian Hotels Association
• Workforce Building in QLD tourism
QLD Stakeholders Continued
• Tourism Workforce Hospitality Union
• Indigenous – Land Councils Other links
• QLD conservation council
• Find a local chamber of commerce (scroll down)
• Local Community Directory
• National Tour Guide Association
• Tour businesses
– QITC Members
– TEQ Destinations (businesses which operate in your region)
Collaborative processes in Stakeholder
Management in Destinations
Collaboration in Destination
Application: How can conflict be incorporated
into Destination Management?

We will only look at the first 11.06 minutes
Situational Analysis - Stakeholder Analysis
What to include in Section 1 of situational analysis?
3. Stakeholder Analysis
–Identify All Stakeholders
–Plot in the figure
(modify for your website)

An alternative term to
importance is interest.
That Is, what is the level of
interest of the stakeholder in
providing hero experiences.

2204HSL Destination
2308HSL SustainableManagement
Situational Analysis
Social Profile and Stakeholders

What to include in Section 1 of situational

1. Regional Summaries TEQ
– Social Indicators 2013 for region. Eg – residents perception of tourism
– Environmental Benchmark for region Eg – operators environmental
action for a region.

2204HSL Destination
2308HSL SustainableManagement
Situational Analysis
Social Profile and Stakeholders
What to include in Section 1 of situational analysis?
2. Queensland Destination Hero Experiences TEQ
– Descriptive features of the region


2204HSL Destination
2308HSL SustainableManagement
• One of the main topics of discussion in destination management is the
debate over the importance of marketing verses management as the
primary function of DMOs.
• Acknowledging and engaging stakeholders through various stakeholder
(theory) approaches means that to a large extent the debate becomes
• In the Situational Analysis the first task is to define stakeholders in such a
way as to understand the combination of their interest in destination
management as well as their influence on destination management
• The social and economic profile also needs to be briefly outlined.
• Conflict between stakeholders may never be eliminated even with the
best collaborative mechanisms.
• An inclusive (collaborative) approach ensures people in destinations and
the place in which they live are acknowledged in the nexus of destination
management and marketing.

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