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MARCH 11, 2019
1. The students will write down the definitions of geometry having to do with quadrilaterals and polygons.
2. I will be teaching in a third grade class.
3. I have students write down the definitions so they could hear it, see it on the board and physically write it
down so it involves different types of learning styles for every student.
4. Once students finish up with the definitions I will pass out a worksheet where they cut out different shapes and
determine if they are quadrilaterals or not. I will allow the students to work in their groups so they can help
each other out.
5. Then I will incorporate part 2 with the same assignment to help them determine what parallel, perpendicular,
and intersecting lines.
6. I have a student with a special need, so I will constantly be making laps around the classroom to check up on
him. That is why I will incorporate the different types of learning styles. It is student 2.
Ms. Loya: Alright class it is time to put away your chrome books, reading time is over. We are going to
start our math session now about quadrilaterals and different types of lines.

Student 1: Ohhhhh Ms! I know what a quadrilateral is!

Ms. Loya: Class, remember what our procedure is when we have something to say?

Students: Yes, we raise our hands!

Ms. Loya: Very good, so Student 1 what is a quadrilateral?

Student 1: It is a shape with 4 sides.

Ms. Loya: Fantastic! Did everyone hear Student 1 answer?

Students: Yes!

Ms. Loya: Great, now everyone please take out your Math journal and write down the definition of
what a quadrilateral is. I will have a document up on the board of all the definitions I need you to copy
down onto your Math journal. Please write down the full definition as well as drawing the picture
demonstrating an example of each word.
Student 2: Do we need to write down all of the definitions? Quadrilateral- a closed shape that has 4 sides.

Ms. Loya: Yes, this will help with the worksheet I am going to pass out
next. If you guys don’t want homework tonight I suggest you get the
worksheet done in class so I can help with any questions you may have.

Students: Yay! No homework!

Ms. Loya: Is everyone done writing down all of the definitions of what a
quadrilateral is?

Students: Yes Ms. Loya!

Ms. Loya: Awesome, next I have another document you will need to copy
down the definitions of some of these words you might not be familiar
with. Student 2 do you know what parallel lines are?

Student 2: *Student gets up and puts her arms straight up pointing to the
ceiling* Yes like this! When the lines will never touch.

Ms. Loya: Great job student 2. Parallel means two lines will never
intersect they will go on forever straight.
Ms. Loya: Here is the next document to write down. I will be going
around making sure all of you are following directions.

Student 4: Ms. Loya! I have a question, what is a right angle?

Ms. Loya: We don’t need to go too much in depth on what a right

angle is this year. For now all you need to know is that a right angle is
90 degree angle and will always form an L shape. Did I explain that
clearly or do you have another question?

Student 4: So a square has 4 right angles?

Ms. Loya: Yes! Very good! As long as the angle makes an L shape you
will know if it is a 90 degree angle.

Students: We are finished!

Ms. Loya: Okay, let’s see if you guys have been paying attention.
Who can tell me what a trapezoid is?

Student 5: It is a quadrilateral because it has 4 sides!

Ms. Loya: Good job! Someone is paying attention lets see, Student 6
do parallel lines intersect?
Student 6: Ummm, yes they do.

Ms. Loya: No, not exactly. Remember how student 2 demonstrated what parallel lines are?

Student 6: I remember now! Like this! *student puts both hands straight up towards the ceiling* they
never intersect.

Ms. Loya: Great Job see I knew you would know the answer. Can I get my helper for the week to pass
out the assignment sheet for everyone?

Student 2: Here I come! Do I put one on the desk of Student 8 even if he’s absent?

Ms. Loya: Yes please, it will just be homework for him. We have 25 minutes left for our math session
for the day get as much done so you won’t have to do it for homework. Once everyone gets their
assignment I will go over it with everyone.
Ms. Loya: For this assignment you will need some scissors and tape.
You will cut out the shapes and place them in the correct category.
Remember to use your notes to help you determine which shape
goes on each category.

Student 6: Can we work in our groups?

Ms. Loya: Yes, but I will be going around making sure you guys are
staying focused and be available to help.

*I gave the students about 10 minutes to finish up cutting their

shapes and sorting them in the correct category.

Ms. Loya: Ok class I see everyone is about done with the first part.
The next thing we need to do is determine which shapes have
parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines. Please take out your
markers. We will use the green one to trace the parallel lines, red for
perpendicular, and blue for intersecting lines.

Student 13: I am still confused on what a perpendicular line is.

Ms. Loya: Let me draw one on the white board and demonstrate
how you can figure out what a perpendicular line is. You see how
A and B make an L shape and are straight not slanted? That is A
what makes a perpendicular line.

Student 13: I think I am understanding now. So because C and D

don’t make an L shape they are more closer together that is what
doesn’t make the perpendicular.

Ms. Loya: Yes! Did everyone here that?

Class: Yes! C

Ms. Loya: So now let’s start on part 2 from the worksheet.

Remember stay focused and get it done so you won’t have D
homework for tonight!

Student 17: How much time do we have for this assignment?

Ms. Loya: We have about 15 minutes left in our math session.

Ms. Loya: 5 more minutes class, does anyone need some extra help on part 2?

Class: No this is easy!

Ms. Loya: Do you guys like the way things were explained?

Student 6: Yes! Now I will remember the way we raise our hands for a parallel line or the L
shape for a perpendicular line.

Ms. Loya: I’m glad you guys understood this lesson. It is now time to wrap things up and start
cleaning up. Once you guys put away all your scrap paper and scissors and tape away place
the worksheet in turn in box. Whoever did not finish needs to take it home and turn it in first
thing tomorrow!

Student 9: I only need 5 more shapes to finish.

Ms. Loya: That’s great take your notes home in case you have difficulties. It is time for our
next session of social studies. Take out your notebook for this session.

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