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Topic: Time Screen Number: 1001 Previous Screen: NA Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural

Management Professionals science

Screen Title- Objectives

of the course

On Screen Text: T1- Let me first introduce to you the objectives of the Voiceover V1: Hello, I am Stella . I will assist you to
course: go through the course on time management. Let
•Identify the importance of time management me first introduce to you the objectives of the
•List the benefits of time management course:
•Define the key concepts associated with time management •Identify the importance of time management
•Acquire practical time management skills for scheduling, planning and •List the benefits of time management
prioritizing work •Define the key concepts associated with time
•Implement the time management techniques at work management
•Acquire practical time management skills for
scheduling, planning and prioritizing work
•Implement the time management techniques at

Graphics: User Design Interface : NA

G1- Show a lady on the right hand side of the screen in white shirt and
black knee length skirt with a stick in her hand pointing the text, speaking
the text being displayed on the left hand side of screen.

Animation: Show on screen text T1 in sync with the voice over V1 Interactivity : NA

Sequence: T1-V1

Navigation: Next to next screen

Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1002 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject:Behavioural
1001 Professionals science
Screen Title- Let’s do
some brainstorming

On Screen Text: T1 : What if you received Rs 86400 everyday? Voiceover: V1: What if you received Rs 86400
But everyday?
You cannot transfer money into some other account But
Un spend money each day would be taken away from you. You cannot transfer money into some other account
Un spend money each day would be taken away from
What would you personally do? you.
What would you personally do?
T2: You would buy anything and everything you wanted.
T 3: You would let the money go waste. V2: You would buy anything and everything you
V3: You would let the money go waste.

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1- Show an image of bank on the left side of the screen and text T1 on the
right hand side of the screen.
G2- Show radio buttons of yes ,NO in front of text T2 and T3

Animation: Show on screen text in sync with the voice over Interactivity: if user select yes for T2 and NO for T3
,move to next screen

Sequence: T1-G1-V1, T2-V2-G2,T3-V3-G2

Navigation: : Next to go to next screen and Back to go
to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1003 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject:Behavioural
1002 Professionals science
Screen Title- Importance
of time

On Screen Text: T1 : This MAGICAL BANK is TIME! Voiceover: V1:

1 day = 24 hours
1 hour = 60 minutes This MAGICAL BANK is TIME!
1 minute = 60 seconds 1 day = 24 hours
1 day = 24*60*60=86400s 1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
T2 : Everyday you are credited with 86400s . 1 day = 24*60*60=86400s
Take every day and every moment and make something of it. Make
something positive. V2: Everyday you are credited with 86400s .
LIVE INSPIRED. Take every day and every moment and make
something of it. Make something positive.
Graphics: User Design Interface:
G1: Show a sand clock on the left hand side of the screen
T1 to appear at the right hand side of the screen.86400 to appear as
highligted text .

Animation: Show on screen text T1 in sync with the voice over V1 and T2 in Interactivity: NA
sync with V2.

Navigation: : Next to go to next screen and Back to go

Sequence: T1-V1,T2-V2 to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1004 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1003 Professionals science
Screen Title- Let us first
know ourselves!

On Screen Text: T1 : Look at the questions below and try answering them in Voiceover: V1: Look at the questions below and try
Yes or No. answering them in Yes or No.
T2: Do you feel the need to be more productive or more organized? V2: Do you feel the need to be more productive or
T3: Do you spend your day feeling very busy and yet wondering why you more organized?
haven’t accomplished much? V3: Do you spend your day feeling very busy and yet
T4: Do you wish you has more than 24 hour day to complete all your tasks? wondering why you haven’t accomplished much?
T 5: Do you feel stressed by ever busy schedule with no time for yourself ? V4: Do you wish you has more than 24 hour day to
T6: Do you feel you rarely achieve your 100% production capability? complete all your tasks?
V5: Do you feel stressed by ever busy schedule with no
time for yourself ?
V6: Do you feel you rarely achieve your 100%
production capability?
V7: Please choose your response
Graphics: User Design Interface:
G1: A clock
G2: Yes and No radio button

Animation: Show on screen text in sync with the voice over Interactivity: Allow the user to choose Yes or No option
after T2 to T6. If user responds as Yes for 3 or more than
Sequence: G1-T1-V1,G1-T2-V2-G2-V7,G1-T3-V3-G2-V7,G1-T4-V4-G2-V7, G1- 3 statements .Display “Let’s learn some techniques to
T5-V5-G2-V7. manage time efficiently. If user responds as No for 2 or
more than 2 statements .Display “Let’s learn some
techniques to manage time more efficiently.
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1005 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1004 Professionals science
Screen Title- Case Study

On Screen Text: T 1: Let’s begin with a case study Voiceover: V1: Let’s begin with a case study .
V2: Dave Gotham is a project manager in Global Inc. a
leading software manufacturer.
Let us look at what is going on in Dave’s mind on a
typical workday

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: An image with a zoo zoo on the right hand side of the screen
representing Dave Gotham a project manager at Global Inc. standing with a
striped tie and an office bag in his left hand and the text to appear on the left
hand side of the screen

Animation: Show on screen text in sync with the voice over Interactivity: NA

Sequence: T1-V1, G1-V2

Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1006 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1005 Professionals science
Screen Title- Case Study

On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1: Oh no! I am late to office again!

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: Dave running late for office

Animation: Voiceover V1 (Male voice) in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1007 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1006 Professionals science
Screen Title- Case Study

On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1: So many emails to check I don’t even

have time left for morning tea now.

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: Dave skipping his morning tea to check morning emails

Animation: Voiceover (Male Voice) V1 in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1008 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1007 Professionals science
Screen Title- Case Study

On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1: Where did I put the fie for the Maxwell
project? I’ll have to search for it now and my desk is a

Graphics: User Design Interface:

Dave with a messy desk ,searching for file for Maxwell Project

Animation: Voiceover V1 (Male voice) in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1009 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1008 Professionals science
Screen Title- Case Study

On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1:Oh no! I still haven’t got the presentation
ready for today’s client meeting

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: Dave meeting a client for presentation

Animation: Voiceover V1 (Male voice) in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1010 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1009 Professionals science
Screen Title- Case Study

On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1: I will have to skip my lunch to complete

the status report which I need to send to boss

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: Dave skip his lunch to complete the status report

Animation: : Voiceover V1 (Male voice) in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1011 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1010 Professionals science
Screen Title- Case Study

On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1: Oh! I forgot I also have to attend the
Parent –Teacher meeting of my kid today!

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: Show a zoozoo image resembling a father mother and a kid and Dave
realizing that he forgot to attend the parent teacher meeting of his kid

Animation: Voiceover V1 (Male voice) in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1012 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1011 Professionals science
Screen Title- Case Study

On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1: I think I’ll be late for my wedding

anniversary party in the evening as I don’t think I will be
able to leave office on time.

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: A zoozoo on the left hand side with a bottle of wine in the right hand and
a glass with wine in the left hand and Dave on the right hand side thinking
that he would get late for his marriage anniversary party in the evening

Animation: Voiceover V1 (Male voice) in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1013 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1012 Professionals science
Screen Title- Case Study

On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1: So, what do you think is the root cause of
all of Dave’s problems?

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1 : A zoozoo leaning on a question mark on the left hand side of the screen
and Dave at the right hand side of the screen.

Animation: Voiceover V1 (Female (Stella’s ) voice) in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1014 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1013 Professionals science
Screen Title- Cause of
Dave’s Problems
On Screen Text: T1: From the below given options select the one’s which are Voiceover: V1: From the below given options select the
the cause of Dave’s problems: one’s which are the cause of Dave’s problems:
T2: a) Procrastination
T3: b) Lack of Prioritization of tasks
T4: c) Lack of planning and preparation
T5: d) Lack of proactiveness
T6: e) Lack of focus on important tasks
T7: All these result from the lack of proper time management
Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: A check Box.

Show a check box (G1) in front of T2 to T6.

Animation: Voiceover (Stella’s voice ) to be in sync with the on screen text. Interactivity: Allow the use to click on the checkbox
being displayed in-front of T2 to T6 .
Sequence: T1-V1,T2-G1, T3-G1,T4-G1,T5-G1,T6-G1. • If user click on all the check box .Show message “Well
Done” and Display T 7.

• If user does not click on all the check boxes .Show

message “ Try Again”.
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1015 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1014 Professionals science
Screen Title- Cause of
Dave’s Problems
On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1: Here ,you can see that Dave has started
the day on a wrong note itself. He is late to office to
begin with and hence it is natural that he would not
have enough time to complete all his office work and
would have to work extra hours to complete his tasks.

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: Dave in tie and office bag in left hand . Text box appearing on the left
hand side of the screen.

Animation: Voiceover V1 (Female (Stella’s ) voice) in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1

Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to

previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1016 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1015 Professionals science
Screen Title- Cause of
Dave’s Problems
On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1:
Dave is late and does not have enough time to check
emails .Also, if he sits to check all of his unread emails
,it is obvious that he would be late in completing his
other important tasks. Hence,it would have been better
if Dave had a habit of managing his emails effectively
and following proper email etiquette.

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: Dave in tie and office bag in left hand . Text box appearing on the left
hand side of the screen.

Animation: Voiceover V1 (Female (Stella’s ) voice) in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1

Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to

previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1017 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1016 Professionals science
Screen Title- Cause of
Dave’s Problems
On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1: Dave was aware beforehand that he has
a client meeting today. It is crucial that rather than
putting off getting the presentation ready on the same
day of the meeting. Dave should have completed the
presentation in advance.

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: Dave in tie and office bag in left hand . Text box appearing on the left
hand side of the screen.

Animation: Voiceover V1 (Female (Stella’s ) voice) in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1018 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1017 Professionals science
Screen Title- Cause of
Dave’s Problems
On Screen Text: NA Voiceover: V1: Dave will be late for his wedding
anniversary party. It was important that to be on time
for the party Dave should have planned his workday well
and managed time effectively. His spouse will resent
Dave being late for his anniversary party.

Graphics: User Design Interface:

G1: Dave in tie and office bag in left hand . Text box appearing on the left
hand side of the screen.

Animation: Voiceover V1 (Female (Stella’s ) voice) in sync with G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1019 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1018 Professionals science
Screen Title-Benefits of
time management
On Screen Text: T1: There are various benefits of time management ,such as Voiceover: V1: There are various benefits of time
follows: management ,such as follows:
• Increased productivity • Increased productivity
• Less Stress • Less Stress
• Improved self-esteem • Improved self-esteem
• Good work life balance • Good work life balance
• Prevention of panic times of workload • Prevention of panic times of workload
• Increased confidence of fulfilling tasks • Increased confidence of fulfilling tasks
• Achievement of goals quickly and easily • Achievement of goals quickly and easily
• Increased efficiency in fulfilling tasks • Increased efficiency in fulfilling tasks
• Achievement of greater success, dreams and visions • Achievement of greater success, dreams and visions
• Increased energy and competency to achieve success • Increased energy and competency to achieve success

Graphics: User Design Interface: NA

G1: Text to appear on the left hand side of the screen with Stella on the right
hand side pointing towards the text with a stick

Animation: T1,G1 and V1 to be in sync Interactivity: NA

Sequence: T1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1020 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
1019 Professionals science
Screen Title-Elements of
Time Management
On Screen Text: T1: Below are the elements of time management: Voiceover: V1: Below are the elements of time
• Being aware of your time management:
• Being aware of your time wasters • Being aware of your time
• Priorities • Being aware of your time wasters
• Self-Management • Priorities
• Management of your personal resources • Self-Management
• Goal Setting • Management of your personal resources
• Measures of your achievement • Goal Setting
•Planning • Measures of your achievement

Graphics: User Design Interface: NA

G1: Text to appear on the left hand side of the screen with Stella on the right
hand side pointing towards the text with a stick

Animation: T1,G1 and V1 to be in sync Interactivity: NA

Sequence: : T1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1021 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Four 1020 Professionals science
Quadrant Theory of Time
On Screen Text: T1: The matrix given by Stephen Covey, distinguishes Voiceover: V1: The text T1 to be read as voiceover
between importance and urgency:
Important responsibilities contribute to the achievement of your goals.
Urgent responsibilities require immediate attention. These activities are
often tightly linked to the accomplishment of someone else’s goal. Not
dealing with these issues will cause immediate consequences.
User Design
Let us now understand the four quadrants of time management Interface


G1: Show the time management matrix on the left hand side of the screen
and the text on the right hand side of the screen

Animation: : T1 and V1 to be in sync Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-T1-V1 Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to

previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1022 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Four 1021 Professionals science
Quadrant Theory of Time
On Screen Text: T1:Quadrant I – important deadlines with high urgency Voiceover: V1: The text T1 to be read as voiceover
The first quadrant contains tasks and responsibilities that need immediate
Quadrant II – long-term development and strategizing
The second quadrant is for items that are important without requiring
immediate action. Covey points out that this quadrant should be used for
long-term strategizing. User Design
Quadrant III – distractions with high urgency Interface
The third quadrant is reserved for tasks that are urgent, without being
important. Covey recommends minimizing or even eliminating these tasks as
they do not contribute to your output. Delegation is also an option here.
Quadrant IV – activities with little to no value
The fourth and last quadrant focuses on tasks and responsibilities that do not
yield any value—items that are unimportant and not urgent. These time
wasters should be eliminated at any costs.
Quadrant II as an exceptionally important part of the matrix. Without this
quadrant, efficient time management would not be possible, as it requires
strategic elements .

G1: Show the time management matrix on the left hand side of the screen
and the text on the right hand side of the screen

Animation: T1 and V1 to be in sync Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-T1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: 1023 Previous Screen: Audience: Corporate Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Four 1022 Professionals science
Quadrant Theory of Time
On Screen Text: T1: Drag and drop the below given activities in their Voiceover: V1: The text T1 to be read as voiceover
respective quadrants of time management matrix
User Design
• Crises
•Trivial Busy work
• Interruptions
•Relationship building
• Some Calls
• Pressing Problems
• Recognizing new opportunities
• Time Wasters
• Some Correspondence
• Deadline Driven Projects
• Planning and Preparation
• Internet Surfing
•Meaningless Meetings


G1: Show T1 and T2 on the left hand side of the screen and Time
management matrix on the right hand side of the screen

Animation: T1 and V1 to be in sync Interactivity: Allow the user to drag and drop the
activities to the respective quadrants. Once done the
Sequence: T1-V1- T2-G1 user shall click on the next button
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to
previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Four 1024 Screen: science
Quadrant Theory of Time 1023
On Screen Text: T1: Below is the time management matrix with Voiceover: V1: Below is the time management matrix with their
their respective activities. respective activities.
V2: Try to maximize the time spent with quadrant II activities. This will
allow you to reduce quadrant I activities, as many of them could have
been quadrant II activities—if better planning had been implemented.
The objective of using the time management matrix is to question
whether a certain activity brings you closer to your goals or not. If this is
the case, these responsibilities need to be prioritized over those tasks
that might demand your time but do not contribute to your goals. Delay
activities that do not contribute any significant output until more
important tasks are finished.

User Design


G1: The time management matrix with its respective activities

Animation: T1 and V1 to be in sync Interactivity:NA

Sequence: T1-V1- G1-V2

Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Steps for 1025 Screen: science
managing your time 1024

On Screen Text: T1: Below are the key steps that you need to Voiceover: V1: Below are the key steps that you need to follow for
follow for effective time management effective time management

Graphics: User Design

G1: Show the 3 steps of time management

Animation: V1 should be in sync with T1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: T1-V1-G1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Develop a 1026 Screen: science
Schedule 1025

On Screen Text: T1: NA Voiceover: V1: NA

Graphics: User Design

G1: Show the steps to develop a schedule

Animation: NA Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title-Develop a 1027 Screen: science
schedule 1026

On Screen Text: T1: NA Voiceover: V1: NA

Graphics: User Design

G1: Show the steps to develop or plan a schedule

Animation: NA Interactivity: NA

Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Flowchart for 1028 Screen: science
delegation decision 1027

On Screen Text: T1: You can use the following flowchart to Voiceover: V1: NA
come to a decision whether the task can be delegated

Graphics: User Design

G1: Flowchart for delegation decision

Animation: NA Interactivity: NA

Sequence: T1-G1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- How to 1029 Screen: science
prioritize your tasks 1028

On Screen Text: T1: The following questions needs to be Voiceover: V1: The following questions needs to be considered to
considered to determine the priority of any activity determine the priority of any activity

Graphics: User Design

G1: Show questions that needs to be considered to determine
the priority of any activity

Animation: Voice V1 shall be in sync with text T1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: T1-V1-G1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Real Life 1030 Screen: science
Example 1029

On Screen Text: T1: NA Voiceover: V1: Let us now look at a real life example to understand the
role of prioritizing in time management

Graphics: User Design

G1: Show the image of a zoozoo with a note (Let us now look Interface:
at a real life example to understand the role of prioritizing in
time management) in hand

Animation: V1 should be in sync with the text in G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Real Life 1031 Screen: science
Example 1030

On Screen Text: T1: NA Voiceover: V1: Dave Hudson is a project manager at Hudson Inc. Dave is
always busy with a list of numerous tasks to complete in a single day.
Dave suffered from poor time management and hence ended up
postponing most of his tasks and leaving many of his tasks incomplete.

Graphics: User Design

G1: Show Dave and his problem related to time management Interface:

Animation: V1 should be in sync with the text in G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Real Life 1032 Screen: science
Example 1031

On Screen Text: T1 : NA Voiceover: V1: The following is a list of the tasks that Dave has to
complete on the particular day

Graphics: User Design

G1: Display the list of tasks that Dave has to complete on the Interface:
particular day

Animation: NA Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Real Life 1033 Screen: science
Example 1032

On Screen Text: T1 Voiceover: V1: Can you help prioritize Dave’s tasks for him in the order
of their importance?

Graphics: User Design

G1: A question mark on the left hand side and text on the right Interface:
hand side

Animation: V1 to be in sync with the text in G1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject:Psychology
Screen Title- Real Life 1034 Screen:
Example 1033

On Screen Text: T1: Drag and drop Dave’s tasks in order of their Voiceover: V1: Drag and drop Dave’s tasks in order of their importance
T2: Check and identify mails to be sent today
T3: Conduct the morning team meeting
T4: Discuss with a colleague bout last night’s cricket match
T5: Complete fortnightly status report to submit to boss
T6: Schedule a meeting with boss about my career progression
T7: Make a phone Call to a friend enquiring about his health
T8: Buy a gift for friend’s birthday party in the evening
T9: Conduct a quality review meeting with each team member
Graphics: User Design
G1: NA Interface:

Animation Interactivity: Allow the user to drag and drop Dave’s tasks so as to
prioritize them in order of their importance .
Sequence: T1 –V1- T2-T3-T4-T5-T6-T7-T8-T9 If the user prioritize them in the below given sequence display a
message “well done “ else display “ Try Again” .
Correct sequence : T3-T2-T5-T9-T7- T8-T6-T4

If the user is unable to arrange it correctly even after 3 attempts display

a message “Well Tried” and show the correct sequence to the user (G1)
and move him to the next screen.
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title-How to 1035 Screen: science
prepare To –Do Lists ? 1034

On Screen Text: T1 : NA Voiceover: V1: The following are the steps you need to follow to
prepare a to –do list

Graphics: User Design

G1: Steps to follow the to do list Interface:

Animation: NA Interactivity: NA

Sequence: G1-V1
Navigation: Next to go to next screen and Back to go to previous screen
Topic: Time Management Screen Number: Previous Audience: Corporate Professionals Subject: Behavioural
Screen Title- Action 1036 Screen: science
Planning 1035

On Screen Text: T1 : Make a note of 2 things that you will start Voiceover: V1: Make a note of 2 things that you will start doing ,2
doing ,2 things that you will continue doing and 2 things that you things that you will continue doing and 2 things that you will stop doing
will stop doing for effective time management for effective time management

Graphics: User Design

G1: Green amber and Red Circles for action planning Interface:

Animation:V1 should be in sync with T1 Interactivity: NA

Sequence: T1-V1-G1
Navigation: End to end the course and Back to go to previous screen

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