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Dec. 2018
Film Festival
on Tribal Life,

an Ideal Equipments & Film Productions proposal

Date: 1st August 2018

Hon'ble Minister,

Sub : Proposal for A Film Festival-cum-Fair with

a theme on Tribal Life titled ‘International
Film Festival on Tribal Life’, Odisha
(Bhubaneshwar, December 2018) to be sponsored by
Ministry Of Tribal Affairs.

Respected Sir,

Our company ‘Ideal Equipments & Film

Productions’, Mumbai is initiating a brand new
international film festival in Odisha with a
theme of tribal life titled ‘International Film
Festival on Tribal Life’, Odisha (IFFTLO),
Bhubaneshwar December 2018. This gala event is
not just a simple film festival but a fanfare of
tribal arts, crafts, food, culture and also
music and dances of the tribal areas in the
state. In a broader form you can call it a huge
Mela that will definitely enrich a relationship
between the tribal and rest of the world and
enhance tourism and commerce too. We expect your
ministry should sponsor it to mark the
prominence of government's commitment to tribal
welfare and their upgradation.

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
Big leaders from Indian Government, Celebrities
from the film industry of Mumbai and abroad,
Renowned Personalities of literature, arts etc.
will be invited to felicitate the occasion.

As a Chief Sponsor, we propose to the MINISTRY

OF TRIBAL AFFAIRS to grant us a total sum of Rs.
2.69 crores (Rs. Two Crores And Sixty-nine Lakh
Rupees Only). For your kind appraisal, Please
find here enclosed a brief about the proposal -
the concept notes (in Hindi & English), a
pictorial presentation (on paper and video cd),
basic requirements to initiate the event, rules
and awards, profiles of the company and the core
team. I feel it will interest you and we can
sum-up to organize this international event.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Sincerely yours
For Ideal Equipments and Film Productions

Shrivas Nydu
(Festival Director)

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
International Film Festival on Tribal Life,
Odisha (IFFTLO) Bhubaneshwar Dec.2018
A Note

The Film Festival will showcase the indigenous

films that celebrate the biggest, the brightest,
the boldest of who we are as a people and


Most non indigenous people do not know truly

about the life and history of the native
peoples. This is not accidental but by design.
It is through the arts that this can change.

Films based on the theme of tribal culture, art,

religion, architecture, Philosophy, traditions,
mythology, history, life-style, food, costumes.
Jewelry, sports and various aspects associated
with them will be showcased in the festival.
Besides, there would be exhibitions on tribal
paintings, photos, sculptures, instruments and
programmes on tribal dance and music. Free
workshops on writing, lyrics writing and
composing film and TV music would be organized.
Television script writer, lyricist and film
composer will conduct these workshops. The
festival aims at providing a common platform to
the filmmakers involved in film making on tribal
art and culture across the globe. There are
almost 15 awards in the film competition.

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
Scheduled categories for filmmaker from any part
of the world are: International Award (to all
filmmakers), National Award (to all filmmakers
from India), Tribal Film Maker Award (to
filmmakers belonging to any tribal belt), State
Filmmaker Award and Student Award (For students

The three days to a week long State Level Tribal

Film Festival will be graced by celebrity chief
guests from film industry, political
dignitaries, renowned littérateurs, theatre
artists, musicians and dancers, social workers
and so on.

The festival also aims to provide common

platform to tribal film makers, producers,
directors and artists who involve in the film
making on various aspects of customs, traditions
and culture along with the modernized ways of
tribal life.

This kind of festival will definitely push up

smaller communities which provide opportunity to
showcase their hidden talents.

Many young talented artists can take advantage

of the festival and make a strong society by
motivating and educating the people on what
directors and producers want to give the message
to the public through their films.

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
Even though we have rich culture and folklores
we are yet to explore and preserve, the film
industry should record the rich tribal heritage
and also the tribal film directors and producers
to focus on the tribal folklores so that the
world community will come to know of the rich
heritage of the tribal people.

Such festival can encourage talents in a bigger

way to work in the field of not only films but
also in live performance of art, culture, dance
and songs.

As it has been seen that socio-economic,

tradition and culture are reflected in the films
on such subjects and no doubt film is one of the
most powerful media for mass communication.
“Through this medium we can tell the stories of
the rich culture, tradition, distinctive
characters of tribal life and share the type of
narratives that shifts the perception of how the
world view the tribal people.”

This festival will definitely boost not only

tribal tourism of Odisha but all kind of tourism
of the state including rural, religious, and
In a sum up we can say International Film
Festival on Tribal Life, Odisha (IFFTLO) will be
a remarkable event of the state. Amen!

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
आदिवासी जीवन पर अं तराा ष्ट्रीय दिल्म महोत्सव, उडीसा
भुबनेश्वर | दिसम्बर 2018

फिल्म महोत्सव में आफिवासी जन जीवन की फिल्में फिखाई जाएं गी

फजनमें हम िे खेंगे वह फवशालता, सािगोई और सुदृढ़ता जो हमें
बताएं गी फक हम लोग कौन हैं और हमारी संस्कृफत क्या है ।

ज़्याितर लोग आफिवासी लोगों के जीवन की सच्चाई व इफतहास

जानते ही नहीं हैं । ये कोई अचानक ही नहीं हुआ बल्कि गढ़ फिया
गया है । कला के फवस्तार से ही इस धारणा को बिला जा सकता है ।

आफिवासी संस्कृफत, कला, धमम , वास्तुकला, िशमन, परं पराओं,

पौराफणक कथाओं, इफतहास, जीवन शैली, भोजन, वेशभूषा, आभूषण,
खेल और उनके साथ जुडे फवफभन्न पहलुओं आफि फवषयों पर
आधाररत फिल्में ही इस फिल्मोत्सव का फहस्सा होंगी। इसके अलावा
आफिवासी पेंफ ं ग, िो ो, मूफतमयां , यं त्र उपकरण की प्रिशमनी के साथ
साथ आफिवासी नृत्य और संगीत के कायमक्रम इस फिल्मोत्सव की
शोभा बढ़ाएं गे। फिल्म लेखन, गीत लेखन व फिल्मों और ीवी के फलए
संगीत संयोजन फसखाने के फलए फनशुि कायमशालाएं लगाई जाएं गी।
े लीफवज़न के प कथा लेखक, गीतकार व सं गीतकार इन
कायमशालाओं का नेतृत्व करें गे। इस फिल्मोत्सव का उद्दे श्य है फक
आफिवासी कला और सं स्कृफत पर फिल्म बनाने से जु डे फवश्व के सभी
फिल्मकारों को एक सावमजफनक मं च प्रिान फकया जाए। फिल्म
प्रफतसपधाम में कोई 15 पुरुस्कार रखे गए हैं । िु फनया के फकसी भी
जगह से आने वाले फिल्मकार के फलए श्रेफणयां फनधाम ररत हैं : अं तराम ष्ट्रीय
पुरस्कार (सभी फिल्म फनमाम ताओं के फलए), राष्ट्रीय पुरुस्कार (भारत
के फिल्माकारों के फलए), आफिवासी फिल्मकार पु रुस्कार (भारत के
फकसी भीNo.आफिवासी
Flat क्षेत्र Yugdharma,
184, 18th Flr. Building-1, के आफिवासी फिल्मकारों
Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.क
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
े फलए),
राजकीय पु रुस्कार व छात्र पुरुस्कार केवल छात्र फिल्मकारों के
राज्य स्तर पर होने वाले इस तीन फिवसीय या फिर सप्ताह भर के
फिल्मोत्सव की शोभा बढ़ाने के फलए फिल्म जगत की प्रफसद्ध हल्कस्तयां ,
राजनेता, साफहत्यकार, ना ककार, संगीत व नृ त्य के जाने माने
कलाकार व सामाफजक कायमकताम आफि इसमें फहस्से िारी फनभाएं गे।

इस फिल्मोत्सव में आफिवासी क्षेत्र के फिल्मकारों, फनमाम ताओं,

फनिे शकों और कलाकारों को फवश्व स्तरीय फिल्म हल्कस्तयों के साथ
मंच साझा करने का मौका फमलेगा और साथ ही आफिवासी जीवन के
परं परागत व आधुफनक तरीकों पर फिल्में बनाने का प्रोत्साहन भी।
ऐसे आयोजन से फनफित ही छो े समुिायों को आगे आने की प्रेरणा
फमलेगी और फछपी हुई प्रफतभाओं को अपना जौहर फिखाने का
अवसर फमलेगा।

प्रफतभाशाली युवा कलाकार इस महोत्सव का भरपूर लाभ उठा सकते

हैं और फिल्मकारों की फिल्मों के जररए जो बातें सामने आएं गी,
उससे वे फशफक्षत होंगे और एक मजबूत समाज बनाने की ओर किम
बढ़ा सकते हैं ।

भले ही हम अपनी संस्कृफत और लोकगाथाओं को लेकर समृद्ध हैं ,

फिर भी हमें अभी बहुत कुछ खोजना है और उसे संरफक्षत करना हैु ,
फिल्म उद्योग से जुडे लोगों को हमारी आफिवासी फवरासत को ररकॉर्म
करना चाफहए और आफिवासी फिल्मकारों को आफिवासी
लोककथाओं पर ध्यान िे ना चाफहए ताफक फवश्व समुिाय को
जनजातीय लोगों की समृद्ध फवरासत के बारे में पता चले।

यह फिल्मोत्सव प्रफतभाओं को न केवल फिल्मों में काम करने के फलए

बल्कि बडे पैमाने पर उन्हें कला, संस्कृफत, नृत्य और गायन के लाइव
परिोमेंस के क्षेत्र में काम करने के फलए प्रोत्साफहत कर सकता है ।
Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
जैसा फक हम िे खते ही आ रहे हैं फक फिल्मों में सामाफजक-आफथमक
पररल्कथथफतयां , परं पराएं और सं स्कृफत पररलफक्षत होते हैं खासकर जब
ऐसे फवषयों पर फिल्में बनी होती हैं और फनिःसंिेह फिल्में जन संचार
का सबसे सशक्त माध्यम हैं । "इस माध्यम के ज़ररए हम समृद्ध
संस्कृफत, परं परा, आफिवासी जीवन के फवफशष्ट् पात्रों की कहाफनयों को
बता सकते हैं और उन कथाओं को िु फनया से साझा कर सकते हैं
ताफक वे पूरी तरह जान लें फक जनजातीय लोग कौन होते हैं , कैसे
फिखते हैं , क्या खाते हैं , कहां रहते हैं ।“

यह फिल्मोत्सव उडीसा में न केवल आफिवासी पयम न को बढ़ावा

िे गा, बल्कि ग्रामीण, धाफममक और पयाम वरण संबंफधत अने कों प्रकार
के पयम न को बढ़ावा िे गा।

संक्षेप में कह सकते हैं फक आफिवासी जीवन, पर अं तराम ष्ट्रीय फिल्म

महोत्सव उडीसा (IFFTLO) राज्य का एक उल्लेखनीय वृ तां त्त


Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
There are almost 15 awards
in the film competition.

Scheduled categories
for filmmaker from
any part of the world
International Award
(to all filmmakers),
National Award
(to all filmmakers from
Tribal Film Maker
(to filmmakers
belonging to any
tribal belt),
State Filmmaker
Student Award
(to any student
The three days
to a week long
State Level
Tribal Film Festival

will be graced by celebrity chief guests

from film industry, political dignitaries,
renowned littérateurs, theatre artists,
musicians and dancers, social workers
and so on.
This kind of
festival will
definitely push
up smaller

which provide opportunity to

showcase their hidden talents.
Many young
talented artists
can take
advantage of
the festival and
make a strong
society by
motivating and
educating the
people on
what directors
and producers
want to give
the message to
the public
through their
Even though we
have rich
culture and
folklores we are
yet to explore
and preserve,

the film industry

should record
the rich tribal
and also the
tribal film
directors and
producers to
focus on the
tribal folklores

so that the world community

will come to know of the rich
heritage of the tribal people.
to work in the field of not only films but

also in live performance of art,

culture, dance and songs.
This festival will definitely boost not only tribal
tourism of Odisha but all kind of tourism of the
state including rural, religious, and ecological.

The Core Team

Festival Director
Shrivas Nydu
Festival Technical Director
Chandra Bhushan Singh
Festival Secretary
Adv Mamta Bhatt
Festival Coordinator
Rajeev K. Gupta
Festival Art Director
Ajit Patnaik
IFFTLO Rules & Awards

IFFTLO will showcase films on or about tribes, tribal

lives, tribal arts, crafts, music dance, food &
culture. It is an International event to platform and
recognize authentic, artistic, effective and
informative films on tribal life and related aspects.
Apart from showcasing films as the main event it will
be incorporated with a fair of tribal arts and crafts,
food and cuisine along with live performances of
tribal music and dances of the state. The festival
will be attended by a number of celebrity guests from
Indian Film Industry, political and social activists,
personalities of literature and arts.

The advent of change and the fast development of

modern technology as well as the changes in attitudes,
cultures, nature of the modern societies and
lifestyles, are taking us away from the soil, the
nature, and the jungles and so on. Now is the time to
open ourselves up to new visions and perspectives, to
look at our roots, and the festival on tribal life
will take us deep to our roots as well as give a
chance to the tribal people to mingle up with the
modern society and share their values and importance
to the people of outer world to them.

Ranging in any length, film entries will present

native tribes, their art and culture including the
cuisine, music and dance as well as their problems
etc. the film can show tribal Agriculture, hunting
choices, show stunning landscapes and climates, and
document the lives of tribal people in the World.

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
It is an International event that will bring the best
films on tribal lives and the idea is to create an
atmosphere for film makers, social workers, students
and academicians to meet and exchange thoughts.

To some the tribal lives may sound a tiny world but it

covers a history of centuries. The civilization
started from the tribal living and you can call it the
soul of civilization. In that sense the festival
covers a vast range of subjects when we say “Films on
Tribal Life”. The idea is to understand the tribal
life in other parts of the world and to showcase our
state’s tribal life to the world community.

There are THREE awards in each category

Best Documentary Film (International)

Best Documentary Film (National)
Best Documentary Film (State)

Best Feature Film (International)

Best Feature Film (National)
Best Feature Film (State)

Best Short Feature (International)

Best Short Feature (National)
Best Short Feature (State)

Best Animation Film (International)

Best Animation Film (National)
Best Animation Film (State)

Special Jury Award

Audience Choice Award

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
• The International Film Festival on Tribal
Life is a festival of feature/short/documentary films
based on tribal life and anything related to it. It
will be held in January/February 2019, in a prominent
city in Odisha, India.

• All films must be submitted on-line for

consideration by the Selection Committee. If entries
are sent in the form of DVD, entries must be sent
prepaid to the Postal Address and, with proper
protection and it should be insured as the organizer
will not reimburse any lost or damage.

• A completed entry form must accompany each


• Please notify us by mail, fax or email if

any changes in the address of the submitter.

• The Festival committee has the right to

accept or refuse any film without assigning any reason

• The IFFTLO reserves the right to use

excerpts and pictures from the film for promotion and
public relation purposes.

• The film can be in any language, but it

should be subtitled in English. Even if the language
of the film is English, it should contain the

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
• Running time for feature is minimum 46 and
maximum 130, short should not exceed 45min but minimum
it can be 1 min. Animation can be 1 min. minimum to 90
maximum. But if any film which suits to the festival
subject we can consider no time limit for it.

• The film can be documentary, fiction or

animation. The original film may be produced on 35mm,
16mm, HD, DG Beta, Beta SP, Beta, U-Matic, DV, DVD,
Mobile but the film screening will be digital
projection only with stereo/mono sounds

• Entry for film is free. One participant can

send as many entries he/she likes, but with separate
entry forms, synopsis/description, still photo, press
kit should be enclosed.

• Please be sure there’s no copyright issues

to the film entry. If any copyright issue occurs
related to selected film, the festival organizers will
not be responsible for that. It should be dealt solely
by the submitter/producer of the film.

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
Company profile


company as the name suggests engaged in hiring and
rentals of professional BROADCAST EQUIPMENTS for
the television and film industry and also into film
productions on the large. The company was started in
1998 as an equipment hiring and rentals and got well
established in 2007. Later it got involved in covering and
capturing all big events happening in India and abroad
too, including Film Fare Awards, Screen Awards, IFA
Awards, Glad-rags, and a number of Star Nights and
further the company nurtured to a full-fledged production
house making corporate documentaries and audio video
programs for corporate houses like HPCL, Indian Oil,
Tata Motors, ICICI Lombard, and so on. Our progress
took us to government departments and we made
numerous documentaries and info-commercial for them
most of the time indirectly as a contract producer for the
assigned agencies or production houses.

As we are fully equipped hence we nurture not our own

silver screen dreams but also help others whether a well-
established big house or a new comer in the industry to
achieve targets for mutual benefits.

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
Since the company is involved in Event Video Coverage
and so got assigned to do the video productions to cover
the first season of International Festival of Films on
Culture & Tourism (IFFC-2005), Jaipur, Rajasthan and
later worked as the technical and creative agency for the
further seasons of the festival till date and will be working
for the forthcoming season dated 28, 29 & 30th March
2018. Apart from the mentioned festival the company is
also associated with International Film Festival on Tribal
Arts & Crafts, Madhya Pradesh. IFFTAC is a travelling
kind of festival which is held in alternately to different
cities of Madhya Pradesh i.e. Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur
and so on. The company has a proud association with
Gandhi Panorama (An International Film Festival on
Gandhi and Gandhian Principles) This festival is
thoroughly a travelling festival started from Vardha
Ashram of Gandhiji in 2008 and since travelling to many
parts of India and abroad. The recent Editions from 6 to
10 happened in Bihar State from March 25 to April 20,
2017. The Patna Edition of Gandhi Panorama was
graced by Shri Nitish Kuma ji, CM Bihar.

The company has a team of professionals & experienced
staff in all the respective departments. You can see their
capacities in their profile of works attached separately.

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
Create a workplace that respects employee
integrity and creativity resulting in a high level of
client satisfaction. Emerge as a responsible
corporate company. Create value for the viewer in
all production activities undertaken.


Red Chilies Entertainment Pvt. Ltd

Sol Production Pvt. Ltd
Camera Arts Pvt. Ltd
Sahara India TV Network
Star India Pvt. Ltd
Cinergy Pictures Pvt. Ltd
Deepti Bhatnagar Production Pvt. Ltd
Star CJ Network India Pvt. Ltd
Tangerine Digital Entertainment Pvt. Ltd
TV 9 Media Maharashtra Pvt. Ltd
Indian Infotainment Media Corporation
Super Ads
Times Group
Sashi Sumit Productions Pvt. Ltd
Eros Digital Pvt. Ltd.
And the list is endless..

Flat No. 184, 18th Flr. Building-1, Yugdharma, Goregaon (W), Mumbai- 400 104.
) 022 28082733, 09821192924, 09702909300 *,
Festival Director
A post graduate in Advertising and Public Relations.
He has been associated with the field of film making
for more than 15 years. Though graduated in graphic
designing and worked as a visualizer in initial years of
his career. He has been associated with well known
Indian production houses like Professional
Management Group, Durga Khote Productions, Neo
Films, Balaji Telefilms Ltd., Shri Ashtvinayak Cinevision
Ltd., Eros International, Superads and Shashi Sumit
Productions, IIMC and so on. Following list is the
Professional Record…

Year Assignments
2017 He has been the FESTIVAL DIRECTOR for
International Festival of Short Films on Culture
& Tourism (IFFC) 2017 Jaipur, Rajasthan. &
Festival Director for GANDHI PANORAMA
(International Film Festival on Gandhi ji & his
Principles) Bihar Edition 2017. He produced &
directed a short titled “Manto’s Marriage”
which is getting good response at Festival
Circuit all over the world.
Year Assignments
2016 Apart from making tens of TVC and corporate
documentaries he has been the FESTIVAL DIRECTOR
for Rajasthan Govt’s International Festival of Short
Films on Culture & Tourism (28-30th March 2016),
2015 Worked as an Executive Producer and Director for
19 Films for the theatrical series Personalities Of
India. Scripted and Directed a number of TVC and
corporate documentaries for several corporate
houses including Hindustan Petroleum, Mumbai.
2014 Remarkable work for the year is Reviving Imagery a
feature length documentary on Palamau, Satyajit
Ray & Aranyer Dinratri, apart from several corporate
and ad films. 11 Short Films (News Reels) on
Personalities of India for Theatrical Release.
2013 Wrote and directed A number of television
commercials for brands like, Paras Pipes, Times
Gehena, Chandan Mukhwas, Vandevi Hing, Easy
Go Trip, Competition Commission of India, G-1
Herbal Tea and so on. Scripted and Directed
Chappal Chor (The Sandal Thief) a no dialogue
short of 14 min.
2012 Scripted and Directed Balakka – Loved Woman, a
Black Comedy 91min feature film. The film has got
official selection for competition category for South
West London International Film Festival-2012,
London, Delhi International Film Festival-2012, New
Delhi and MIFF’13, Cairo, Egypt and several other
international film festival and had been
appreciated at lot among the audiences.
2011- Dozens of TVCs. AVs for big corporate like ICICI,
2010 Documentaries on Tribals, Shabda Yog Foundation,
India, Shukratal the pilgrimage, and few
Propagandistic Short Docu-Fictions including Jaggo
Didi and Live Life with Standards for Consumer
Affairs Department, Government of India.
Year Assignments
2009- Credited with an Associate Director for the Film
2008 titled AA DEKHEN ZARA directed by Jehangir Surti
and produced by Viki Rajani for Eros
International Ltd. The film’s stars include Bipasha
Basu, Neil N. Mukesh and Rahul Dev and it
released world wide 2009 March 27.
2008- Credited with the title of Chief Assistant Director
2007 for Film MAHARATHI (Staring: Naseeruddin Shah,
Paresh Rawal, Ompuri, Boman Irani, Neha
Dhupia and Tara Sharma) directed by Shivam
Nair and produced by Shri Ashtvinayak
Cinevision Ltd. The film was released on
November 2008.
2006- Penned approximately 20 Info-Commercials &
2004 Documentaries on various subjects including
bomb alert films for Indian Railways. TV series
Naye Dwaar and Khadi directed by Limca Book
of Record honoured director Devendra
Khandelwal and produced by Indian
Infotainment Media Corporation, Mumbai
2003 Bhojpuri Indian regional language directed
some additional comic scenes for it.
2001- Worked as an Associate Director for Telefilm
1997 titled First Kill (part of the series Director’s Cut on
Star TV India ), Mano Ya Na Mano (Zee TV ),
Aahat ( Sony TV ), Wagle ki Nayi Duniya ( Star TV
), all of these directed by Shriram Raghvan,
director of well received films like Ek Hasina Thi,
Johny Gaddar, Agent Vinod and recently
released Badlapur. A number of TVC with Durga
Khote Productions, Stump Vision (Cricket
magazine on DD), produced by Sunil Gavaskar,
hosted by Cyrus Brucha and directed by Subu
Subramanian an FTII graduate.
At present apart from doing researches, writing, directing
Documentaries, Television Commercials, and Corporate
Films, he is producing and directing a feature length
documentary and a feature film for Festival Circuit. He is
the Festival Director for Season Five of International Festival
of Short Films on Culture and Tourism, (IFFC-V), Jaipur,
Rajasthan. The festival will take place in March 2018. You
can find a bundle of his works on youtube search browsing
his name. Shrivas Nydu
Festival Technical &
Administration Director
A Graduate, he has been working in the marketing
and management field with an experience of more
than 10 years in dealing with corporates.

He started his career with M/s 25 FPS Media Pvt Ltd as

Technical Director for The Show “Business Baazigar”
For Zee TV.

He is also worked as a professional Cameraman & did

a number of shows the followings are a few of them…

“The Greater Indian Laughter Show” for Violet Picture

Pvt Ltd
‘Challenge’ for “ Star One”
“Games Bond” Star One Show for Kalkush & Co
“Dial One Jito” – Sahara TV for Cogito TV
Wah Wah Kya Baat Hai – Sub TV for Kalkush & Co
Kaun Banega Crore Pati
He has directed and produced lots of Corporate Films,
Ad Films, Documentaries, and TV Shows including
“Laurel India” and A Tourism film for Singapore

Later on he has joined M/s Just Video Broadcast Pvt

Ltd one of the leading Supplier of Broadcast
Equipments on Hiring basis as a Technical Advisor. And
started his own production company Ideal Equipments
and Film Productions to venture out more endeavors

As per the events are concerned he worked for

GladRags, Screen Awards, Film Fair Awards as Video
Coverage Producer and he has been supervising and
working as a Festival Technical Director for India’s
renowned Film Festivals namely International Festival of
Films on Culture & Tourism, (IFFC) Jaipur, Rajasthan, all
editions, International Festival of Films on Tribal Arts &
Crafts, (IFFTAC) Indore, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh (all
editions) and Gandhi Panorama (International Film
Festival on Gandhi & His Principles). Gandhi Panorama
is a travelling film festival and hence held not only pan
India but in abroad too. The recent editions were held
in Bihar to commemorate Champaran Satyagraha
Centenary Year.

At present he is heading the company ‘Ideal

Equipments and Film Productions’ and producing
documentaries, corporate films and short films for
international markets.
Festival Secretary

A professional lawyer and an author, who has grown

up the ladders in corporate India. She is a leader
among her peers in the business world, and has been
honored with numerous awards citing her
commitment, skill, and integrity. She had worked as a
Director to BJN Group, a popular fine dine restaurant
chain in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad.
Her achievements are very impressive, she is an
administrator of a world-class performance and a twist
occurs and this top rank lady turns to a renowned
speaker and author. She has almost all the qualities,
creative talent and desire that were necessary for her
present work i.e. writing. Her writing journey began in
2001 through her articles on legal issues; some of which
have made their place in The Asian Age, The Free
Press Journal, The and
When Mamta is not writing, she engages her little
readers at schools, institutions, libraries, etc. through
reading sessions and motivational dialogue.

Mamta is a single mother of a curious, intelligent boy,

and holds strong Indian values. She believes that
through this initiative of writing for children, she will
revive an interest in Indian mythology and present the
rich treasure trove of wisdom that will benefit them
throughout their life.

Her first co-authored book “Warriors of Kurukshetra” –

Mahabharat for children, was published in 2013 and
has made a good mark amongst her readers.

Mamta’s beautiful journey of writing continues with her

second book, “An Eternal Hero – Ram” --- Ramayan
for children. Ramayan for Children is an easy to read,
comprehensive, fluidly adapted story of the great
Indian epic Ramayan. This title too got a remarkable
hit on the publication pitch.

On the live performance front she has produced a

Magnum Opus Musical titled “Veerbhad Madho
Singh” A saga of a hero of Uttarakhand. The show still
runs in Mumbai and Dehradun. Apart from this she is
also planning to produce a low budget movie with
high content and at present she is busy in writing
another untitled epic story and hopefully by the end of
the year she will release her third title and launch her
film too.
Festival Coordinator
He is a Post Graduate in PM & IR from L N Mishra Institute,
Patna, & additionally he did a two year Course in Tourism
from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi since Tourism has
always been passion for him and that developed a zeal in
him to bring reforms in tourism industry. And in that
process he became the founder and director of
“YAATRAINDIA" (Youth Association for Advancement of
Tourism & Related Activities). It’s an innovative approach
to provide assistance to Government in Tourism Sector
with promotional activities.

He is such a brilliant technocrat of tourism that he guides,

backs and connects the unemployed youth to tourism
industry as this domain has ample potential to generate
direct & indirect employment. This efforts of his is bringing
a change in the socio-economic strata of those now
employed youths. He introduced an excellent drive
called “TAP"(Tourism Awareness Programme) just to
provide a strong back up to government programmes like
" Athithi Devo Bhawa" & " Swachh Bharat Abhiyan". TAP
proposal has been appreciated by several districts of
Jharkhand and now he is planning to propose the same
to other states.
He is a devote leader of great range and wants to
enhance worth to his initiatives and try to cultivate &
propagate 3Ps message of tourism i.e. Tourism for Peace,
Prosperity & Progress.
Apart from his professional activities to cater tourism
industry, he is also committed towards sustainable
development of Tourism by adopting various measures,
innovative ideas & programmes under the umbrella of
Youth Tourism & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.

As his profession suggests he is totally into managing or

coordinating one after the other events related to culture
and tourism as well as organizing shootings for films and
documentaries as a line producer for discovery channel,
national geography channel, and so on. To name some of
the live events are …
More Mati More Gaan (My Soil: My Song) Culture
Promotion Research Division. Under "More Mati More
Gaan" campaign the motto is to bring the inherent
potential of Tribal folk song, Music, Dance & Various other
aspect on broad canvas and to make and organize the
same for the archive.
Dehaat Darshan (Rural Tourism) Promoting rural tourism
through rural fairs, food, folk arts and crafts. Under this
programme local artists and talents are also supported
Jungle Sair-Sapata (Jungle Safaris) This event is largely
organized in the heart of the big cities calling people to
visit jungle and refresh themselves with nature and
greenery. And also convey the convey message that
Tourism is for - Peace, Progress & Prosperity.
Khush-Bhoo (The Pleasant Place) This event is
organized for NGOs, School & College Students and local
inhabitants to suggest, motivate & initiate beautification &
cleanness of the tourist places. This event definitely
contributes to government’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan too.
Under this event we train guides as “Prayatak Mitra” (the
tourist companion) to be vigilant and contribute towards
the neatness of their areas.
Festival Art Director

Born in Odisha and graduated in Fine Arts, he is one of

the top Art Director and Production Designer of Indian
Cinema & TV Industry.


• Working since the last 33 years in Mumbai

Film Industry.

• Worked as associate Art Director in 24 Hindi

Feature Films.

• Worked independently on more than 16

feature films & 20 mega TV Serials.

• Worked on over 050 commercial, Ad films &


Best Art Director – T.V. Serial (The Sword of Tipu Sultan)
•Films Independently Done are…

Agnikaal Abbas Mastan Siddharth 1991

Paayal Mahendra Pooja Films 1991
Vajwa Re Vajwa Girish G S Filmshop 1992
(Marathi) Ghanekar

Teresang Janam Tarun SS 1993

Dhanrajgiri Radhanavi
Akhir Kaun Tinu Anand Reflector 1993

Bach Ke Rehna Re Ayub Sayad Farz Film 2003

Divorce Ramanan V for U 2003

Dream Hotels of Auto Retzer Lisa Films 2005

German Film
Untouch Love Sunny Kumar A One Film 2005

Socha Na Tha Bharat Singh Feature Film 2006

Khap Ajai Sinha Ananda 2010

Bioscope Sumeet Sinhaq Sea Hawk 2011
Desire of the Heart Hollywood Film S.P. 2012
Mango Dreams John Jack FILMS 2014
Hollywood Upchurch
He has been associated with legendary Art
Directors of Indian Cinema like Nitish Roy,
Bijon Das and did a big fat amount of work
with them as their associate art director for
films, televisions and other mediums. Apart
from doing art direction and production
designs he had done a number of events as
an art director and designer to name some


31st Dec Night President Hotel 1991
L & T (Product Launch) Ad-division 1993
Texus Jeans Supreme Apparel 1995
BPL & Prerna Dandia Amitabh Bachchan 1996
Raas Corp Ltd.
Treasor WTC Centre, Bandra 2000
Inside Outside WTC Centre, Bandra 2000
Octave Hyderabad 2010
Octave Bangalore 2010
Permanent Sets Samvaad Studio 2008-2014
Designed RESORT Outskirt Mumbai 2015
Designed Pruthiviraj Outskirt Mumbai 2016
Palace Hotel
Festival Art Director Associate
A fine arts graduate from Indore now working in
Mumbai Film Industry as an Art Director and Designer.
He has a vast experience of art constructions. He has
been associated with top names of film designing
today i.e. Nitin C. Desai, Ajit Patnayak, Late Samir
Chandra, Sukant Panigrahi and so on. His body of
work can more explanatory about him.
Some of his TV shows CHAKKI |ADRISHYA
as an Art Director are…
Some of the
as a Designer are… KEHLATA HE | SHOBHA

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