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Pembimbing : Prof. Dr. dr.

Ratna Akbari Ganie, SpPK-KH

dr. Malayana Rahmita Nst


Mutasi : Mutasi : - Kehilangan CAM

- Reseptor faktor - Siklus sel - Produksi matiks
pertumbuhan regulator protease
- Protein Kinase - Mutasi tambahan berlebihan

Sel Normal Mutan, sel Tumor jinak Tumor

neoplastik (tidak stabil ganas
(disregulasi secara (metastasis)
pertumbuhan, genetik)
Origin of Neoplasia
 Viral (Rous sarcoma, 1908; shope papilloma,
1933; Bittner milk factor, 1953)

 Immunologic theories (Ehrlich, 1908; immune

surveillance, Burnet, 1950s)
Two types of Origin :
Monoclonal Origin : affects a single cell (B
cell Lymphoma)
Field Origin : affects a large number of
similar cells (breast cancer)

 Knudson : carcinogenesis requires two

hits; initiation (carcinogen) & promotion
(several time).
Monoclonal Origin
Field Origin
Knudson carsinogenesis
Virogene Oncogene
Immune Surveilance
 Neoplastic changes frequently occur in the cells
of the body
 As a result of alteration in their DNA, neoplastic
cells produce new molecule
 The immune system recognizes these
neoantigens as foreign and mounts a cytotoxic
immune response that destroys the neoplastic
 Neoplastic cells produce clinically detectable
neoplasm only if they escape recognition and
destruction by the immune system.
Respon Imun Terhadap Tumor

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