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Never give up

Manuela Fernando Andres

Ms. Trotter
17 october 2018
By: jaci Velasquez and pablo Portio
Never give up
No me rendiré, yo lo conseguiré
Voy a entregarme en cuerpo, alma y corazón
No me rendiré, yo se que triunfaré
Yo lucharé con el apoyo del amor
No me rendiré, jamás renunciaré
No habrá muralla que no pueda derribar

I will not give up, I will get it

I will give myself in body, soul and heart
I will not surrender, I know that I will triumph
I will fight with the support of love
I will not surrender, I will never give up
There will be no wall that can not be knocked down
Key words

● Gives hope
● Inspired
● That you can fight
● How: gives me inspired doing something

● Why :why I was doing me homework

● when : two years ago now


● Strong
● Happiness
● Hope
● Trust
Nerve give up
Never give up in you dream

In you goals that you want to achieve

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