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Mode of occurrence of minerals

 Minerals are usually found in “ores”.

 Ores: A naturally occurring solid material
from which a metal or a mineral is
 Igneous and Metamorphic rocks: the minerals
are found in cracks , faults and joints.
 The smaller occurrence are called veins and the
lager is called lodes.
Sedimentary Rocks
 In sedimentary a number of minerals occur in layers
and beds.
 They are formed by decomposition.
 Insome cases decomposition of the rocks and
removal of soluble constituents and leaves
the residual of the weathered material
containing ores
 Eg : bauxite.
 When the alluvial soil gets deposited in sands of
valley floors at the base of hills, certain minerals
are formed.
 These deposits are called “placer deposits”.

 The generally contain minerals that are not

corroded by water.
 Eg: gold, silver, platinum and tin.
 The ocean water contains a vast quantity of
 Common salt , magnesium and bromine are
largely extracted from ocean water.

 The minerals in India are unevenly distributed

through out the country.
 Peninsular rocks contain most of the reserves of coal,
metallic minerals, mica and many other non metals.
 Gujarat and Assam have major deposits of petrol.
 Rajasthan have the ores of non ferrous metals.
 These variations in distribution of the minerals is
because of the geological structure, process and time
involved in the formation of minerals

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