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Amanda Yufika, MSc

Bagian Family Medicine
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala
 Genogram / McGoldrick-Gerson study / Lapidus
schematic / family diagram
 A pictorial display of a person’s family relationships and
medical history
 It goes beyond a traditional family tree by allowing the user
to visualize hereditary patterns and psychological factors
that punctuate relationships
 Used in: medicine, psychiatry, psychology, social work,
genetic research, education, etc

 Can be used to identify patterns of behavior and to

recognize hereditary tendencies
 Genograms are often drawn by hand, sketched working
right with the client
 Can be also created using graphics or word processing
 Examples of genogram programs:
 A genogram is created with simple symbols representing the gender, with
various lines to illustrate family relationships
 Some genogram users also put circles around members who live in the
same living spaces
 Genogram symbols will usually have the date of birth (and date of death if
applicable) above, and the name of the individual underneath
 The inside of the symbol will hold the person’s current age or various codes
for genetic diseases or user-defined properties e.g abortions, still-births,
 It can include many generations, however, four generations may prove to be
enough detail
 The male parent is always at the left of the family and the
female parent is always at the right of the family.
 A spouse must always be closer to his/her first partner,
then the second partner (if any), third partner, and so on...
 The oldest child is always at the left his family, the youngest
child is always at the right his family.
 A genogram can contain a wealth of information on the
families represented
 It will not only show you the names of people who belong
to your family lineage, but how these relatives relate to
each other
 One of the advantages of a genogram is the ability to use
color-coded lines to define different types of relationships
such as family relationships, emotional relationships, and
social relationships
 Mr. Richard (59 yo) married to Mrs. Hanna (57 yo) and have two
daughters (Ruby, 33 yo and Ashley, 30 yo). Ruby is married to Ricky
(36 yo) with two kids: Alex (6 yo) and Amy (3 yo). Meanwhile, Ashley
is married to David (33 yo) with twins: Henry and Sabrina (2 yo)
 Mr. Richard is the 3rd child of 5, of Mr. Allen (passed away in 2004)
and Mrs. Rose (passed away in 2006). The 5 siblings are (in birth
order, the 1st to 5th): Mr. Tom, Mrs. Nicole, Mr. Richard, Mr. Brad, and
Mrs. Susan
 Meanwhile, Mrs. Hanna is the 2nd child of 4, of Mr. Isaac (died in 1983)
and Mrs. Mary (77 yo). The 4 siblings are (in birth order, the 1st to 4th):
Mr. Charlie, Mrs. Hanna, and twins Mrs. Julia and Mrs. Judith.
 Medical genograms provide a quick and useful context to
evaluate an individual’s health risks
 Knowledge of diseases and conditions that occur within a
family can give a health team invaluable information that
may aid in a swift, accurate diagnosis and treatment
 Knowledge of diseases and illness that “run” in families can
give individuals an important head start in pursuing
effective preventive measures
 Helpful in determining patterns of diseases or illness
within a family
 Mr. Richard (59 yo) was diagnosed with hypertension, while Mrs. Hanna (57
yo) has an asthma. Their daughter Ashley (30 yo) has rhinitis allergy. Ruby is
not diagnosed with any kind of allergies, however, her son Alex was
diagnosed with asthma, like his grandmother. Meanwhile, Ashley’s twins are
allergic to lactose
 Mr. Allen, Mr. Richard’s father, (passed away for Hemorrhagic stroke due to
long-time hypertension). As for his siblings, Mrs. Nicole was diagnosed
with heart disease, while Mr. Brad is a smoker
 Meanwhile, Mr. Isaac, Mrs. Hanna’s father died in 1983 due to Hepatitis C.
Meanwhile, his wife, Mrs. Mary has lived with hypertension and CHF. Her
sibling, Mrs. Julia also suffers from asthma.

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